In this episode, I share how to raise critical thinkers using my DCM Framework. Hope you enjoy! If you liked this episode, consider leaving a rating. It truly helps. Thank you again for listening. >>Join the waitlist for my private parenting membership - https://www.themompsychologist.com/membership >>Parenting From Within: Letters From Dr. Jazmine (written version): https://www.themompsychologist.com/blog  >>Join my email newsletter:...
Published 05/01/24
Published 05/01/24
If you enjoyed this episode, consider leaving a rating. It truly helps. Thank you again for listening. This episode was originally a YouTube Video. You can watch here: https://youtu.be/KRtbq6g60C4 Parenting From Within: Letters From Dr. Jazmine (written version): www.themompsychologist.com/blog Discipline Workshop (free): www.themompychologist.com/workshop Instagram: https://instagram.com/themompsychologistYouTube: https://youtube.com/c/themompsychologist
Published 04/24/24
Our child's behaviors can often feel like a mystery and it’s hard to know how to respond when they do confusing things like break toys, get aggressive, not cooperate, or run around in circles all of a sudden. I'm I’m here to help with that! In this week's episode, I'll help demystify confusing yet common child behaviors so that you can feel more effective and confident in your parenting approach! PS: Don’t forget to check out my free discipline workshop, “How to Get Your Child to Listen...
Published 04/18/24
In this episode, I'll break down the most common mistakes parents make when setting boundaries/disciplining their young children (and what to try instead) so that you increase cooperation without sacrificing your mental health! PS: Don’t forget to check out my free discipline workshop, “How to Get Your Child to Listen Without Yelling” - www.themompsychologist.com/workshop
Published 04/11/24
So one of my all time favorite values I try to instill in my children is the value of perseverance and hard work. It's a topic we regularly circle back to so you can imagine my shock when my 6-year old once blurted out "I'm stupid" while trying to learn a new skill. In this week's episode I share a quick story time of how I handled her statement so that she walked away feeling: Understood and connected with me, more equipped to understand how her mind works, and more self-confident and...
Published 01/04/24
Here's your easy to follow 3-step plan for when your kids get aggressive! // Don’t forget to check out my free anger eBook - "Your 3-Step Plan When Your Child Gets Angry or Aggressive” www.themompsychologist.com/ebook When our kids get aggressive, it's sooo tempting to respond reactively and:- Yelling & getting aggressive back. - Asking questions ("Why are you doing this??") - Trying to reason with them when they're in an emotional state (e.g., "Well you know we don't have dessert...
Published 12/29/23
Don’t forget to check out my free anger eBook - "Your 3-Step Plan When Your Child Gets Angry or Aggressive” www.themompsychologist.com/ebook I don’t know about y’all but as a mom of 3, I have a no tolerance policy for demanding behavior. If we don't lovingly intervene *in the moment,* children learn quick that making demands is how they get their needs. In this week's episode, I share my easy 3-step process to curbing demanding and impatient behaviors so our children can learn how to...
Published 12/21/23
Don’t forget to check out my free anger eBook - "Your 3-Step Plan When Your Child Gets Angry or Aggressive” www.themompsychologist.com/ebook // It's super common for kids to see problematic behaviors at school and want to try them out at home. Whether they're aware of it or not, they're trying to process what they observed and learn more about the behavior by testing out how we will respond to it. When done correctly, these conversations have the ability to:Increase our child's social...
Published 12/14/23
"Rude" is a subjective term, but any time you interpret your child's language as "unfriendly", "rude", or "unkind," here's what to say to help them learn better communication. I don't know about y'all, but I'm a positive parent with a no tolerance attitude around disrespectful language & behavior.  It's my cue to step in and teach because I know the more I allow this behavior, the more it spreads.  Yes, let's get your needs met, but let's do this respectfully.  In this episode, I...
Published 12/07/23
Teaching kids how to manage their anger comes down to helping them shift their mindset so they can change their choices.  Rather than anger being viewed as a “bad” feeling, let’s come to see it as a messenger here to help us. Then we can channel the anger towards effective communication, expression, and self-care.  In this episode, I share 3 crucial skills you must teach your kids when it comes to anger & tips to help you get started. Don’t forget to check out my free anger eBook...
Published 11/23/23
Yes, spending intentional 1:1 time with our kids every day *is* sooo important, namely for preventing behavioral issues and enhancing connection. But as our children age, connection is about sooo much more.  In this episode, I'm going to break down 5+ ways to connect with your child in muchhhhhh deeper ways. When done consistently, these things lead to secure attachment because they build trust and intimacy in the parent-child relationship.  If you need more help with positive discipline, I...
Published 11/16/23
I know it's easy to feel overwhelmed, embarrassed and upset at your child when their teacher approaches you about their misbehavior.  There’s so many potential reasons why your child is misbehaving so it's important to first focus on gathering more information from their teacher before discussing solutions. Remember: behavior is just a symptom to a larger problem. Think of it as the smoke to a blazing fire. Yes, it's what gets our attention and what we tend to notice first but there's so...
