Mediumship - The Good, The Bad, The Purpose. When you hear the term mediumship, what are your first thoughts? Crystal balls, dead people, scams? What if I told you most of what you know mediumship to be is totally wrong? What if I told you mediumship is a lot more common and easy to tap into than you think? What is mediumship used for? First and foremost, mediumship is for YOUR healing. It’s for you to know how loved and supported you are. I don’t love the term “medium” because I think it...
Published 04/21/22
WHAT IS YOUR SPIRIT ANIMAL? | Find Out About Your Totem, Power & Spirit Animals.  What's the difference between a spirit animal, a totem animal, and a power animal? How do I identify my spirit animal? In this clip, we will discuss what a spirit animal is and different techniques for meeting yours. This clip was pulled directly from my previous membership and was exclusive to them but is now available here and on YOUTUBE for you to enjoy!  MENTIONED: How To Meet Your Spirit Animal -...
Published 04/14/22
My Top 4 Ways To Manifest Consistently When I first heard about manifesting and The Law Of Attraction, it all seemed so silly to me! As foolish as I thought it was, I figured it wouldn't hurt to give it a try, so I went all in! Over the past eight years I have tested many methods taught by experts, books, and coaches on the different techniques and "sure-fire" ways to manifest. The thing is, I found that most people still left out a few key ingredients to consistently manifest. To be...
Published 04/07/22
CAN A SPIRIT GUIDE BE A FAMILY MEMBER?  Connecting With Deceased Family Members And Spirit Guides.  Where do our spirit guides come from and how are they assigned? What can they help us with? Can our deceased loved ones be our spirit guides? When a loved one passes we want to desperately to contact them and to know they are still with us, so are they? Do our loved ones guide us and act as our spirit guides?  To Learn How To Connect With Your Spirit Guides:...
Published 03/31/22
How To Remove Spiritual Blocks And Identify Patterns. Why Sh*T Keeps Happening To You! Blocks, patterns, and shifts, what does it all mean? Does the same sh*t keep happening just on a different day? In the spiritual community, we talk a lot about identifying your pattern to help you remove blocks and push past barriers to let go of things (and certain types of people) that no longer serve you.  The idea behind identifying your patterns is that it will help you gain clarity on why you...
Published 03/23/22
A Quick Guide To The Full Moon! I don't know about you, but around the full moon, I have a tendency to feel exhausted, depleted, and even a bit snippy! The full moon can leave you feeling drained for many reasons, and one of them might be your amped-up dreams and intuition! In this episode, we talk about: Why the full moon can put you (and others on edge) Moon water - what is it and how to make it! Why you should smudge and reset your boundaries around the full moon What your spirit...
Published 03/17/22
SEEING COLORS IN MEDITATION | What Do The Colors In Meditation Mean?  When you're beginning to meditate you may be surprised by all of the "things" that you "see" with your eyes closed!  Many people will see faces, shapes, and even movie-like scenes. These are all signs that you are seeing clairvoyantly, but what about when you see colors during meditation? What do those colors mean, is it something you should be paying attention to?    In this episode: I will teach you how to identify...
Published 03/10/22
Want to know how to get messages from spirit and intuitive hits with ease? Timing can make a big difference when you're learning to connect with spirit! Certain times of the day allow for more clarity, while certain locations bring you closer to spirit to allow for a full-body connection.  Did you know that there are certain times of the year that actually assist in your connection with your intuition and spirit? The veil is incredibly thin about three times a year, making it the...
Published 03/03/22
Self-Love Is NOT The Same As Self-Acceptance.  Self-Love and self-acceptance, what is the difference? Are they the same? Which is easier to do? Self-love is, for many, much easier than self-acceptance. It's easier to treat yourself well, be kind to yourself, and say loving things than it is to let yourself be vulnerable and truly seen. We often hold ourselves back by wondering if we are enough, pretty enough, productive enough, smart enough...but when you accept yourself, you KNOW you...
Published 02/24/22
Clairaudience. What Is Clairaudience, And How Does It Show Up? Did you know there are four main intuitive abilities and that we all have one or two that are stronger than the others? Clairaudient people “hear” intuitive guidance and receive messages audibly. These gifts can show up in subtle and unexpected ways, making it tricky to tell if you’re using your intuition, if you’re crazy, or if you experienced “another coincidence.”  So, what is clairaudience? Clairaudience is the intuitive...
Published 02/17/22
WHO'S IN YOUR ENERGY? Did you know that when you keep thinking of someone, keep reliving a memory, or you keep revisiting a situation in your mind that you are still energetically attached? You're an empath - we all are! There certainly are different levels to our empathic abilities, but we are all energy. This means that we constantly exchange energy via connections, thought, and physical interaction. Today's episode will teach you how to identify if someone is in your energy field, and a...
