Karmic Relationships and Soul Contracts!
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Soul contracts and karmic relationships what are they and how do they impact us day to day? Direct quote from an article on the site! "Here are a few signs of a karmic relationship The connection is fiery, passionate, and the attraction is almost electric. In the beginning, you may even confuse this person with your twin-flame. When things are good, they are GREAT, but when they are bad, they are TERRIBLE. The relationship will usually involve abuse of some sort, whether it be emotional or physical. The same patterns (or issues) keep coming up again and again. Love, laugh, fight, make love, fight again, back to laughing. Someone in the relationship is constantly trying to change the other person into who they think they need them to be. You both know the relationship isn't healthy but you don't leave. On the flipside, if you do you leave you always get back together continuing the same patterns. No matter how much they hurt you still love them. Does this sound familiar to you? The thing about karmic relationships is while at the time they are painful, possibly even ruthless, they can heal us in a major way!" Read full article here! List to today's episode for more on soul contracts and karmic relationships! Looking to heal patterns, shift relationships, and develop a deeper relationship with yourself? Join me in Sacred Self-Healing! Still not sure which is your strongest intuitive gift after listening to the podcast? Take my quiz to find out and get a FREE mini-course customized specifically to your intuitive ability! For more articles, insight, and inspiration, visit me on the site! Enroll in the Intuitive Development Course to develop and manage your intuition, communicate with your spirit guides, and flow with life! Register Here! Use Code IDP25 at checkout for 25% OFF! Follow me on all the social medias! Youtube Facebook Instagram
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