As teachers we spend a lot of time doing a lot of different tasks but grading and feedback are the number one areas especially for Language Arts teachers that can take up an enormous amount of time. You’ve probably been like me and spent hours at your kitchen table missing out on time with family and just life outside of work. In this episode, we’re chatting with special guest, Gil Flores about how AI is shifting the landscape of education, what this means for our roles as educators, and...
Published 05/07/24
Published 05/07/24
If you are anything like me, juggling a bunch of different classes and even different grade levels can feel like you’re drowning. Heck, if you’re an elementary teacher prepping for 5 or 6 different subject areas…whew! The struggle is real. But juggling a lot of different things is what my friend Khristen Massic does for fun. Khristen loves efficiency and productivity hacks as much as you love leaving school at your contracted time. She is in her 16th year of education with 10 years as a high...
Published 04/23/24
Are you one of those teachers who is piled with more and more at the end of the school year? Or maybe it's another time where it feels like it's just a lot on your plate? You probably call this your "busy season." Then again, as teachers, what season isn't busy, am I right? In this episode, we are diving into the idea behind these "busy seasons" and how I've started to stop letting them get the best of me. I am giving you three practical and actionable tips to transform the feeling of chaos...
Published 04/16/24
As teachers, we often didn't get into the profession thinking we'd be rolling in the dough, but we at least expected to receive a livable wage. The fact of the matter is that many teachers are feeling stress and burnout often from their finances. And while, teachers should be paid fairly according to their experience and education with systemic change, at some point, we can be proactive. That's why I am excited to have special guest, George Kamel, on the show to chat all things financial...
Published 04/09/24
It’s hard to believe The Resilient Teacher Podcast is already at 100 episodes. Time flies when you’re having fun. I’m so excited to celebrate with you today with a listener’s choice - I asked, you answered, and now we’re doing a round up of 5 of the biggest mistakes that teachers make when they try to recover from burnout. You’re definitely going to want to listen to this episode to hear all about the mistakes you could be making, the super simple giveaway I’m doing to celebrate this...
Published 04/02/24
Stress as a teacher is something you just can't get away from. It's bound to happen but in order to avoid burnout and sustain your career, we have to take steps to mitigate it in realtime.   My friend, who you might know as Educator Andrea on Tiktok & Instagram, actually gained some social media notoriety for her hilarious classroom stories, but what you might not know is that she has her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction. Her research and dissertation was all about factors that impact...
Published 03/26/24
HEAD OVER TO THE SHOW NOTES: teachingmindbodyandsoul.com/episode98 👉Join the FREE Resilient Teacher Community on Facebook: http://www.teachingmindbodyandsoul.com/supportsquad 📝 Want a FREE personalized step-by-step guide to crushing teacher burnout? Take the Personalized Burnout Recovery Roadmap quiz here!  ❓Get your Questions Answered on the Resilient Teacher Podcast: Ask anything about burnout, recovery, self-care, simplification, and get your questions answered on the show. Head over to...
Published 03/19/24
One of the reasons that students are apathetic and disengaged is because they don’t see the point or value in learning. We’ve talked in this short mini-series about apathetic students and disengagement and some real strategies and mindset shifts we can make as educators to reduce the burnout from these types of behaviors. We need a way to reignite our passion but also to intrinsically motivate students to see the value in life-long learning. Last week we talked about adding productive...
Published 03/12/24
If you've ever faced the challenge of staring at blank faces of your uninterested and disengaged students, you know how hard it is to spark their curiosity. Actually getting them to take action is a struggle in and of itself, but what if I told you there's a transformative approach that could flip the switch from apathy to engagement? That’s exactly what we're diving into in today’s episode, where we explore the game-changing strategy of teaching productive struggle. This isn’t just about...
Published 03/05/24
As a teacher, one of the biggest challenges that is experienced in 2024 is the increase in students who don’t put forth any effort and won’t think for themselves. There is an epidemic of apathetic students in our classrooms and this behavior is met with the push for teachers to do and be more. In this episode, we chat with Angela Watson about how the solution is not to put more onus on teachers, but rather supportn students with how to take initiative and persevere through challenges. Angela...
Published 02/27/24
Have you ever felt like your job as a teacher isn't just a part of your life, but somehow, it's started to be your life? You're not alone. Many of us teachers have find ourselves caught in a cycle where the lines between professional and personal blur—a phenomenon psychologists call "enmeshment." It's like our work has slowly woven itself into every fiber of our being, dictating not just how we spend our hours but also shaping our identity and worth. While being passionate and dedicated is...
Published 02/20/24
One of the biggest struggles that teachers are having with implementing Artificial Intelligence in their classrooms is the fear that somehow using AI will somehow make their jobs obsolete. The other is that they don't know how it use AI effectively. That's why I brought onto the show, Ren Wang, the co-founder of HiLink, to discuss the potential of AI in education, debunking myths and highlighting how it's set to support, not supplant, the irreplaceable human element of teaching. In this...
