Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dan, Dean, and Kris talk about Season 2, episode 5 of the unbelievably terrible Donkey Kong Country cartoon, Message in a Bottle Show. There are so many questions ranging to why some characters have blue tongues, where King K Rool’s cape and tail went, and what exactly is going on with Cranky Kong’s balls. Seriously, none of us were prepared for this episode. It was so very bad. At the top of the show, Kris once again gets in a fight with his electric...
Published 09/13/24
Published 09/13/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dan and Kris talk about the double feature of Nintendo Directs that happened earlier in the week. Everything announced at both the Indie Showcase and the Partner Showcase will be detailed, scrutinized, and celebrated! How excluded were the guys about the Castlevania Dominus Collection? How amazing does Capcom fighting Collection 2 look? What are Morsels? How tall is Pizza Tower? All will be revealed! At the top of the show, it was Dean’s birthday! He...
Published 09/06/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dan is back! He and Kris tackled the August 10 20 30 40, where there were soe absolutely killer months for platforms like PlayStation 2 and 3DS, but they weren't alone! Gamecube had Pikmin 2, Game Boy Advance had Astro Boy: The Omega Factor, PS3 got the P.T. Demo, and of course, GALLEON! The next big thing from the creator of Lara Croft! That was a big deal… right?      At the top of the show, Dan regales Kris with his tales of chemotherapy. This being Dan,...
Published 08/30/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dean fills in for Dan, joining Kris for this month’s Alphabet Soup-er Series! It was Kris’s pick for the letter O and he went with the marble rolling wonder On the Ball for Super NES. It’s an odd game for sure, with some zany music and completely unhinged “cinematic” cutscenes, but is it a good time? How much better does it perform when coupled with the Super NES Mouse? Let’s find out! At the top of the show, Dean has some dog troubles as he works on...
Published 08/23/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dan and Kris chat with programmer Rumbleminze! He’s been working on porting NES games to theSuper NES. Why would anyone do this? Well, turns out there’s a number of really interesting reasons, and they discuss all of them ad nauseum. They also talk about Kid Icarus a LOT. Because Kid Icarus is awesome. At the top of the show, Dan has a heck of a week ahead of him, what with his treatments starting soon. But in far less important news, Kris needs YET ANOTHER...
Published 08/16/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dan, Kris, and Dean climb aboard the SAG Cartoon Express to discuss the Captain N: The Game Master episode “In Search of the King.” Why is the King SO MUCH older than his daughter? How the heck did he get stuck in the Mirror Dimension in the first place? Why is everything in this show credited to Nintendo? So many questions, and so few answers. At the top of the show, Dan finally gets his diagnosis, and has a plan of attack. Dean gets kicked out of his...
Published 08/09/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dan and Kris attack the 10 20 30 40 with renewed vim and vigor! Yes, preparations were made to try and streamline the process and hopefully make the segment more entertaining and less Kris reading lists while trying to stay awake. The bad news is, very little of note came out this month on any platforms. EXCEPT a Sega CD game with a fantastic title that’s hard to ignore. At the top of the show, Dan frustratingly didn’t hear back about his biopsy, but he did...
Published 08/02/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dan and Kris finally get back to the Alphabet Soup-er Series with Ninja Gaiden for sEga Master System. This is NOT the same game as Ninja Gaiden for NES, or Ninja Gaiden the arcade game, or Ninja Gaiden for Game Gear. This is completely different, but somehow also not? It’s certainly an interesting experience, but is it a good one? Listen on to find out! At the top of the show, Dan finally got a biopsy done, and then came right onto the show post-surgery,...
Published 07/26/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, it’s the long overdue return of Trivia Time! This time, Dan has to face off against Guillaume from the Radio Free Nintendo Podcast and Matt from Geekade’s Turning Tracks to try and maintain his chokehold on the championships. Who will come out on top? What kind of stupid games will Kris make these people play? Listen on to find out! Time Stamps Useful Links Radio Free nintendo Support us on Patreon StoneAgeGamer.com The Gratuitous Rainbow Spectrum Safe...
Published 07/19/24
On this week’s podcast, Dan, Kris, and Dean board the SAG Cartoon Express for a visit to the classic animated series The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3. This wretched cartoon pits everyone’s favorite plumbers against King Koopa’s neweast ally, Mighty Plumber, A TV Action hero that he somehow tricks into thinking Mario and Luigi are the bad guys. It's terrible, but is it at least fun? What exactly are the logistics of the windows in this show? Why are there surf rock songs sung by the Koopa...
Published 07/12/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dan and Kris bring you the June 10 20 30 40! What notable games were released in June 2014, 2004, 1994, and 1984? Was this yet another wretched month of bland releases, or were there a few gems worth DIGGING up? Why yes, that was a Shovel Knight reference! There were actually several great releases this time around, including Saturday Night Slam Masters, Donkey Kong for Game Boy, the Frolfing joys of Ribbit King, and more! At the top of the show, Dan’s...
Published 07/05/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dan and Kris conclude their coverage of the summer games extravaganza they lovingly refer to as Not E3! This time around, Nintendo hit it big with their June Direct, including a number of big surprises like a new Mario & Luigi, Zelda starring Zelda, and Metroid Prime 4. Atooi also farted out a rather unimpressive Hatch Tales deepdive, Limited Run got weird with this year’s LRG3, and Sunsoft made a 6 minute presentation about 3 games. Which was certainly...
