In episode 54 we are discussing how to break up with a woman the RIGHT WAY to avoid unnecessary drama  In this podcast Adam and Czar talk through a topic that came up in the Player's University about the right way to let a woman go.  This can be whether you are in a more casual 'situationship' or in an official 'relationship'.  Czar and Adam go back and forth giving their opinions on how to do it.      If you're looking to transform your dating life in 5-weeks or less, join Czar and Adam's...
Published 09/10/24
Published 09/10/24
In episode 53 we are talking texting and messaging strategy on why you should END your conversations with women while texting. In this solo podcast with Adam, he is breaking down a texting strategy you can use RIGHT NOW with women by using the idea of strategically and forcibly 'ending' your conversation to give women the time and space to miss you, and get her into the habit of initiating and reaching out to you more through text so you don't have to be the one 'doing all the work'.  Get...
Published 09/03/24
In episode 52 we dive into things like why submission from women must be EARNED in part 2 of Bible Game...where we will be talking through Bible verses and stories to learn about Game, Women, and Life from Scriptures In this podcast Adam and Czar talk through a request that came from a couple members in the Player's University about breaking down different Bible verses and stories from the Bible in order to uncover the priceless wisdom inside.     Brand New Player's University Content +...
Published 08/27/24
In episode 51 we have Bible Game...where we will be talking through Bible verses and stories to learn about Game, Women, and Life from Scriptures In this podcast Adam and Czar talk through a request that came from a couple members in the Player's Community about breaking down different Bible verses and stories from the Bible in order to uncover the priceless wisdom inside.    If you're looking to transform your dating life in 5-weeks or less, join Czar and Adam's Podcast Special Co-Coaching...
Published 08/20/24
In episode 50 we are discussing certain women to stay away from committed or 'serious' relationships with In this podcast Adam and Czar talk through a topic that came up in the Player's University about getting better at 'screening' women so you don't get attached to a woman who brings drama and chaos to your life.  We mention multiple 'traits' or 'types' of women to be wary of as you are out there meeting, attracting, and dating more beautiful women.     If you're looking to transform your...
Published 08/13/24
In episode 49 we are talking about How to Set Boundaries with Women to Build Her Attraction Level and Her Respect for you - by using "The Cookie Jar Theory"  In this solo podcast with Adam, you'll learn a new idea on how to set boundaries with women in your life by using this idea of The Cookie Jar Theory.  The basic idea is that women need to invest and earn your 'cookies' or else they won't want or enjoy your 'cookies'.  The better you are at setting boundaries in a playful or charming way,...
Published 08/06/24
In episode 48 we are talking about WHEN to kiss a woman and when to back off In this podcast Adam and Czar talk through a topic that came up in the Player's Community about WHEN is the right time to kiss a woman and when to back off.  We are talking through the mindset you have to have in order to show a woman you aren't scared to make a move, but also while being cool, calm, and collected so you don't come off as overly 'thirsty' and a simp.   If you're looking to transform your dating life...
Published 07/30/24
In episode 47 we are breaking down how to get better with women... QUICKLY with our special guest Richard In this podcast Adam is interviewing a young and up and coming PLAYA who is about 24 years old.   Richard breaksdown tips that helped speed up his journey.  In less than a year and a half, Richard was able to turn his life around and now has a happy and successfully thriving relationship.  Richard gives great tips on mindset, confidence, and finding and listening to your 'inner masculine'...
Published 07/23/24
In episode 46 we are breaking down The Masterful Seduction Framework to get women highly attracted and devoted to you long term. In this solo podcast with Adam, he is breaking down a new framework on how to Masterfully Seduce women.  There are 3 'stages' you need to pay attention to for elite attraction with women.  The Communication Stage, The Hangout Stage, and The Sexual Stage.  Within these 3 stages you have to attain the goal of making a woman look UP to you... it's explained inside the...
Published 07/16/24
In episode 45 we talk through what 'Boyfriend Vibes' are... and why as a man you do NOT want to give off that 'feeling' to women early on In this podcast Czar and Adam talk through a topic that was inspired by a member in our Player's University Community  Something that hurts a lot of men today are they give off the 'boyfriend energy' to women too early on.  Even though this works in the romance movies, in reality it turns women off.  Learn WHY this is, and different ways you can avoid...
Published 07/09/24
In episode 44 we are breaking down 5 'power moves' women use on men with dating and relationships. In this solo podcast with Adam, he is breaking down 5 'laws of power' from the book The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene... and analyzing specifically how women use these 'power laws' to gain the upper hand in dating and relationships.  You can watch this full VIDEO presentation of the podcast by joining our Player's Community   Learn to spot these 'power moves' before women use them on you,...
Published 07/02/24
In episode 43 we are talking First Dates, Passing Tests, and Understanding Women with our Guest name J (Justin). In this podcast Czar and Adam talk through GAME with a member in our Player's Community who has been on FIRE in the dating/relationship game.  We talk about first date tips, how to successfully pass a woman's test, attraction strategies, dating stories, and lots of other gems to help you have better success with women in our modern dating world.     Brand New Player's University...