Published 02/13/24
Ever caught yourself in that late-night teacher's trance, just you and the ceiling after a long day, wondering why your tank feels empty? 🤔 If you're nodding along, know that you're in good company. Teacher burnout has this sneaky way of creeping up on us, even when we're pouring our hearts into what we love. It's like one minute you're on fire, full of passion, and the next, you're questioning if all the effort is worth it. But here's a little secret: burnout doesn't discriminate. It can hit...
Published 02/06/24
If you've been dealing with the idea that students now-a-days are completely apathetic, you are certainly not alone. It seems like in recent years, students' disengagement has increased. However, it's important to realize that it's not just about them, but it's about us as well. In this episode, we are diving into one of the questions from The Resilient Teacher Community members, who asked, "How do you not burnout when students appear to be apathetic about learning & don’t put effort...
Published 01/30/24
Are you feeling the weight of the teaching world on your shoulders, especially when it comes to those dreaded sick days? As teachers, we've all been there – waking up feeling under the weather, yet the thought of calling in sick seems more daunting than sucking it up in the classroom. But here's the thing: it's time to break this cycle of overwhelm and guilt. In this episode, we address the common struggle teachers face when it comes to taking sick days. The pressure to power through illness,...
Published 01/23/24
One of the reasons we experience burnout is because we're just bored. I know I've been that teacher, where things just aren't as exciting as they used to be. However, one of the things that can help reignite our passion is by taking time to learn and grow. But how do you do that when we hardly have time to take a potty break? Insert reflection and micro-learning. Developing personally and professionally has actually been proven to help combat burnout and keep us passionate about our work....
Published 01/16/24
As we embark on a brand new year, many of us may find ourselves reflecting on the past and seeking to set new goals and intentions for the future. In the midst of uncertainty and challenging times, it's crucial to find a renewed sense of purpose and direction. In this episode, we dive into navigating through difficult seasons, reprioritizing our lives, and finding a sense of intention and purpose. In this episode, I share a personal story that I've been reflecting on since the end of 2023 and...
Published 01/09/24
It's a brand new year coming up - 2024 - time flies when you're having fun...right? Look, It's time to break the cycle of burnout and start the new year off on the right foot. Last year, we released an episode and I think everything is still super relevant for today. So, throughout this episode if I mention 2023, just know it goes the same for 2024. I've been in burnout recovery for almost 5 years and I want to remind you that recovery is not linear. It has dips where we slip back and we...
Published 12/26/23
This week, I am bringing you an episode from the archives that you might have missed. If you are a teacher who has struggled with cycling in burnout over and over again, you might be addicted to stress. In this episode, I am sharing with you how being addicted to stress can keep you in the burnout cycle, how our bodies become addicted to stress subconciously, how to tell if you are addicted to stress, and what we can actually do about it.  HEAD OVER TO THE SHOW NOTES:...
Published 12/12/23
Have you ever caught yourself thinking, 'If I can't do it perfectly, why bother doing it at all?' Maybe you've felt this way about your personal development as an educator, believing that you must always feel passionate and energized, and if you ever experience moments of doubt or fatigue, you’re somehow failing in your role. Or perhaps it’s in how you utilize resources in your classroom, thinking that you need to use every recommended teaching resource to its fullest, otherwise, you’re not...
Published 12/05/23
Automating your classroom to reduce teacher burnout has never been easier before. If you’ve tinkered with idea of incorporating AI into your workflow, you're in the right place! I've been diving deep into the world of AI for a year now, and let me tell you – it's a game-changer for us teachers. We're talking a massive 30-40% time saved on grading and admin tasks. That's more time for coffee breaks and actual teaching! I've been on a quest to find the crème de la crème of AI tools. I'm...
Published 11/28/23
Did you know that recent studies show that people spent 23% of their work time in their e-mail inbox? With the increasing reliance on email as a means of communication, many teachers find themselves spending excessive amounts of time in their inboxes, leaving less time for important tasks. I, too, struggled with this until I found ways to integrate tools together and automate my email communication. In this episode, we explore practical ways to optimize and automate your email use, making...
Published 11/21/23
If you are a teacher tired of spending endless hours on repetitive tasks and typing the same things over and over again, then hold on to your lucky flair pen because I’m giving you a simple FREE plug and play automation that you have got to start using ASAP in your classroom. In this episode, we are diving into a game-changing tool that will rescue you from that time-sucking abyss. Join us as we chat with Dan Barak, the CEO and founder of TextBlaze, who also happens to be a former senior...
Published 11/17/23
Teachers are busy. One day we’re in a college thinking the rest of our life is planned out; the next we’re juggling fifteen thousand tasks as a teacher. In order for us to accomplish everything we need to do, we’re going to need some energy. The best way to gain energy is through doing more of what you love. But here’s the conundrum - how do you get more done with less available hours in your day? That's where a simple yet powerful teacher system comes into play. You need a way to identify...
Published 11/15/23