Published 06/28/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dan and Kris continue their coverage of the summer games extravaganza they lovingly refer to as Not E3! This time around, they have a crazy number of showcases to break down, including the Future of Play Direct, Women Led Games Show, Ubisoft Forward, and honestly way too many more. So their summaries of many were cut a bit short because there’s just now ay to cover THAT many games. They did, however, dedicate the appropriate amount of time to the biggest...
Published 06/21/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dan and Kris are unfortunately not joined by Dean for th Cartoon Express because of dogs. (No really, there were dogs involved). But fortunately, there’s a metric ton of new game news to talk about! That's right, it’s officially Not E3 season, and this week was host to a crazy amount of new game announcements that warrant discussion. How did Geoff Keighley’s soulless Summer Game Fest do? How did we not know about the annual Homebrew showcase? Why in the...
Published 06/14/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dan and Kris tackle the May 10 20 30 40, where they look back at notable game releases from 10, 20, 30, and 40 years ago this month. But these last few entries haven’t been all that spectacular overall. Will this month be any different? Will the PS2 or Intellivision save the day, or will a baby of mundane releases suck all the fun out of things yet again? We’ll find out! At the top of the show, Dan gets hit with a sudden bout of hypochondria, but still has...
Published 06/07/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dan and Kris were joined by The Immortal John Hancock! John was nice enough to come on the show and chat all about his YouTube channel, how he got started, his love of retro games, and more. He also went into the process of publishing his Atari 2600 physical and digital games, and was genuinely a nice fella. What a guy! At the top of the show, all three of our hosts went on about just how difficult it is to find time to play games when there’s all this...
Published 05/31/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, it’;s time for the conclusion of May-nia 2024! This year’s topic is Super NES soundtracks, and Dan is making Kris make some dreadful decisions. He’s plugged IGN’s best SNES games of all time list into a tournament-style bracket system and is making Kris choose which ones he likes best. Round one had some easy choices in there, but this time around it’s going to be even tougher to choose. What will happen? This is a shorter show than usual because of a...
Published 05/24/24
Show Notes Tales of Kenzera Zau On this week’s podcast, May-nia has returned! This year’s topic is Super NES soundtracks, and Dan is making Kris make some dreadful decisions. He’s plugged IGN’s best SNES games of all time list into a tournament-style bracket system and is making Kris choose which ones he likes best. Round one had some easy choices in there, but set up some truly dreadful decisions to be made next week. How will he choose? HOW??? At the top of the show, Kris got back into...
Published 05/17/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dan and Kris get together for a new entry in the Alphabet Soup-er Series. For Kris’s pick, he went with Montexuma’s Return for Game Boy Color as his M game, and well, it didn’t go so well. Does this deeply flawed GameBoy game have any redeeming qualities? Why did Kris find it so charming? What does this all have to do with Diarrhea? Let’s find out! At the top of the show, Dan and Kris fall into a Star Wars hole thanks to the return of Episode I in theaters,...
Published 05/10/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dan and Kris climb aboard the SAG Cartoon Express to discuss another classic Sonic the Hedgehog episode, but not THAT Sonic the Hedgehog show. The OTHER Sonic show that was airing at the same time, which was just called Sonic the Hedgehog. Not confusing at all! Anyway, the episode was called No Brainer, and it certainly was an episode of a TV show. But was it better than The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog? How did Sonic survive after eating a chili dog...
Published 05/03/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dan and Kris dive into what can only be described as the most unbelievably dull 10-20-30-40 in the show’s history. That is, of course, until they get to the 30, where both the Super NES and Sega Genesis had some absolutely stellar months featuring the likes of Streets of Rage 3, King of Dragons, and Super Metroid. But just how bland were the rest of the decades? Did the Wii U actually have the best release of the month? Let’s find out! At the top of the...
Published 04/26/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dan and Kris tackle a listener request that’s a much tougher question to answer than it might seem. Which console’s library was better? The Super NES or the Game Boy Advance? With so many amazing games on each system, it’s a tough call, but the guys are going to try their best, and probably wind up wasting a whole lot of time because well, that’s what they do best! At the top of the show, Dan and Kris quickly dove into a lengthy conversation about X-Men 97...
Published 04/19/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dan and Kris bring you the latest installment in the Alphabet Soup-er Series, where they discuss games once a month in alphabetical order. It was Dan’s pick for the letter L and he went with Life Force for NES, a game that’s anything but an L. Konami once again showed off their prowess on the NES with this wonderfully brilliant (and very difficult) scrolling shooter, complete with sounds and effects ripped straight out of Contra. How did this NES port hold...
Published 04/12/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dan, Kris, and Dean board the SAG Cartoon Express to discuss a classic episode of The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. This was the “funny” one, and boy are those quotation marks doing some heavy lifting. Between Dr. Robotnik’s really weird design, to some very annoying catchphrases, this show was certainly a trip. How did the team enjoy it? Find out now! At the top of the show, Dean had some jewelry issues, and spent a lot of time with Helldivers, while...
Published 04/05/24