Boundaries For Spirit and People. This is THE episode!
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This is THE EPISODE! This is the one you need - the one you have all the questions about!  Today we are talking about SPIRIT BOUNDAIRES!  What are they? Do you need them?? How to enforce them? How do you get PEOPLE and SPIRIT to respect your boundaries and space? Maybe the reason your intuition is overwhelming is that your boundaries aren't strong enough - and maybe...the reason you're not getting the messages you want is that you haven't been CLEAR enough about what you NEED!  My students are taught boundaries before anything because they protect u, strengthen our connections, take soooo much guesswork out of what we do, and bring clarity to our messages!  Still not sure which is your strongest intuitive gift after listening to the podcast? Take my quiz to find out and get a FREE mini-course customized specifically to your intuitive ability! For more articles, insight, and inspiration, visit me on the site! Enroll in the Intuitive Development Course to develop and manage your intuition, communicate with your spirit guides, and flow with life! Register Here! Use code IDP25 at checkout for a 25% discount! Follow me on all the social medias! Youtube Facebook Instagram
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