Loss is an inevitable and stressful part of life. Donna Marie Thompson PhD is the author of Bouncing Back From Loss: How to Learn From Your Past, Build the Present, and Transform Your Future. She overcame multiple losses and is now a leading expert in relationships and overcoming loss. Her website, www.BouncingBackNow.com, is a resource […] The post The Happy Hour Effect – Bouncing Back From Loss with Donna Marie Thompson PhD appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 10/10/11
We experience stress every single day. But a long bath, a delectable chocolate truffle, yoga – these can all be little indulgences that can turn a stressful day into a happy one. In this episode, Melissa Halas-Liang, founder of SuperKidsNutrition.com, will teach us about healthy indulgences for stress relief and share the super health benefits […] The post The Happy Hour Effect – Chocolate Today Keeps the Stress Away: Healthy Indulgences for Stress Relief appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 05/23/11
Money and finances are one of the top causes of stress and relationship problems. But with a shift in perspective, we can flip that stress into success and view money differently in the process. This episode’s guest, Jeff Gitterman, is an award winning financial advisor and the CEO of Gitterman & Associates Wealth Management, LLC. […] The post The Happy Hour Effect – Money for Success Not Stress appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 05/09/11
Television can be a release at the end of a long day, an outlet to balance us out or a destructive stream of imagery that sucks our productivity and changes our outlook. But we have a choice in how we view television. Dr. Nancy Mramor is an award-winning author, trainer and psychologist who specializes in […] The post The Happy Hour Effect – Change the Channel, Change Your Life: TV for Stress-Relief appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 04/18/11
Meditation can be short, easy and super-powerful at helping us combat stress and its symptoms. Thousands of studies demonstrate the positive effects of meditation on our physical and mental health and in this episode we will learn how to get started. Tori Hartman is a meditation guru, psychic, intuititve and color expert who specializes in […] The post The Happy Hour Effect – Meditation for Stress Relief: Getting Started appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 04/04/11
As adults, we often get so sucked into our own stress that we may forget about those around us. Whether absorbing ours or suffering their own, kids get stressed too. But there are things we can do to help them minimize stress so they can grow up into balanced adults. Dr. Russell Hyken is a […] The post The Happy Hour Effect – Kids and Stress 101: A Child Psychotherapist Tells All appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 03/21/11
Some days, nothing in the closet looks good. And no matter our size, age or body type, anxiety is sure to set in when faced with a rack of swimsuits or a hunt for a new pair of jeans. And yet, we all know how it feels to wear an outfit that makes us feel […] The post The Happy Hour Effect – Don’t Get Stressed About Getting Dressed appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 03/07/11
We spend 25% of our working years on-the-job. Shouldn’t those 90,000 hours be spent doing something we love? Unfortunately, even if we love our jobs, work stress is an everyday issue. Constant juggling of responsibilities, difficult co-workers, long commutes and office politics all play a role in making our 9-5 lives challenging. But Julie Bauke, […] The post The Happy Hour Effect – Maximize Career Happiness = Less Stress appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 02/07/11
Does your weight or body image stress you out? Have you already forgotten your New Year’s resolutions to exercise and eat more healthfully? Not anymore! This week, we will learn how to make weight loss and diet changes that will last, not just for the New Year, but for our entire lives. Our guest, Jina […] The post The Happy Hour Effect – Stress Less About Your Body: Making New Year’s Resolutions That Stick appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 01/24/11