Published 11/09/23
So lately, I’ve noticed that my 5-year old has been doing a lot of “testy” behaviors like: Not respecting her sister’s body boundaries.  Competing with her sister (e.g., “Mommy let me get this first.”)  Moving really slowwww (or not at all) when I give directions.  Getting “stuck” in whining/sulking when upset. Lowww frustration tolerance.  There are sooo many different ways to approach this behavior so in this week's episode I want to share some "behind the scenes" of how I've...
Published 11/02/23
When tension runs high, it's tempting to match our children's emotions and meet their anger with anger but it rarely works. All we're left with is disconnection and lots of guilt.  Instead, we are best served by focusing on de-escalation. In this episode, I give you a roadmap to refer back to again and again when navigating your child's intense emotions.
Published 10/26/23
Instead of avoiding screens, teach your kids how to have a healthy relationship with them! Focus on building a foundation of open communication, digital safety & healthy screen habits.  And the earlier we start teaching these things, the better!  To help you get started, here are 4 practical ways to teach your kids about healthy digital habits!
Published 10/19/23
Don’t forget to check out my free discipline workshop, “How to Get Your Child to Listen Without Yelling” Navigating our children's intense emotions can sometimes feel like we're walking on eggshells. We try to connect and validate but it rarely feeling like it's "working." And then sometimes we say certain buzzwords or ask simple questions and it REALLY sets our child off. In this week's episode, I explore the top 4 things your child doesn't want to hear when they're frustrated and angry...
Published 10/12/23
Don’t forget to check out my free discipline workshop, “How to Get Your Child to Listen Without Yelling” - www.themompsychologist.com/workshop It's morning time and you just need to get your child to put on their shoes and jacket but they're dawdling... Ahh!!! You find yourself yell, "Hurry up!!!" Or maybe it's the evening and you're trying to wrap things up for the day. You're exhausted so you blurt out, "C'mon, c'mon. Let's go!!!" Only to realize it doesn't work. I know it's tempting to...
Published 10/05/23
I know a lot of focus is on helping kids make better choices so that we raise respectful humans and I love this. But I also think that we must balance these conversations with holding ourselves accountable & shining a light on the ways in which we influence situations. Here's the thing - We are all "guilty" of triggering our children. This is not about shaming ourselves ("I'm such a bad parent. Every time I read parenting content I'm reminded of how much I'm failing."). This is...
Published 09/28/23
Now that it's officially gift giving season, I wanted to be sure to address the issue of teaching kids manners.   I know it's so tempting to demand our kids tell the gift giver THANK YOU. And I know during these moments we want to make sure our child shows their gratitude for the things they receive. But rather than force gratitude, I'm a huge fan of teaching kids  *why* showing our appreciation for others' kindness is important and modeling the skills we want to teach them.   Now hear me...
Published 11/28/22
We talk all year long about positive parenting but I wanted to be sure to provide holiday-specific tips because this time of year tends to bring JOY and CHALLENGES.   It's exciting but can also feel stressful, busy and overwhelming for both parents and kids.  What I want to first point out is that if your child seems more difficult this time of the year than normal, this is a commonly due to underlying stress. Children aren't really good communicators and can't sit us down and say, "Mom,...
Published 11/21/22
My two preschoolers started school back in August and we are still getting in the swing of things. We were late the first day of school, due to all the traffic, & it was literally my worst nightmare. 😅😂 Now that we've been practicing our school morning routine for several months, I thought it would be fun to share some behind the scenes of what our mornings tend to look like. I'm always curious how other parents manage the hectic morning routine so I figured many of you might be...
Published 11/14/22
Ah, chores! Similar to mealtime, bedtime, and potty training, chores are a perfect breeding ground for power struggles!   Now I actually like to frame chores as family contributions because it helps set the stage for why we do these things in the first place.  It's important we establish routines around family contributions because it sends our kids the clear message that they matter! Our kids come to learn that they play a huge role in keeping the family running smoothly and their...
Published 11/07/22
I think one of the most powerful gifts we can give our kids is the gift of knowing how to be smart with our money. After all, money touches every area of our lives (whether we talk about it or not) and it also ties into our overall sense of safety & security. Yet, did you know... The majority of families tend to shy away from having conversations about it (even though kids begin to form their core beliefs & habits about money by age 7!).  And I know, there's a lot of buzz around...
Published 10/31/22
I know for many of us, becoming a calmer parent is one of our top priorities.  And I love this for us because this places less of the focus on trying to fix and control our child and instead, focuses on what we CAN control, which is our own behaviors and choices as parents.   But let's be real - Handling our parenting triggers and staying calm in the moment is a lot easier said than done.   And we're not always going to get this right. In this week's episode, I want to share a simple step...
Published 10/10/22