Published 02/11/22
Do you subconsciously hold yourself back from a beautiful life or amazing experiences because you're secretly living in fear? Did you know that underneath a lack of trust is often just a fear hiding in the shadows? Many of us desire specific careers, homes, and relationships but often are deeply afraid of what will happen if we actually go after and get manifest these things. Sounds crazy, right? How can someone be afraid of manifesting their dreams? Here are some examples of fears that...
Published 02/03/22
Letting Go Of Control To Get What You Want. You should know something about me; I am NOT a patient person. In fact, when I decided it was time to get happy, I wanted it to happen right away. I tried to control my journey. When I started to meditate, I immediately wanted amazing messages with exceptional clarity. I tried to control my skillset. And even now, when I decide something gets to happen for me, I don’t love the wait time between the decision and the manifestation. Do you see a...
Published 01/26/22
How do you know if a psychic is real or not? What are the red flags, and what should you look out for? Are any psychics real? Are any mediums legit? What are psychic red flags? I am mortified to say that when I was 19, I was totally scammed by a "psychic" who told me I had a curse and would never find love. Today I share with you my story in hopes of helping you avoid similar situations. In the past, I've written a couple of articles about red flags you should look for when choosing to seek...
Published 01/20/22
Have you ever wondered how people get clear guidance from their intuition?  Do you think getting intuitive messages is only for "special" people, people who practice mediumship, or are "psychic"?  The truth is anyone can and should be tapping into their intuition on a daily basis! My intuition is the guidepost for my life and after working with many clients it's now their's too!   In this episode, I'm going to teach you how to tap into your intuition and notice the subtle hits and...
Published 01/13/22
Today we talk all about the four primary psychic abilities; how they appear, how you can utilize them, and how to strengthen them. We all have intuition, and it's ALWAYS speaking to us, but that doesn't mean the way my intuition speaks to me is the way yours speaks to you! Frustration comes for many when they try to tap into their intuition and hardly get anywhere. In my years of developing my intuition and teaching others to tap into theirs, I have realized that we must strengthen and...
Published 01/05/22
Our chakra system directly corresponds to the physical body! When one energy center (aka chakra) is out of alignment, more often than not we will have a physical response as well. In today's episode I explain a bit about how the chakras correspond to the physical body and how they get unbalanced.  You can also find today's clip on my Youtube channel!  Still not sure which is your strongest intuitive gift after listening to the podcast? Take my quiz to find out and get a FREE mini-course...
Published 01/05/22
This is THE EPISODE! This is the one you need - the one you have all the questions about!  Today we are talking about SPIRIT BOUNDAIRES!  What are they? Do you need them?? How to enforce them? How do you get PEOPLE and SPIRIT to respect your boundaries and space? Maybe the reason your intuition is overwhelming is that your boundaries aren't strong enough - and maybe...the reason you're not getting the messages you want is that you haven't been CLEAR enough about what you...
Published 01/05/22
Soul contracts and karmic relationships what are they and how do they impact us day to day? Direct quote from an article on the site! "Here are a few signs of a karmic relationship The connection is fiery, passionate, and the attraction is almost electric. In the beginning, you may even confuse this person with your twin-flame. When things are good, they are GREAT, but when they are bad, they are TERRIBLE. The relationship will usually involve abuse of some sort, whether it be...
Published 01/05/22
Clairvoyance, is it just for fortune tellers with crystal balls, or is it a real thing that shows up daily? Clairvoyance is different than what most people think. Clairvoyants don't always see ghosts and dead people walking around everywhere - if fact, far from it!  Clairvoyance shows up as vivid dreams, visions, daydreams, and being a visual planner!  Join me in today's episode 6 signs you're clairvoyant to discover the sneaky ways this intuitive gift shows up for many of us! Still...
Published 01/05/22
Today's episode is focused on the question I get asked most often: "Am I crazy, or am I psychic?" So many people have intuitive experiences but quickly discount them when they can't replicate them or tune in at will.  Today I go over 3 ways to tap into your intuition and psychic abilities!  And don't forget to really tune in and enhance your intuition join me in The Intuitive Development Course!  Still not sure which is your strongest intuitive gift after listening to the...
Published 01/05/22
Let's talk money, baby! What are your thoughts, stories, and patterns around money?  When does money feel good to you, and when does it feel bad to you? Today we are getting real, raw, and vulnerable. I will teach you to look at your stories and give you some insight on how to shift them!  If you love this episode and want so much more on manifesting and shifting, I invite you to enroll in Mission Manifest! The BEST (IMO) law of attraction course around.  I combine facts with woo...
Published 01/05/22