In episode 30 we get controversial by talking about showing and expressing vulnerability to women.   In this podcast Czar and Adam talk about the RIGHT way for a guy to 'open up' or show vulnerability to women.  You have to be careful about this, because too directly showing vulnerability can make you look 'feminine' or 'beta'.  The key is to INDIRECTLY show women that you have a 'softer side' without it coming off as being 'weak' or 'emotional'.     Brand New Player's University Content +...
Published 03/12/24
In episode 29 we are continuing our discussion on setting boundaries with women.  How to set them, when to set them, and WHY you need to have and set boundaries.   In this podcast Czar and Adam talk extensively about setting boundaries with women.  This needs to be done in a smooth way at the right time.  It is key that you as a man hold your commitment to very high standards.  If you are trying to get a woman to agree to commit to you, your bargaining power for enforcing your boundaries is a...
Published 03/05/24
In episode 28 we are talking about ways to look better as a man and use your 'style' to attract more women into your life.   In this podcast Czar and Adam bring a guest on named Kamil to have him share tips on 'style' and how to become more presentable as a man and attractive to women.  We discuss tips for haircuts and maintaining your beard, fashion DOs and DONTs, and a great cologne recommendation.      If you want to reach out to Kamil you can find him at the links below:Kamil's Facebook:...
Published 02/27/24
In episode 27 we are discussing setting boundaries with women.  How to set them, when to set them, and WHY you need to have and set boundaries.   In this podcast Czar and Adam talk extensively about setting boundaries with women.  This needs to be done in a smooth way at the right time.  It is key that you as a man hold your commitment to very high standards.  If you are trying to get a woman to agree to commit to you, your bargaining power for enforcing your boundaries is a lot smaller....
Published 02/20/24
In episode 26 we are discussing 'phone game' and talking about texting, phone calls, and FaceTiming women.    In this podcast Czar and Adam talk about the different types of 'phone game'.  Learn different perspectives on texting women, when is the right and wrong time to try calling a woman, and the pros and cons of FaceTiming women.      If you're looking to transform your dating life in 5-weeks or less, join Czar and Adam's Podcast Special Co-Coaching Package.    *If you are interested in...
Published 02/14/24
In episode 25 we are debating The Passport Bros.  Adam is going to argue the 'pros' of the Passport Bros and Czar is going to argue the 'cons'.    In this podcast Czar and Adam talk about the pros and cons of The Passport Bros.  The Passport Bros are western men who are deciding to travel overseas to meet women (mostly to Eastern countries).  They believe they will find higher quality women who treat men with more respect than women from Western countries. Join us this episode to dive in and...
Published 02/08/24
In episode 24 we are discussing what energy vampires or emotional vampires are, and how to know if you are dealing with one.  In this podcast Czar and Adam go through different traits and characteristics of 'energy vampires' and why that can be so draining and detrimental to your sanity over the long haul.0:00-3:04 - What is an 'energy vampire' and why is it important to understand? 3:05 - 7:45 - Does she drain you or uplift you?  7:46 - 10:37 Is she argumentative and/or doubting of you and...
Published 01/30/24
In episode 23 we are discussing 6 Laws of Modern Dating to help men survive and thrive in today's dating market.  In this podcast Czar and Adam go through 6 'Laws' to think about when dating women today.  These are ideas that you can use yourself, or if you have your own Laws you live by, make sure to stand firm on them.1:16 - LAW 1 : Prioritize Yourself FirstWhen you put a woman before your purpose and the hobbies you enjoy, she will slowly lose respect and attraction for you. 7:08 - LAW 2...
Published 01/23/24
In episode 22 we are talking about 'nice guys' and why nice guys finish LAST in the dating market.  In this podcast Czar and Adam breakdown what a 'nice guy' is and WHY that is unattractive to women.  There is truth that women may say they want a 'nice guy' but that is only partially true.  Women want the absolute total package of a masculine man with ambition, drive, charisma, and he also can be 'nice' to her.  However if a woman had to choose between a 'bad boy' or a 'nice guy' she picks...
Published 01/17/24
In episode 21 we go all over the place on topics talking about dating, relationships, society, attraction, and more.  In this podcast Czar and Adam talk with guest Amy from @AlphasUnite (her Facebook link is the first one in the links below).  Amy claims she is an 'Alpha Female' which Czar and Adam are skeptical about - however she gives her different perspective on topics and isn't afraid to speak her mind about anything.  You can find Amys Facebook here:      If you're looking to...
Published 01/10/24
In episode 20 we cover 5 Masculine Traits that Women Secretly Desire in a Man...  In this podcast Czar and Adam talk about 5 different traits that women will be drawn to and attracted to in men. Number 1 : Being a leader/having ambition Number 2 : Having An Abundance mindset Number 3 : Being unapologetic Number 4 : Being non-reactive/emotionally steady Number 5 : Being Disagreeable These are all traits that any man can work on developing and getting better at.   Practice makes permanent....
Published 01/02/24
In episode 19 we discuss the 'evil' side of women...  In this podcast Czar and Adam talk about the darker nature of women and why knowing and understanding our biological differences between men and women is so important. Learn about WHY women are able to move on faster from relationships than men, HOW you can defend against that, and WHAT type of mindset you need to develop in order to prepare for having success with women (even when they throw all sorts of surprises and tests at you)....
