My guest today is Karen Seltz, a coach and practitioner of Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT), which is a therapeutic approach designed to quickly isolate and resolve emotional and behavioral issues by targeting their root causes. Through guided conversation and exploration, RRT aims to uncover the underlying sources of social phobias and social anxiety, which may include past traumas, negative belief patterns, or unresolved conflicts. By addressing the core issues in a focused and efficient...
Published 05/03/24
Published 05/03/24
In this week's episode, I answer a listener's question about feeling criticized vs. receiving helpful feedback. We also discuss delayed trauma and how that bubbles back up to the surface in your professional life as soon as we're triggered. Don’t even know where to begin in improving your communication style? Are you ready to leave social stress behind and go from where you are to where you want to be?   Book a Social Strategy Session HERE  Free Guide: The Social Skills Playbook Digital...
Published 04/18/24
Episode 176 answers a listener’s question about why they may have been passed over for a higher level role.   Numerous factors come into play, and taking the steps to modify your persona may be the best option.   Don’t even know where to begin in improving your interpersonal skills? Are you ready to leave social stress behind and go from where you are to where you want to be? Book a Social Strategy Session HERE   Free Guide: The Social Skills Playbook Digital Business Card...
Published 04/12/24
In episode #174 we explore the transformative potential of social scripting and visualization techniques in shaping ideal experiences. We delve into how crafting mental scripts and vividly imagining desired outcomes can enhance confidence, performance, and overall well-being. From job interviews to public speaking engagements, we discuss practical applications of these methods in various contexts. Join us as we uncover the science behind these practices and offer actionable tips for...
Published 03/29/24
In episode #173, we delve into the ways in which the fear of the unknown can hold professionals back from reaching their full potential.  We explore how uncertainty about anything from new projects, and unfamiliar opportunities can breed anxiety and stifle progress. From the fear of failure to being in flight or fright mode, we dissect common challenges and their impact on professional development. Join us as we discuss strategies for embracing uncertainty, building resilience, and stepping...
Published 03/21/24
In episode 172, we delve into the importance of selecting the right communication style for various situations. From assertiveness to passive-aggressiveness and aggression, we explore how each style shapes interactions and relationships.  Learn how upbringing and social influences play a role in determining our default styles and how we can consciously adapt them for better outcomes. Discover practical tips for navigating conversations with confidence, setting boundaries, and creating...
Published 03/15/24
In episode 171 we uncover how the narratives we craft, both internally and influenced by society, shape the outcomes we experience in life. From personal self-talk to worry and anxiety, explore the cognitive links between our stories and the realities we manifest. Join us as we delve into practical insights and inspiring examples, revealing the profound impact of our narratives on our perceptions and the choices we make. Tune in to learn how rewriting our stories can lead to positive...
Published 03/08/24
Social skills, be they good or bad, are often the result of ingrained habits that develop over time. These habits can include things like interrupting others, avoiding eye contact, or not listening actively. Sometimes, people may not even be aware of these habits because they've become a natural part of how they interact with others. It's important to recognize that poor social skills are not permanent personality traits; instead, they are learned behaviors that can be modified with awareness...
Published 03/04/24
Feeling stuck in your comfort zone? This episode dives into the power of taking social risks and speaking up! We explore why stepping outside your comfort zone can lead to exciting opportunities, stronger connections, and even personal growth. Discover how to overcome anxieties, find your voice, and unlock the potential hidden within your social risks!   Book a Social Strategy Session HERE Free Guide: The Social Skills Playbook
Published 02/25/24
If the thought of initiating and joining conversations brings you down, instead, think of social skills as the bridge between knowledge and your making an amazing impact. They let you explain complex ideas clearly, persuade colleagues, and build trust with clients. They help you navigate the "human side" of the equation, where teamwork, leadership, and communication hold the power to unlock true potential. Don't be fooled by the "soft" label. Mastering social skills requires dedication, just...
Published 02/17/24
Building and maintaining healthy self-esteem is important for various aspects of your life, as it influences your mental well-being, relationships, and overall success. It helps you with everything from having positive mental health, to resilience, improved relationships, increased confidence, and daily motivation, just to name a few. It's important to note that building self-esteem is a continuous process that involves self-reflection, self-compassion, and personal growth.   Free...
