What type of meditation should you be doing? I have a confession: I wasn't always a fan of mediation. In fact, I didn't know a thing about it or why I needed to do it! I finally gave it a try when I hit a point in my life where my intuitive gifts were taking over, and I could no longer control them. I was also severely depressed and had no idea that depression and unmanaged gifts often go hand in hand!  Once I decided that I was no longer available to feel the way I did, I went all in...
Published 05/09/24
This week's podcast is all about my favorite book's over the years that have helped my spiritual practice, my personal development, and to keep me on track!    Listen here or Watch here!   One book that literally made my whole life make sense was Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth! SO MANY AH-HA moments during that one! (All recommended books linked below!)   I hope you enjoy this week's podcast, and don't forget that during the month of May, I am not only offering 30% off...
Published 05/05/24
"Why isn't my intuition working? How do I know if I can trust it? Is my intuition strong enough? I'm not getting anywhere with my meditations..." Does any of this sound familiar to you? It's something I used to ask myself and now I hear it from clients almost daily! Here's the thing, your intuition is always on, but to be able to hear it at will, understand the subtle messages, and get clarity on life's direction, you're going to need to finess it a little bit!  You need more...
Published 04/26/24
Who Are Mediums and Psychics Actually Talking To? How Does Mediumship Work?Who Are Mediums and Psychics Actually Talking To? How Does Mediumship Work? Are mediums and psychics crazy, like who are they actually talking to? Where does their information come from? Are they actually talking to dead people? How does mediumship work? Today's episode of The Spirited Life is an extraaaa special one because it was live recorded, which means you can watch it on my Facebook and YouTube, right below, or...
Published 04/19/24
How To Find Yourself Again  How well do you know yourself? You might think you know yourself better than anyone or that, of course, you know you….you ARE YOU. I want to challenge this belief and tell you that with every season of life, a new you is born while integrated patterns and versions of the past still play a significant role.  In my 20s, I realized I never knew who I was and that I was always living life as a version of myself that I thought would make other people more...
Published 03/21/24
How do we begin to feel energy? What does it mean when our ears are ringing, or we get a sudden gut feeling that pulls us in a different direction? These are the types of questions that clients bring to me all the time! Today's episode was a live recorded question-and-answer session with my clients, fans, and readers! In this episode, we get into the specifics of the different intuitive abilities, how to play around with energy, how to manifest, and so much more! The questions in this...
Published 05/13/23
Who's in your energy field? What are the signs someone is hanging out in your energy field, and how do you identify who is pulling at your energy? A few signs are a specific person constantly popping in your head, dreaming of them, their name randomly coming up in conversation, and a heaviness that you just can't shake! You see, we are all energy, and energy knows no space or time. If you're thinking of someone often, they will feel it and vice versa! In this episode, pulled from...
Published 05/02/23
There are multiple reasons why you’re afraid of your intuition! Some obvious some not so obvious! Listen to this episode to hear how to take control of your intuition and allow it to help you FLOURISH! I was afraid of being a medium. I was fearful of my intuition, the things I felt, and the fact that I was possibly a crazy person. When you're a strong and unmanaged intuitive, your gifts can feel more like a curse than a blessing! Throughout my life, my dreams were petrifying. No really, I...
Published 04/18/23
How do we truly begin to heal and let go of the past? Over the years, I have learned that to truly heal; we must release. Releasing in order to heal means forgiving, setting ourselves free, calling our energy back, and letting go of trauma bonds. One main way to access this level of healing is through the Inner Child and the Higher Self! What is the inner child, and why is it important?“Essentially, our inner child is the forgiving, free-spirited part of us that still feels and experiences...
Published 04/04/23
How to create more mental space? Mental fatigue can be physically paralyzing. It feels like you're tired, but you know you slept. It's like you can faceplant on a tiled floor and sleep for days like you are thinking of everything, yet nothing all at once. Mental fatigue can have you feeling like you're stuck yet spinning out of control. So much of our mental fatigue is created by the massive amounts of "invisible labor" that we do all day, every day. What is invisible labor, you ask?...
Published 03/28/23
5 Ways To Make Your Spiritual Connections MUCH Easier! I remember when I was starting to develop my mediumship gifts; it was equal parts scary, frustrating, and exciting! Frightening for so many reasons. Would people think I'm crazy? Was I crazy? What if something dangerous came through? It was exciting because, duh! Frustrating because there were no clear-cut steps laid out for me. I didn't know about spirit guides, grounding, and protection at the time. I certainly didn't realize there was...
