3 Key Discoveries - The Power of Comprehensive Care: Dr. CeCe emphasizes the importance of integrating information from specialists and lab results to ensure nothing is overlooked in your health journey. This holistic view can make all the difference in achieving optimal wellness. - Understanding Your Unique Lab Results: Annah Kate shares her personal experience with tracking lab results over time. Knowing your individual baseline can provide invaluable insights into your health and help...
Published 07/25/24
Thank you for tuning in to our latest episode a recap of Episode 16, "Empowering Women's Reproductive Health." This week, our esteemed guests, Dr. Natalie and host Dr. CeCe, shared invaluable insights and transformative health strategies that are pivotal in fostering women's reproductive health and wellness. If you haven't yet listened to the episode, we invite you to engage with the content that has sparked enlightening conversations about the importance of comprehensive fertility...
Published 07/18/24
3 key discoveries: Isabel shares her journey from battling Lyme disease and anaphylactic allergies to establishing a successful practice that helps medically complicated individuals. Learn how gut health and histamine reactions play a crucial role in overall wellbeing. Discover the often-overlooked effects of environmental toxicity and mold sensitivity on health. Isabel's personal story about uncovering mold in her living environment sheds light on the significance of addressing...
Published 07/11/24
Have you ever felt overwhelmed and frustrated by the lack of answers during pregnancy? Think back to when you were searching tirelessly for relief from recurring mastitis or answers about your low progesterone levels. I know how daunting and isolating it can be to navigate. Our approach takes the guesswork out of your prenatal and postpartum care with easy-to-follow, expertly crafted-guides and resources. Instead of feeling confused and isolated, you'll have a clear path laid out for you,...
Published 07/01/24
In Episode 65 of The Discovery Doc Podcast, hosts Dr. CeCe and Annah Kate unpack essential wellness habits that can set children up for a lifetime of good health. Covering topics from the importance of probiotics and omega-3s to detox routines and the critical role of sleep, they share practical tips and expert advice. The episode also explores effective ways to incorporate supplements into kids' routines and hones in on the benefits of bioavailable nutrients. Tune in for an insightful...
Published 06/20/24
In this powerful episode of The Discovery Doc Podcast, hosts Dr. CeCe and Annah Kate revisit their impactful conversation with two-time Olympic gold medalist and MMA world champion Kayla Harrison. Reflecting on episode 32, they dive deep into Kayla's journey from pain to purpose, exploring her battles with trauma, the transformative power of inner strength, and the importance of a supportive community. This episode is a testament to resilience, healing, and the unyielding human spirit. Grab...
Published 06/13/24
Discovery Digest: Recap of Episode 2 3 Key Discoveries 1. The Battle with Hidden Aggressors: Annah Kate unfolds her story about the realities of food sensitivities and autoimmune responses. Discover how her battle is not just with gluten but with the unseen ingredients that differ from continent to continent. 2. Strength in Adversity: Annah Kate’s resilience shines through as she discusses her struggle with Lyme disease and co-infections, offering hope to those on similar paths. Dr. CeCe...
Published 06/06/24
Discovery Digest: Recap of Episode 1 The Discovery Doc Podcast is tailored for individuals dealing with chronic illnesses, autoimmune conditions, healthcare professionals seeking alternative views, caregivers, and health enthusiasts. 3 Key Discoveries 1. Empowerment through Knowledge: Gain deep insights into misunderstood conditions like Lyme disease, helping you advocate for your health. 2. Finding Effective Solutions: Discover various treatments and strategies, such as SOT, that might...
Published 05/30/24
1. Infrared Therapy Benefits: - Penetrates cells at a deeper level, providing pain relief and muscle relaxation. - Enhances circulation and oxygenation throughout the body. - Accelerates tissue repair, supports detoxification, and promotes skin health and rejuvenation. 2. Different Infrared Modalities: - Infrared sauna – offers numerous health benefits including improved cardiovascular function and joint flexibility. - Red light therapy – provides varying depths of penetration and is used...
Published 05/23/24
3 Key Discoveries 1. Pulse electromagnetic therapy (PEMF) is a powerful modality for pain relief, inflammation reduction, and cellular regeneration. 2. PEMF has been proven to accelerate the healing of injuries, including broken bones, and is beneficial for post-surgery recovery. 3. This therapy has notable neuroprotective effects and can enhance sleep quality, making it a valuable tool for overall wellness. Discover More: https://thediscoverydoc.com/tdd-links
Published 05/16/24
3 Key Discoveries 1. Natural relief options for allergies - Dr. CeCe shared insights on natural supplements and remedies for allergies, including homeopathy and specific products like Allergy Calm, DeHist, and Seasonal Shield. 2. Household strategies for managing allergies - Learn about practical tips for managing allergies at home, such as maintaining clean air filters, using air purifiers, and being mindful of pollen tracking indoors. 3. Special segment on pet allergies - Discover how to...
Published 05/09/24
3 Key Discoveries 1. Healing the Gut Goes Beyond Food Elimination: Simply cutting out trigger foods may not fully address chronic GI issues. Identifying the underlying causes, such as candida overgrowth or H. pylori, through stool tests and blood work is essential for effective gut healing. 2. Holistic Gut Healing Protocols: Integrating supplements like Mega IgG, MegaPre, and MegaMucosa, in addition to peptides for severe cases, can aid in restoring the gut lining and promoting diversity in...