Published 02/09/24
Selecting an ideal communication style is crucial as it facilitates effective and authentic expression of thoughts, emotions, and ideas. Tailoring your communication approach to align with your personality, values, and preferences enhances clarity and ensures that your message resonates genuinely with others. A communication style that suits you promotes confidence, allowing you to articulate yourself with ease and engage in more meaningful interactions. It fosters better understanding and...
Published 02/02/24
Improving your social presence involves a holistic approach that encompasses interpersonal skills and self-awareness. Cultivating self-confidence is crucial, as is maintaining positive body language, and dressing in a manner that boosts personal confidence. Being fully engaged in conversations, responding thoughtfully, and displaying genuine interest in others' perspectives creates a social environment that is ripe for connection.  Additionally, enhancing verbal and non-verbal communication...
Published 01/26/24
Working from home clearly has its benefits, and it can also have negative implications when you know that it is in your best interest to improve your people skills. I get it — isolation and zero small talk have been a dream, but reduced face-to-face interactions that accompany remote work can also create negative side effects on your career. The physical separation from colleagues and the office environment can lead to a decline in spontaneous social exchanges, casual conversations, and...
Published 01/18/24
Get ready to amplify your happiness quotient and become a magnet for positive connections. It's time to explore the power of choosing happiness on episode 163 of the Social Skills Mastery podcast. On today’s show we delve into the transformative power of choosing happiness and the magnetic effect it has on the people around you, including the psychology behind positive energy and the ripple effect it creates in social dynamics. Discover how your choice to embrace joy can radiate outward,...
Published 01/11/24
On today's episode of The Social Skills Mastery podcast, I share the simple secrets behind effortlessly starting conversations with anyone, anytime. Join me as we explore the art of breaking the ice, whether it's at a networking event, a social gathering, or even with a stranger at your local coffee shop. We'll delve into the power of small talk, debunking the myth that it's merely superficial. Discover practical tips for overcoming social anxiety, embracing discomfort, and reading social...
Published 01/04/24
Taking micro steps each day toward social success can offer numerous benefits, contributing to personal growth, improved relationships, and enhanced well-being. Some of the advantages include, increased confidence, building positive habits, an expanded comfort zone, and strengthened relationships. Overall, the practice of taking micro steps toward social success provides a practical and sustainable approach to personal development, allowing individuals to build a foundation of confidence...
Published 12/28/23
For many socially reluctant professionals, being assertive and advocating for themselves can be challenging. Assertiveness involves expressing your thoughts, feelings, and needs in a direct and honest manner while respecting the rights and feelings of others. Factors that can contribute to experiencing difficulty in speaking up include personality traits, cultural and societal influences, and fear of conflict. This can be the greatest one, as many people fear confrontation and conflict,...
Published 12/23/23
https://www.socialconfidencepro.com/Celebrating small wins as you build your social muscle is important, and it can be a powerful strategy for building corrfidence in any area.   Recognizing and acknowledging your achievements, no matter how small, provides several benefits. For example, celebrating small wins can boost your motivation by providing a sense of accomplishment, and this positive reinforcement encourages you to continue working towards your goals.   It also reinforces...
Published 12/14/23
To win friends and be more interesting to people, it is crucial to hone your active listening skills. Begin by giving your undivided attention to the speaker, maintaining eye contact, and eliminating distractions. Show your presence by resisting the urge to formulate responses prematurely, allowing the speaker to express themselves fully. Demonstrate empathy by acknowledging the speaker's feelings and perspectives. Utilize open-ended questions to encourage elaborate responses, fostering a...
Published 12/09/23
Navigating awkward social situations can be challenging, but with some strategic approaches, you can turn discomfort into an opportunity for success.  There are numerous strategies, including staying calm and positive, maintaining your composure and a positive attitude, especially when people call you out, and paying close attention to others so you can react in the moment to exactly what is being said.   Addressing the awkwardness directly can lighten the mood, particularly when you...
Published 11/23/23