Published 03/21/23
Unpopular opinion, meditation can make us judge ourselves even more than we would have without it. Yep, I said it! Meditation is supposed to take us to a peaceful place, a higher vibration, and provide a sense of connection with the self. It's about gaining clarity and calm. However, sometimes, depending on how you're looking at it, meditation can have you judging yourself harder than before you started. We all do it! We judge our meditations, and we judge ourselves for not being able to...
Published 03/14/23
Awakening is a beautiful, wonderful, and confusing process. It's shedding the skin you've worn for the world to reveal who you are at your core. It guides you towards acceptance of the true self and reveals the beautiful, soft, loving soul that you are!  While incredibly beautiful, awakening can feel messy and isolating at times.  You see, most of us are conditioned into becoming who we THINK others need us to be. We take on beliefs, personalities and operate in manners that we believe...
Published 03/07/23
Is the universe testing you? Do you ever feel like you can't catch a break no matter what you do and how hard you try?  I get it! I used to think life was out to get me, but then once I got more positive, I shifted to "the universe loves to test me."  I always tell people DONT ASK if anything else can go wrong because that is like asking for more challenges!  Challenges, you ask? Yes! Challenges!  A few years ago, I was talking to my spirit guides about the "tests" they had been...
Published 02/28/23
Meet your spirit guide workshop and meditation!  Today's episode is a quick little workshop to meet a member of your spirit team! I teach my clients similar techniques to meet a members of their team. Yep, this includes their Higher selves, spirit guides, and even reconnecting with loved ones who passed!  I started this episode with the intention of teaching but was guided into a full meditation for you!  Enjoy this mix of a workshop and meditation to meet and connect with a member...
Published 02/08/23
What is it like to be a medium? Interesting, to say the least, and it comes with a lot of responsibility too!  Not only do I have to make sure my personal feelings and advice don't get in the way of spirit's messages, but I am also not allowed to filter! I have to say things the way they say them, or they won't give me any messages until I do. Trust me; I've tried!  When I am channeling, sometimes I see or feel something that doesn't make sense to me.  I used to try skipping past these...
Published 02/02/23
Hey, hey, hey! The Spirited Life Podcast is back in full swing; sorry for the hiatus! In additon to how to identify and treat burn out, we will catch up on all things Light, Love and Spirit related!  Burnout is a real thing and can take you down! Spiritual burnout feels like pure exhaustion, crippling fatigue, rampant emotions, and constant overstimulation for me. In 2016 I wrote a blog post about the spiritual burnout I was navigating and how it led me to do this work full-time! That...
Published 01/26/23
Raising Confident Kids! I get asked all the time what kind of spiritual practices I do with my kids. In todays episode I talk not necessarily about “spiritual practices” but how I teach my kids confidence and strength through consciousness and intention. In this episode you will hear a clip from my 4 year old saying her affirmations on her own unprompted by me! Affirmations don’t work without belief and emotion behind them but with repetition you can create new neuro-pathways and you...
Published 07/15/22
Let's talk Claircognizance, shall we? It is another one of the four main intuitive abilities and is the gift of clear knowing and receiving. In this episode, we will talk about how Claircognizance might have already been showing up for your day-to-day. I will give you examples of how you can identify when your Claircognizance is coming through and even a few exercises to be able to tap into it and notice it more! Claircognizant people will notice the following! They receive downloads! ...
Published 06/23/22
Why can't you get a definitive answer from spirit? How to get your soul to answer yes or no questions. How does free will contribute? How to connect with your spirit team and how to hear from your spirit guides.    For more blogs and inspiration on spirit guides, intuition, psychic abilities, and manifestation visit my site:  https://lightloveandspirit.com/blog/  To work with me directly on mindset coaching, business coaching, and intuitive development follow this link:...
Published 06/16/22
Another CLAIR! If you’ve been around long enough then you’ve probably heard me talk about the four main intuitive gifts. Today’s episode is all about Clairsentience, the gift of clear feeling!  Clairsentience shows up by feeling other people's energy, feelings of being watched or followed, tingles on the skin, gut feelings, and energetic feelings straight to the heart.  It’s been said the stomach acts as a second brain and this is absolutely true as we are feeling with our intuition through...
Published 06/10/22
A different kind of episode today. Just sharing my thoughts on the school shooting and how we can take action.
Published 05/26/22
Live Q&A Session!  https://lightloveandspirit.com/product/intuitive-bootcamp-2022/
Published 05/13/22
Today I am going to be talking all about taking the "woo" out of "woo-woo" and how our intuition shows up in our daily lives. For instance, what prompts you to make the decisions that you do, respond how you do, and go where you go? What "coincidences" are happening for you, and what do they mean? Might they be synchronicities leading you in a more divine direction? What decisions do you make in business, and how do you make those decisions? Do you make them based on intuition or what the...
Published 05/05/22