Susie Mathieson, an advocate for amplifying the small yet pivotal steps, joins Larry Long Jr. to unveil the subtle parallels between Tennis and Cold Calling. Dive deep into the significance of mindset, the power of authenticity, and the relentless pursuit of practice that drives success in both realms.
Published 10/11/23
Discover the secrets behind Ed Ross's groundbreaking approach to sales and leadership. With over 30 years of experience, Ed delves deep into revenue enablement, the true power behind cold calling, and the potential of "The Wave" in reshaping business dynamics. Learn to harness the energy of collaboration, trust, and strategic planning.
Published 10/02/23
Larry Long Jr teams up with Ashleigh Early to address the cold call challenges specific to founders. From understanding the initial jitters to crafting the perfect pitch, Ashleigh offers a founder-centric approach to sales outreach. If you're a founder looking to refine your cold calling strategy, this is the episode for you!
Published 09/27/23
Step into the cold calling arena with Wendy Harris, the 'Queen of Conversation'. Learn why four seconds are the new gold standard in grabbing attention and how the phrase 'Can you help me?' can be your secret weapon. This episode is a masterclass in building intentional conversations that count.
Published 09/25/23
Join Chris James on a journey into the heart of effective sales training. From understanding your team on a deeper level to the critical components of SDR success, Chris offers a comprehensive guide. Equip your team with the tools they need to excel and break new boundaries.
Published 09/15/23
Morgan J Ingram, the 4x LinkedIn Top Sales Voice, shares transformative insights into the world of B2B influencer marketing and content creation. From mastering edutainment to leveraging AI in sales strategies, Morgan dives deep into how content is reshaping the sales landscape. Plus, catch exclusive tips for SDRs, AEs, and sales leaders, and learn why asking "What do you want to be known for?" can redefine your approach.
Published 09/04/23
In this riveting episode, Niraj Kapur delves into the power of mindset, the significance of routine, and the hidden opportunities in adversity. Learn why a combination of tools is the recipe for revenue in 2023 and how the subtle art of personalization can set you apart. Discover the peak times for cold calling, the importance of social proof, and the nuances of sales culture across continents.
Published 08/28/23
Unlock the secrets of SaaS and eCommerce excellence with Nathan Bird. Dive into his transformative "100% Plus" philosophy and discover how to harness more from every day. Nathan's insights will inspire and empower your data-driven sales journey
Published 08/21/23
Dive deep with Donald Kelly, The Sales Evangelist and author of "Sell It Like A Mango". Discover how his Jamaican roots have infused his sales techniques, highlighting Desire, Process, and Purpose. Plus, snag an exclusive LinkedIn tip to enrich, not just expand, your connections.
Published 08/14/23
Join us in this special episode with a very special guest: Cynthia Barnes. A beacon for women in sales and the founder of the National Association of Women Sales Professionals. Larry and Cynthia talk about success, inclusion and women empowerment. 
Published 08/07/23
In this season's Kick Off, we introduce you to Larry Long JR, who dives into the world of sales with The Godfather of Modern Sales Training: John Barrows. A great episode filled with the best tips, tricks, and methods used by one of the most recognized sales leaders in the industry today.
Published 07/31/23
Join us in our first Extended Interview in the Cold Calling Podcast. In this episode, Collin is joined by a very special guest: Josh Braun, mostly known for his knowledge in cold outreach and sales expertise. This is a show you can't miss! No calls, just a very fruitful conversation for SDRS and BDRS out there! 
Published 06/05/23
In this episode of The Cold Calling Podcast, Zack Bower share his favorite times a day to pick up the phone and make some Cold Calls. 
Published 06/02/23
Everyone has an opinion on voicemails and in this episode of The Cold Calling Podcast, Collin and our guest Zack Bower share theirs. 
Published 06/01/23
In this episode of The Cold Calling Podcast, Collin is joined by Zack Bower and they talk about how to address an unqualified prospect and let that go. 
Published 05/31/23
In this episode of The Cold Calling Podcast, Collin and Zack Bower discuss the famous double tap. 
Published 05/30/23
In this episode of The Cold Calling Podcast, Collin and Zack Bower talk about the importance of knowing when someone's not a great fit. 
Published 05/29/23
In this episode of The Cold Calling Podcast, Collin and our guest Zack Bower discuss how you should know when to give some one a call back and start over. 
Published 05/26/23
In this episode of The Cold Calling Podcast, Collin is joined by our guest Zack Bower and they talk about Collin being flexible with his script depending on the prospect and how many times he has ran the list. 
Published 05/25/23
In this episode of The Cold Calling Podcast, Keith shares his current intro and says it typically works really well. 
Published 05/24/23
In this episode of The Cold Calling Podcast, Collin has a "polite" no from a prospect and they discuss with Keith how nice it feels. 
Published 05/23/23
In this episode of The Cold Calling Podcast, Collin gets a funny objection never heard before in this show and shares it with Keith. 
Published 05/22/23
In this episode of The Cold Calling Podcast, Collin reacts the best way possible to the usual "I have a meeting" 
Published 05/19/23
In this episode of The Cold Calling Podcast, Collin and Keith Dawson share their thoughts on asking for the meeting right away. Collin also gets a call and shares why he backed off.
Published 05/18/23
In this episode of The Cold Calling Podcast, Collin and our guest Keith Dawson discuss Collin's booked meeting. 
Published 05/17/23