Published 05/02/24
3 Key Discoveries 1. The importance of understanding lab reference ranges and their potential inaccuracies. 2. How to interpret lab results to uncover potential health issues before they escalate. 3. The significance of tracking your own health data for a comprehensive understanding of your body's patterns. Discover More: https://thediscoverydoc.com/tdd-links
Published 04/25/24
3 Key Discoveries 1. Establish your baseline: Knowing your body's baseline through yearly wellness panels can provide valuable insight into your overall health and what may be considered "normal" for you, even if it differs from general reference ranges. 2. Track your supplements: From vitamin D to gut health, and even mitochondrial support, understanding which supplements work best for you is essential for optimal wellness. And remember, it's good to rotate your supplements to keep your...
Published 04/18/24
3 Key Discoveries 1. SOT targets Lyme bacteria with precision, offering a potentially effective alternative where antibiotics and herbs fall short. 2.Personalized experiences with Lyme and co-infections shape the journey to recovery; SOT may not be a 'cure-all' but has provided a beacon of hope for many. 3. Post-SOT treatment, focus on repair and restoration is essential as it does not prevent re-infection or address damage already incurred. Discover More:...
Published 04/11/24
3 Key Discoveries 1. Differentiating Lyme vs. Bartonella: The bacteria causing Lyme disease is Borrelia burgdorfri, while Bartonella has various strains like Bartonella Henceley and Bartonella vinceoni. Understanding the distinction between the two is crucial in identifying symptoms and formulating effective treatment plans. 2. Cognitive and physical symptoms: Both infections can manifest as fatigue and cognitive impairment, but there are subtle differences. Lyme tends to cause joint pain...
Published 04/04/24
Unveiling Underlying Causes and Holistic Solutions 3 Key Discoveries: 1. Eczema, especially in babies, is becoming more prevalent, and conventional treatments often focus on managing symptoms rather than addressing underlying causes. 2.Eczema is often a result of internal issues and can be linked to gut health and histamine levels. Addressing these root causes can lead to significant improvement in symptoms. 3.Functional medicine offers hope and effective solutions for managing eczema,...
Published 03/28/24
3 Key Discoveries: 1. Protecting Gut Health During Antibiotic Use: When using antibiotics, it's important to take proactive steps to protect your gut health. This can include doubling up on probiotics, adding spore-based probiotics to kill off bad bacteria, and keeping candida at bay with natural remedies like oil of oregano and caprylic acid. 2. Timing Matters: When taking antibiotics and additional supplements, timing plays a crucial role. Be mindful of how and when you take your...
Published 03/21/24
3 Key Discoveries Early Orthodontic Intervention: It's crucial to address underdeveloped jaws to prevent complications that can extend beyond oral health, impacting sinuses, eye sockets, and even causing myopia. Palate Expansion: Non-invasive options like retainers can be effective in expanding the palate at a young age, potentially avoiding more invasive treatments in the future. Breathing is Essential: Encouraging nasal breathing over mouth breathing is pivotal for a child's sleep...
Published 02/29/24
3 Key Discoveries: 1.Holistic Approach: Understanding the importance of a comprehensive care plan post tongue tie releases, incorporating exercises to prevent reattachment and therapies to encourage optimal oral function. 2.Educational Foundation: The necessity for pregnant and new moms to be informed about oral ties to be proactive in recognizing and managing potential complications with breastfeeding. 3.Expert Care: The critical role knowledgeable providers play, such as lactation...
Published 02/27/24
3 Key Takeaways 1.Extended Leave Importance: Learn about how longer paid parental leave benefits both mother and child, and the stark contrasts with policies in Europe. 2.Postpartum Support Network: Discover the myriad ways to help new moms post-birth, from the wisdom of Anne’s "Natural Birth Secrets" to creating communities for support and shared experiences. 3.Preparation is Key: Find out why preparing for postpartum *before* birth is crucial–tailoring support such as meal prep, cleaning...
Published 02/22/24
3 Key Discoveries 1. Empowering Women: Anne Margolis shines a light on the power of education and advocacy in childbirth, emphasizing the importance of informed choices and the role of midwives in facilitating natural and respectful birthing experiences. 2. Holistic Practices: Learn about the holistic approaches Anne advocates for, ranging from the impact of spirituality on labor to the use of natural remedies and the precautionary measures for common protocols such as membrane sweeps and...
Published 02/20/24
3 Key Discoveries 1.The Power of Choice: Cortney's decision to opt for a holistic approach to cancer treatment showcases how powerful personal health choices can be, particularly when it comes to alternative therapies and the road to remission. 2.Navigating Pregnancy with a Health Background: Both Cortney and Dr. CeCe share profoundly personal stories about the fears and decisions during their pregnancies. Their stories are a testament to the nuanced challenges women face when balancing...
Published 02/15/24
3 Key Discoveries: - The transformative power of personal health choices and holistic practices in confronting serious illness. - The importance of being well-informed and the impact of supportive communities for those seeking alternative treatment paths. - Balancing traditional medical advice with one’s own research and instincts for a personalized approach to healing. _____________________________________________ - Cortney's Cancer Support Community: https://www.anticancermom.com -...
Published 02/13/24