Have you ever wondered if you could supplement your stem cell treatments with something else that could boost your healing? Well, wonder no more, because I’ve got the answer for you: Hydrogen! Hydrogen can regulate inflammation, boost mitochondrial function, and enhance regenerative therapies, which makes it the perfect addition to stem cell therapy. To discuss this in more depth, I’ve invited an expert on the podcast, the amazing Alex Tarvana. Alex is the inventor of the technology that...
Published 10/15/24
Published 10/15/24
Friends, I have a special treat for you in this week’s episode of The Dr. Joy Kong Podcast. In it, I get interviewed by the brilliant Tansy Rogers, and she and I discuss everything stem cells and stem cell therapy. As you already know, stem cells can be a powerful anti-aging treatment, not just for the skin (and I would know, as I look better now than I did ten years ago when I didn’t use stem cell therapy), but for your organs as well.  And this is exactly what I discuss in this...
Published 10/08/24
If you’ve been listening to this podcast for a while, then you’ve definitely heard me talk about the different types of stem cells. And you’ve probably also wondered what the biggest differences between them are, if some are better than others, and if they work in different ways. Well, you’re in luck, because this is exactly what I’ll be discussing in this week’s episode of The Dr. Joy Kong Podcast. Listen in to learn everything you need to know about the different kinds of stem cells, their...
Published 10/01/24
Autism numbers have been rising at an alarming rate all over the world. The numbers are even bleaker in the US, where 1 out of every 36 children is diagnosed with autism. These rates are even scarier knowing that Western medicine and psychiatry has no treatment for autism, choosing instead to focus on symptoms instead of the root cause.  However, it’s not all hopeless! Research has shown that stem cell therapy can actually help with autism treatment; stem cells, particularly from umbilical...
Published 09/25/24
Are more stem cells always better? This is the question I aim to answer in this week’s episode of The Dr. Joy Kong Podcast. So many of you have asked me what I think about expanded stem cells and if they work better than native ones.  Many patients come to me with a common misconception: More stem cells = Better results. However, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, various studies have shown that culturing and expanding stem cells can lead to genetic alterations, reduced...
Published 09/17/24
This week’s episode is extra special; in it, I am on the other side of the mic, being interviewed by the one and only Inka Land.  Inka is a neuropsychologist, TEDx speaker, author, and podcast host, and in this week’s episode of The Dr. Joy Kong Podcast, she and I discuss everything you need to know about stem cell therapy. Today, stem cell therapy is more popular than ever, and for a reason! Stem cells are nature’s smart pharmacy, and they’re a great alternative to traditional Western...
Published 09/10/24
Have you ever wondered why the honeymoon phase never seems to last? This is the question that I aim to answer in the latest episode of the Dr. Joy Kong Podcast. And to do so, I’ve invited an expert, the brilliant Dr. John Gray. Now you might be familiar with this name because he’s the writer of the famous bestseller Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus.  That book alone completely transformed the conversation around romantic relationships and what it means to understand your partner and...
Published 09/03/24
Could hidden infections be preventing you from living your best life?  Mold toxicity and hidden bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic infections could be dragging down your energy, changing your mood, affecting your digestive, immune or brain functions and you wouldn’t even know it. So, how can you check for hidden infections? And most importantly, how can you treat them? These are the questions I aim to answer in this week’s episode of The Dr. Joy Kong Podcast, and to do so, I’ve invited an...
Published 08/27/24
Have you ever wondered if western medicine was holding us all back? What could we do if we weren’t beholden to pharmaceutical companies and insurance systems? Would we be able to give better treatments; not simply help patients manage symptoms, but help them treat the root causes of their issues? If you’ve ever asked yourself these questions, then I want you to know you’re not alone. Many people in the medical industry find themselves limited by how disease-oriented the healthcare system...
Published 08/20/24
Even though we’ve been doing stem cell transplantation since the 1960s, it’s only in the last 20 years that stem cell therapy has become more understood. Stem cell therapy is an emerging field, and as a result, there are a lot of misconceptions about it all around the internet. Today, I’m here to correct some of those misconceptions. I’ll be diving into the usage of ethical stem cell sources in the US, the advantages of young stem cells from (ethically-harvested) umbilical cords, why the US...
Published 08/13/24
One of the many questions I get all the time from listeners and patients alike is ‘How often do I need stem cell treatments?’ And in this week’s episode of The Dr. Joy Kong Podcast, this is exactly what I’ll be discussing.  Listen in to learn about when you need more frequent stem cell treatments and why chronic conditions need a more comprehensive treatment approach than acute issues (like sports injuries). I’ll also be discussing why every person responds differently to stem cell therapy...
Published 08/06/24
One of the many questions I have been getting these last few weeks is “Can you guarantee results?” As a doctor and healthcare professional, I can never guarantee results for any treatment, and that includes stem cell therapy. However, what I can do is share with you what you should be expecting after getting stem cell therapy, and that is exactly what I’ll be doing in this week’s episode of The Dr. Joy Kong Podcast.  Together, you and I will learn about the success rates of stem cell therapy...