Published 06/18/24
In episode 42 we are discussing 'Masculine' Game with a Guest name J (Justin). In this podcast Czar and Adam talk through GAME with a member in our Player's Community who has been on FIRE in the dating/relationship game.  We talk about Masculine habits, attraction strategies, dating stories, and lots of other gems to help you have better success with women in our modern dating world.     Brand New Player's University Content + Coaching Package.  Join up and get 12-weeks of premium dating...
Published 06/11/24
In episode 41 we are discussing the importance of your reputation as a man and a person. In this podcast Czar and Adam talk through a topic that was inspired by a member in our Player's Community  We start by bringing up the recent 'Diddy' situation and how 'Diddy' has now ruined his reputation he worked his entire life for.  There are a lot of smaller ways in the average guys life that you can either BUILD or BREAK your reputation if you aren't careful and aware.     Brand New Player's...
Published 06/04/24
In episode 40 we are discussing how to attract girls at parties or social events. In this podcast Czar and Adam talk through a topic that a member A.J. asked in our Player's Community  How do you go about attracting women at parties?  What is the mindset to have to attract women at social events?  We discuss key points on what NOT to do, and what TO do for more success in your dating and social life.     Brand New Player's University Content + Coaching Package.  Join up and get 12-weeks of...
Published 05/21/24
In episode 39 we are finishing our talk about signs that a woman has slept around or has a high 'body count'. In this podcast Czar and Adam talk through a topic that member's in our Player's Community were discussing.  How do you know when a woman has been sleeping around in the past without asking her directly?  This can be important for two ways.  If you are looking for a good time, women with these 'signs' may be easier to GAME and enjoy a night with.  The other side is if you are looking...
Published 05/14/24
In episode 38 we talk about signs that a woman has slept around or has a high 'body count'. In this podcast Czar and Adam talk through a topic that member's in our Player's Community were discussing.  How do you know when a woman has been sleeping around in the past without asking her directly?  This can be important for two ways.  If you are looking for a good time, women with these 'signs' may be easier to GAME and enjoy a night with.  The other side is if you are looking for a committed...
Published 05/09/24
In episode 37 we talk about why you should not discuss The Redpill with women (or 'redpill' concepts) In this podcast Czar and Adam talk through a topic that member's in our Player's Community were debating about.  Should you bring up and discuss 'redpill' with women?  Why or why not?  We are going to break down the cons that come with this, and we both agree this is stuff you should LEARN but not DISCUSS with women.   Brand New Player's University Content + Coaching Package.  Join up and...
Published 04/30/24
In episode 36 we discuss the big difference between 'paying women' to sleep with you, vs naturally 'gaming women' to get them to want to sleep with you In this podcast Czar and Adam talk through a specific question we got from a member in our Player's Community He asked what is the difference between asking a woman out on a date, paying for the date, and trying to sleep with her vs just paying a woman money to sleep with you.  We understand his point - but there are too many bad habits this...
Published 04/23/24
In episode 35 we discuss how to 'game' women at work... and whether it is worth it or not In this podcast Czar and Adam talk through a specific question we got from Mustafa in our Player's Community and it's the same type of question we get from many different men about strategy on how to approach trying to 'game' women in the workplace.  There are different rules when trying to seduce a woman at work, you have to tread VERY carefully... plants seeds... and then make sure to set tight...
Published 04/16/24
In episode 34 we discuss why men must protect their seed.  This is an important PSA to all aspiring 'players' In this podcast Czar and Adam talk about the recent news of Fresh from Fresh and Fit podcast having a recorded phone call of his leaked with a woman he was sleeping with who claims she is pregnant.  You've gotta be very careful about protecting that liquid baby batter GOLD between your legs.     Brand New Player's University Content + Coaching Package.  Join up and get 12-weeks of...
Published 04/09/24
In episode 33 we discuss why you NEED to be a player, what it means to be a 'player', and how to do it. In this podcast Czar and Adam talk about becoming a true player.  This doesn't mean you have to juggle 10 different women and never commit to one, but it does mean you need to have a 'players mindset' and learn the ins-and-outs of each step of the dating process to be able to meet, attract, and date high quality women while maintaining high attraction from her the entire time.       Brand...
Published 04/02/24
In episode 32 we discuss how to 'game' women that are difficult or stuck up.   In this podcast Czar and Adam talk about how to game and attract difficult women.  Women that are making it hard for you to get a read on her.  The key is to show that masculine strength and not be phased by the tests she throws at you.  If you can show that strength, these 'difficult' women will realize they can loosen up and open up their softer feminine side around you.       Brand New Player's University...
Published 03/26/24
In episode 31 we discuss the RIGHT mindset you should have before going on a date with a woman.   In this podcast Czar and Adam talk about the RIGHT mindset you should have before going out on a date.  We discuss mindset, strategies, tips, and techniques to make your dates with women go better so you can get the outcome you are looking for.  Men that are NOT going in with the right mindset become forgettable or become the 'maybe I'll settle down with this guy LATER after having fun with all...
Published 03/19/24