As teachers, our To-Do list can get to be a mile long and be a source of serious stress. One of the reasons that teachers are so mentally drained and burned out is because of the overwhelming amount of work we have to do. And it's because you have an incredible mental load that you are carrying—the load that maybe not everyone sees, the anticipation of other people's needs as well as classroom needs and your own needs. In this episode, we focus on transitioning from the never-ending to-do...
Published 11/10/23
Are you constantly struggling to find enough time to do everything you need to do? Do you feel like teaching is taking over your life? Well, you're not alone. Get excited because we are kicking off our Systemize and Simplify series, where we will be diving into practical strategies to help teachers make the most of their time and create a better work-life balance. In this episode, we explore how to make more time when it feels like there is no time, and what might be eating up your precious...
Published 11/07/23
Have you ever felt like you're trapped in the "November to April Burnout Zone"? You know, that phase where teaching starts to feel like an uphill battle, and doubts creep in about whether it's all worth it? There is actually a school calendar of burnout and this is called the "Disillusionment Phase" where we may start questioning if teaching is really worth it & where feelings of overwhelm and stress may take over. This is often the time of the year where we feel like everything in our...
Published 11/02/23
Did you know that 49% of adults self-identify as people-pleasers? If you're anything like most teachers, you may not even realize you are a people pleaser. I know I sure wouldn't have categorized myself as such. People-pleasing tendencies can often go unnoticed, especially when we're passionate about our work, like teaching. We might think that our dedication and willingness to go the extra mile for our students and colleagues are just part of being a dedicated educator. In this episode, Amy...
Published 10/24/23
If you find yourself deep in the trenches of teacher burnout, you're not alone. The demands of modern education can feel like an ever-expanding tree, with branches of stress, anxiety, and exhaustion stretching in all directions. Perhaps you've tried various strategies, self-care routines, or even sought advice from colleagues, and yet, the burnout persists. If this sounds familiar, I have an important revelation for you: it's highly likely that you've been treating the symptoms rather than...
Published 10/17/23
Have you ever been at work, but it didn't really feel like work? For us teachers, this might seem like a rare gem amidst the late nights and the ever-growing demands of the classroom. If you're here, tuning in to this episode, chances are you've had those moments when teaching starts to blur into a never-ending grind, getting dangerously close to full-blown workaholism. That's why in this episode with my friend, Jed Dearbury, we are talking how to reignite your passion for teaching by not...
Published 10/10/23
Are you a teacher who finds themselves burning the midnight oil, grading papers, and crafting lesson plans long after the school day officially ends? If so, rest assured, you're not alone. In the world of education, it's all too common to unintentionally become the teacher who takes work home, spending precious hours each night immersed in grading or planning. It wasn't in your initial career plans, was it? Recent statistics reveal a stark reality. Four out of five teachers report that their...
Published 10/03/23
Did you know that a study by the National Center for Education Statistics found that teachers who reported having more autonomy in their classrooms tend to experience lower levels of burnout? Isn't it cool how having the freedom to choose your teaching methods and make decisions in your classroom can actually be a super effective way to fight off burnout? 📚✨ It's like your secret weapon for staying energized and excited on your teaching adventure! But we don't always have that freedom, do...
Published 09/26/23
If you've ever been overwhelmed with the mental to-do's, the steps needed to get stuff done in the classroom, or just didn't have the time to show a colleague, student, or parent how or what to do, then you need the ultimate tool for streamlining and simplifying as a teacher. Here's the thing, every minute counts during our workdays as educators, and the demands on teachers seem to multiply daily. That's why finding effective solutions to simplify your workload and regain control of your...
Published 09/19/23
Do you have that one subject that you just cannot stand? Does the mere thought of teaching it make you feel like you're trudging through mud? I get it; every educator has that one subject that seems to defy their teaching magic. But what if I told you that this very subject could be the secret ingredient to reignite your passion for teaching? That's exactly what we are talking about on today's episode with my good friend, Mona Iehl. She is your go to for everything math, but what you might...
Published 09/12/23
Odds are you are either a high-achiever, highly sensitive, perfectionistic, people pleasing teacher, or maybe a mix of all of them. Honestly, I see a little bit of each in myself, and let's be real – it can come at a cost. Whether it's our mental health, physical well-being, or even the relationships both in and out of the classroom, something's gotta give. I've been down that road, and it wasn't until I faced burnout head-on that I realized the game-changing potential of setting boundaries....
Published 09/05/23
Often we think of teacher learning goals as these things that include educational jargon like "rigor" or "learning gap." But if we aren't creating our own professional learning goals, then it's almost pointless. In this episode, we dive into how Melissa, a teacher just like you (not an influencer or social media teacher) used this podcast to set a professional learning goal to beat the teacher burnout cycle once and for all. As you listen to her story, I'm sure you'll feel a little sense...
Published 08/29/23
Are you one of the millions of teachers who has felt burned out and fried? What if you could turn that sizzle into a spark that transforms your classroom and your life? One of the hardest things to overcome is our challenges, and some of us will spend the rest of our careers running from the pain.  What if we could use our pain as fuel for our fire? In the grand theater of teaching, every curtain fall is just a prelude to a grander act. This episode is here to remind you that every lesson,...