Published 08/01/24
Methylene Blue has been used medically for over 130 years, predating the FDA. It has been shown to have anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, antipsychotic, brain-boosting, mitochondria-enhancing, and longevity benefits. Many of you have asked me about methylene blue and how it can help you live a longer and healthier life, and today, I’ve decided to answer all of your questions. And to do so, I’ve invited not one but two experts on this week’s episode of The Dr. Joy Kong Podcast, the amazing...
Published 07/23/24
Today, I have a special episode for you!  So many of you have been asking me to react to Bryan Johnson’s video from a few weeks ago where he injects himself with 300 million stem cells, and I have decided to give the crowd what they wanted. In this week’s episode, I’ll be reviewing Bryan’s video, his process, the type of stem cells he injects, and everything in between. I’ll also be discussing the difference between adult bone marrow stem cells and umbilical cord stem cells, why stem cells...
Published 07/16/24
Are you overwhelmed with the amount of stem cell therapies available to you? Then this is the episode for you! Stem cells have incredible potential and a host of applications, and understanding their history and the difference between all the available types of cells –from embryonic to mesenchymal and everything in between, is what will help you make the best out of stem cell therapy. This is why, in this week’s episode of the Dr. Joy Kong Podcast, I’ll be sharing with you everything you need...
Published 07/09/24
If you’ve been wondering what it takes to get a certification in stem cell therapy (and where to go), then this is the episode for you! In it, I discuss our first ever certification program that’s taking place this summer (on the 27th and 28th of July in LA) with a dear friend of mine and a fellow holistic practitioner, Dr. Daniel Pompa. But that’s not all we’ll be talking about. He and I will also be discussing my journey and pioneering in the field of stem cell therapy, the legal and...
Published 07/05/24
Do you ever feel like your brain can’t keep up with your day-to-day life? You’re not alone. Many people around the US (and the world) spend their lives feeling slow, sluggish, and like their brains are simply not working well enough. But you don’t have to live like that. You can feel better with quality sleep and the right supplements.  So if you want to enhance your verbal fluency, your memory, and your thinking speed, if you want to feel on-point and 100% present and highly focused, without...
Published 07/02/24
For those who suffer from difficult health issues, stem cell therapy can feel like a miracle worker and maybe even a little bit of magic.  You see, the benefits of stem cells go beyond simple skincare and anti-aging; in fact, stem cells can be used to treat more “serious” illnesses, such as heart disease and orthopedic injuries.  Combined with other treatments (such as peptides, ozone therapy, and laser therapy), stem cell therapy can be a powerful addition to your healthcare...
Published 06/27/24
So you’ve heard about all the benefits of stem cell therapy and you know where to go to get started. But, what comes after? What should you expect after your first treatment? And how soon will you start noticing benefits?  If you’ve been asking yourself these questions, then you’ve come to the right place, because that is exactly what I’m doing today. In this week’s episode of The Dr. Joy Kong Podcast, I’ll be going over everything you should expect after your stem cell treatment.  I’ll be...
Published 06/25/24
Most people who have experienced chronic injuries know how horrible they can be. They’re difficult to deal with, they make your day-to-day life harder, and they affect your mental health more than you might think. So, if you could find a way to heal a chronic injury, would you go for it? If your answer is a resounding yes (and I know it is), then this is the episode for you. In it, I sit down with my guest, the brilliant Edward Lord, to discuss how he was able to heal a foot injury through...
Published 06/18/24
For the longest time, stem cell therapy has been a fairly misunderstood side of holistic medicine. However, things have changed for the better in the last decade, and today, more and more people know about stem cells and their benefits. If you’ve been listening to this podcast for a while, then you know stem cell therapy has amazing anti-aging benefits. You know they can help you stay healthy as you get older, and you know they can make you more vibrant.  But there are many things you don’t...
Published 06/11/24
Time and time again, I’ve discussed stem cell therapy and how beneficial it can be, not only as an anti-aging procedure, but also as a health-enhancing one. However, many have been asking me to talk more about it and go into more detail, and well, today, I’ll be answering ALL your questions about stem cell therapy. In this episode, I’m interviewed by the brilliant Brad Kearns. Together, he and I will be discussing how stem cell therapy works, how I’m incorporating functional and anti-aging...
Published 06/04/24
Have you ever struggled with emotional eating, binge eating, food addiction, or stress eating? Then I want you to know that you’re not alone. My guest on this week’s episode, the brilliant Errin Smith, has struggled with her own demons and come out of the other side with a better understanding of her relationship with food. Errin, also known as "That Health Chick" on Instagram, is an avid health and fitness fanatic who is expert-trained in health optimization and has worked with world-leading...
Published 05/28/24
You’ve heard of stem cell therapy but you’re not sure how it works or what it does exactly? Then this is the episode for you. In it, I sit down on the other side of the table and am interviewed by the brilliant Wade Lightheart.  Together, he and I discuss everything you need to know about stem cell therapy, from its potential as a future medical treatment to the complexities of stem cell research. We’ll also be talking about stem cell therapy’s promising results when used to treat various...
Published 05/21/24