Published 03/15/24
Published 11/17/23
Published 08/09/22
Finally, a movie that answers the tough questions... What if terrorist got hold of a time machine and used it to try and assassinate Jesus, prevent the resurrection by bringing his body to the present, thereby erasing Christianity from history? What if the only people who can stop that from happening are a group of scientists that accidentally discovered time travel in less than a month? Can you still get away with an African American character who is essentially a collection of outdated...
Published 05/26/20
Thanks to a Patreon request, we finally take a look at possibly the Irish American film. John Ford's, "The Quiet Man," with John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara. It's funny how much a little bit of introspection can change how you relate with a movie. Seeing the... Irishness of it all is... well, you kinda have to listen.
Published 04/27/20
Published 04/27/20
There are few movies as criminally overlooked and underrated as "Big Night." It's just a minor indie movie from the mid 90's, but it might be flashpoint for modern foodie culture.  All that nonsense aside... its just a good movie. 
Published 03/02/20
Well, sometimes the last minute is kind of awesome. The stars aligned and we were finally able to introduce Nathan to Die Hard. That's right, you are about to hear from someone who had never seen Die Hard before, and we release it on the 31st anniversary of The Battle of Nakatomi Tower. 
Published 12/24/19
It's the holidays, which can only mean one thing... time to subject someone to this "movie." Join us as we blindside the absolute s**t out of Clarkson's friend Andrew.
Published 12/16/19
Tone deaf, or just deaf deaf. We watched the Death Wish remake so you don't have to.
Published 10/21/19
The further adventures of Fudd Pump and crew!
Published 08/04/19
This movie could have only been made in 1985. It literally could not have happened at any other time. Join a discussion about Rambo, a movie that Jim hasn't seen since the 80's.
Published 07/14/19
This might be hard to believe, but John Rambo was originally a symbol of the horrors of war. Really, he was. Whatever he morphed into, he began his life as a... a cautionary tale. Can you create a perfect soldier, ready him to handle whatever he would come across in the middle of  a war, and then just expect him to shut it off and go back to a normal life? There were some heavy questions at play in "First Blood." Not that we address any of them in any meaningful way, but they are there.
Published 06/16/19
The Rocky film series has somehow managed to pull off a nearly impossible feat, for the second time. A lot of people may not realize this, but Rocky was not a big release when it first came out. It was a low budget arthouse film that somehow went on to become a blockbuster franchise. No mean feat. But, doing the near impossible once just wasn't enough. So... Creed II That's right. The latest installment of one of the most beloved American film franchises of all time comes roaring in and moves...
Published 03/11/19
We didn't have to watch this. There was no reason to watch this. We were about to watch Fast and Furious 6 instead of watching this. But did we? No, we didn't. We watched this... There is so much baffling nonsense in this movie it is almost impossible to quantify it. Every time you say to yourself, "Well, that's the stupidest, least thought out, insulting to every person on the planet statement I've ever heard," the movie seems to take it as a personal challenge. Kevin "Is he really handsome,...
Published 01/27/19
It's that time of year again. The time where we take a look at one of the most baffling, poorly written and executed, intelligence insulting movies of all time. This year, because Clarkson's job is actively trying to murder him, Jim is joined by Nathan to initiate him into the world of a movie that somehow manages to insult both believer and non-believer alike... "Kirk Cameron's 'Saving Christmas'"
Published 12/23/18
After our longest ever hiatus, we are back! And what better way to announce our return than by watching a movie about how much absolute corruption and callus disregard for human life a human being can openly display, and still get re-elected MULTIPLE times? Join us as we discuss one of the most unblinkingly honest examinations of politics and power ever made... Chappaquiddick.
Published 11/11/18
We round the corner wiht our look at the God's Not Dead trilogy (at this time, who knows how long they can keep this train running), with a movie that proves that you don't always have to save the best for last.
Published 09/09/18
Welcome to our first Patreon rewards guest. Owen joins us from Australia to discuss something that BARELY counts as a movie. We are introduced to the world of writer (?) producer (?), director (?), actor (?), caterer (?) Neil Breen and his first ever "movie," Double Down, in which the story makes no sense, the music is terrible, the acting is a joke, and the only thing that is 100% clear is that nothing and no one ever doubles down on anything. 
Published 08/27/18
We continue on Jim's insane idea of introducing Clarkson to the Fast and Furious movies by watching them in reverse order. It's a needlessly complicated and, admittedly, terrible way to do it, but... it's kinda funny.
Published 08/20/18
We are testing out/introducing a new idea. We watch a movie, and then try and give a full recap in as little time as possible, while going into bizarre detail on insignificant things. Hopefully, it works.
Published 08/20/18
What do you call something that goes beyond narcisistic? I mean... is there a term for unimaginably self absorbed? Well, if there is... that term applies here.
Published 07/02/18
Looks like the disclaimer from the last episode still applies, so... We are back... this time, with a bit of a doozie. But, let's start with a disclaimer... this episode is not an attack on faith or religion. It is an attack on the persecution complex that has created the illusion of a "war" on religion, in particular, Christianity. The world of strawmen that is divided between the hyper-faithful armed with chapter and verse for every situation and mustache twirling athiests, just waiting...
Published 05/28/18
We are back... this time, with a bit of a doozie. But, let's start with a disclaimer... this episode is not an attack on faith or religion. It is an attack on the persecution complex that has created the illusion of a "war" on religion, in particular, Christianity. The world of strawmen that is divided between the hyper-faithful armed with chapter and verse for every situation and mustache twirling athiests, just waiting to tear down everything faith stands for. That out of the way... this...
Published 05/07/18