Embark on a transformative journey with "The One You Feed" podcast, hosted by Eric Zimmer. Drawing wisdom from the old parable of the two wolves within us, this show explores growth and well-being. Through insightful interviews with thought leaders and experts in development, Eric delves into topics like mindfulness, resilience, and positive habits. Gain practical advice and reflective insights to navigate life's challenges and nurture your inner strength. "The One You Feed" is a valuable resource, offering inspiration and actionable strategies for a more fulfilling existence. Join Eric...
In this episode, Dr. Amishi Jha discusses how to find focus and master attention. She explores the concept of a peak mind, emphasizing the balance between action and reflection and also highlights the different modes of attention. The conversation also delves into practical strategies for...
Published 09/13/24
In this episode, Yowei Shaw delves into how to bounce back after a layoff and navigate the related difficult emotions. With a wealth of personal experiences, she offers insights and advice for individuals struggling to cope with the aftermath of job loss. Her candid storytelling and unique...
Published 09/10/24