Psychic Red Flags: How To Know If A Psychic Is Real?
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How do you know if a psychic is real or not? What are the red flags, and what should you look out for? Are any psychics real? Are any mediums legit? What are psychic red flags? I am mortified to say that when I was 19, I was totally scammed by a "psychic" who told me I had a curse and would never find love. Today I share with you my story in hopes of helping you avoid similar situations. In the past, I've written a couple of articles about red flags you should look for when choosing to seek guidance in a psychic, medium, or intuitive. I get emails all the time from readers and people I've never even worked with asking me if certain psychics and messages from other "practitioners" are legitimate. People tell me stories of how psychics used fear to manipulate them into thinking they had curses that only that psychic could remove. These people cold read and take advantage of their client's vulnerabilities, and it makes my blood boil! Today I want to bring light to who these people are and how they work so you can avoid them! It's easy to spot a fake or uncaring intuitive, and I will teach you how! Episode 9 goes a lot into ethics of intuitive work, how I once got scammed myself (mortifying story by the way), and the red flags that you can look out for in the future when working with someone intuitive. _____________________________________________________________________________ ***** At this time, I am not doing individual full session mediumship readings because I am truly focused on coaching, helping others tap into their intuition, and giving them my full energy and attention. My coaching clients do get full session mediumship readings with me in their package. If this is something that you're interested in, please check out my private coaching packages below! 3 Month Intuitive Coaching Package  6 Month Intuitive Coaching Package  (Best for those who are ready to dive in! Includes Intuitive Development Course.) 12 Month Package (Best for those who are committed to life changes, self-development, and are serious about living in their highest vibration while developing their intuition!) Rise Then Shine! (Transformation, healing, business, intuition, all the things!) * Payment plans available upon request!*
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