Published 12/27/23
In episode 18 learn from Adam's Dating Journey...   In this podcast Czar interviews Adam to learn all about Adam's journey through his dating struggles to dating success.  We start from the beginning... learning about his early years of dating women  and some of the big mistakes he made.  Then we dive into his transition to starting to understand women better and use 'Game' successfully.  And end with multiple valuable dating and confidence tips from Adam that he learned along the way.  Pick...
Published 12/19/23
In episode 17 learn from Czar's Dating Journey...   In this podcast Adam interviews Czar to learn all about Czar's journey through his dating struggles to dating success.  We start from the beginning... learning about his early years of dating women  and some of the big mistakes he made.  Then we dive into his transition to starting to understand women better and use 'Game' successfully.  And end with multiple valuable dating and confidence tips from Czar that he learned along the way.  Pick...
Published 12/12/23
In episode 16 you will learn four things to NEVER say to women that you are interested in.  In this podcast Czar and Adam cover 4 things that man should never say to women they are attracted to and want to continue seeing.  All 4 of these things may come up in different phases of the dating stage, relationship, or marriage... and these are crucial for you to understand so you can be prepared before these situations come up.  Remember to put that Full Armor of Game on every time you interact...
Published 12/05/23
In episode 15 we go through different subscriber email questions about dating struggles they are having and give advice on how to recover or the BEST WAYS to play that situation next time.  In this podcast Czar and Adam talk all sorts of practical 'game' advice as we go through multiple subscriber questions reaching out for advice.  This episode covers a range of topics about getting friend zoned all the way to how to get your girl more sexual and intimate with you.  We even cover some deep...
Published 11/28/23
In episode 14 we talk about the difference between dating younger and older women and the pros and cons of both.  In this podcast for the sake of categories we put younger women as 25 years old and below.  The 'middle' women as 26-32 years old.  And the older women as 33+ years old.  There are different ways to approach dating women in this different age groups.  We discuss things to say or not to say depending on what age group a woman falls into. We also talk about some of the good things...
Published 11/21/23
In episode 13 we have an interview with a Colombian woman named Andrea.  She is a Colombian woman who we interview with her dating experience, preference in men, and her thoughts on what WORKS vs DOESN'T work with women like her.  Get a different perspective this episode by hearing Czar and Adam ask her questions and hear what she has to say.   Follow our Podcast Instagram page to see video clips from each episode: https://www.instagram.com/fullarmorofgame/ To follow our guest Andrea you...
Published 11/14/23
In episode 12 we are talking about BAD vs GOOD date ideas to take women on.   There are a few viral posts going around social media where women talk about 26 date ideas that men should NEVER take women on... and although there are some legitimate ones, Adam and Czar are going to talk about all sorts of dates that you should not be taking women on as well as some great date ideas.  All in all, if you have enough 'game' women will be happy with any date ideas you present them with, as long as...
Published 11/07/23
In episode 11 we are discussing some of the most common BAD dating advice you will hear.  This is extremely important because when you KNOW better, you DO better.  So if you are taking advice from the wrong types of people, or taking a lot of common 'mainstream' dating advice, that will actually move you AWAY from your goal of getting better at understanding and attracting women which will make it harder to recover from.  A lot of the advice you will hear is backwards or only 'half true'...
Published 10/31/23
In episode 10 Adam and Czar are discussing important 'game' concepts to help you gain Cheat Codes with women.  We are using books from our personal libraries to bring up concepts that may not be directly related to women, but we are breaking down these concepts in a way that YOU can use these to better yourself and better your understanding of dating and relationships with women in your life. *If you ever want a question answered or a topic discussed on this podcast, send us an email with...
Published 10/24/23
In episode 9 we are talking about different levels or layers of disrespect from a woman... and how to handle these or 'keep them in check' so it gets BETTER and not WORSE.   You teach people how to treat you with every interaction you have with them. This is especially true in relationships with women, so this episode will go into all sorts of scenarios where a woman may 'subtly' disrespect you, and that is your opportunity to put an end to it right then and there. Behaviors typically get...
Published 10/17/23
In episode 8 let's dive into WHAT it means to put a woman on a pedestal and WHY that is never the right move to make.  Most men are trained and programmed to subconsciously put a woman on a pedestal.  Because of movies, media, and society at large us men are destined to 'put a woman on a pedestal' UNLESS we can train out might out of that.  This episode is designed to put a logical case together so that men can think more clearly when it comes to situations.    *If you ever want a question...
Published 10/10/23
In episode 7 we are talking about conversation tips and techniques so you can have better conversations with women. This episode goes over different conversation topics to keep your conversations more interesting and engaging, as well as tips for you as a man to come off as a great conversationalist. The cool thing is these tips and techniques can be used with most anyone - guy or girl - so you can become more social and well liked wherever you go.   *If you ever want a question answered or...
Published 10/03/23
In episode 6 we are talking about WHY women test men... and ways that you can pass her tests that she does throw at you.  It is important to understand that men and women are hardwired very different. A woman has the innate ability to become pregnant, be extremely vulnerable for 9 months while pregnant, and then have a lifelong commitment of raising a child. So a woman has far more reasons she needs to be selective and 'test' before she let's a man in. Us men on the other hand could...
Published 09/26/23