Published 08/22/23
Most teachers know that feeling of juggling a zillion tasks, the endless to-dos that seem to multiply faster than rabbits, and that sneaky overwhelm that creeps in right when you need it the least. Being overwhelmed and burned out can have your productivity taking a swan dive, but that's why in this episode we are chatting with Brianne Beebe who is dropping some nuggets to lead you to your treasure map to the land of organized classrooms, stress-free planning sessions, and thriving teacher...
Published 08/15/23
Have you ever sat down and had the thought how do some teachers not burnout? How do they seem to get everything to go their way? Why do they get the best classes and live a great life? And what do they have that I don't? I know that I have. If you're feeling that way, the number one thing that those teachers have that you don't is a fine-tuned mindset. With back to school season upon us, I'm here to let you know that just because you don't have the mindset right now, doesn't mean it's a...
Published 08/08/23
Picture this: a classroom filled with engaged and enthusiastic students, a teacher brimming with passion and energy, and an atmosphere radiating positivity and growth. It may sound like a dream, but the secret behind this transformative classroom experience lies within one crucial aspect: teacher mental health. As educators, we pour our hearts into nurturing the minds of our students, but often forget to tend to our own mind and our own well-being. In this episode, we open your eyes to the...
Published 08/01/23
When you hear "teacher self-care," what comes to mind? Maybe it's the idea of indulging in a bubble bath or unwinding with your favorite TV show (and hey, there's nothing wrong with that!). But self-care is so much deeper and beyond the fluffy stuff. In our very first co-hosted podcast episode, we explore the soul-fulfilling aspects of self-care that will truly nourish your teacher spirit. Lesson planning, grading papers, meetings, and making sure your students get the best education...
Published 07/21/23
The Struggle is Real: Teacher Burnout and Student Behavior Challenges Have you ever found yourself feeling overwhelmed and burnt out as a teacher, especially when it comes to managing student behavior? If so, you're not alone - 70% of teachers agree that behavioral issues and concerns have increased since the 2019-2020 school year. In this episode, we will dive into the causes of this behavior spike, how to know what to do in the classroom, and all about nervous system regulation for teachers...
Published 07/18/23
Unlocking the Power of Digital Organization: A Teacher's Ultimate Solution to Stress and Overwhelm Are you a teacher struggling with mounting paperwork, endless digital files, and the constant battle to find essential resources when you need them the most? If so, you're not alone. The teaching profession is demanding, and the ever-increasing administrative tasks and digital clutter can easily contribute to burnout and a sense of being overwhelmed. However, there is a game-changing solution...
Published 07/14/23
Reclaiming Joy Amongst Burnout: Empowering Teachers to Rediscover Happiness in the Classroom When you feel overwhelmed, stressed to the max, and just to the point of no return in burnout, joy is probably the furthest thing from your mind. But what if I told you reclaiming joy is the key to breaking free from this burnout trap. Now, I get it. You might be thinking, "Here comes another dose of toxic positivity, brushing off my struggles." But hold on a second. Reclaiming joy is not about...
Published 07/11/23
The Power of Systems for Beating Teacher BurnoutAre you a teacher struggling to get out of teacher burnout? Long hours, demanding responsibilities, and the constant juggling act of managing a classroom can take a toll on even the most passionate educators. But what if there was a way to alleviate some of that stress and sustain your career in the long run? In this episode, Samantha Holcomb joins us as we chat all about the transformative power of teacher systems and how they can be your...
Published 07/07/23
Ready to learn the Ins and Outs of Using Your Summer to release stress and finally make this coming school year burnout free? Then take a breath. No seriously. Breathwork is one of the number one easy (and free) ways that you can use your body's natural systems to work with you instead of against you. Just because we're talking about it today, I bet you'll start noticing your own breath. Most teachers and people in general spend most of their day in shallow breath without realizing it. This...
Published 07/04/23
One of the biggest reasons that teachers burnout is because of the constant adding of more and more to our plates. Sometimes the tasks that are added aren't even necessary for us as professionals to do and if we want to take control of our tasks, you have to start working smarter. If you're looking to start working smarter and not harder this school year and beat burnout, you need to start automating your classroom. Automation doesn't have to be super techy and intimidating. In fact, in...
Published 06/27/23
Are you ready to reignite your passion and let your creativity shine? It's time to share your amazing gifts with the world! And guess what? Summer is the perfect season to kickstart a side hustle and connect with fellow teachers. When you're stuck in burnout, being creative can feel like a daunting task. The stress and overwhelm can hold you back from getting into that magical state of flow. But don't worry, I've got something exciting to share in this episode! Starting a side hustle this...
Published 06/20/23
Ever wonder how the chronic stress from teaching is impacting your summer lifestyle? While summer break is the ultimate goal of resting and recharging; stress knows no rest. Its impact on our bodies lingers, even in the moments of supposed tranquility, silently eroding our well-being. The weird period of transition from heavy stress-induced overwork in teaching to summer break can be a shock to your nervous system and you need evidence-based ways to get yourself regulated this summer. In...
Published 06/13/23