Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dan, Kris, and Dean board the SAG Cartoon Express to discuss a classic episode of The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. This was the “funny” one, and boy are those quotation marks doing some heavy lifting. Between Dr. Robotnik’s really weird design, to some very annoying catchphrases, this show was certainly a trip. How did the team enjoy it? Find out now! At the top of the show, Dean had some jewelry issues, and spent a lot of time with Helldivers, while...
Published 04/05/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dan and Kris tackle the March 2024 10-20-30-40, where they look back at notable games released this month 10, 20, 30, and 40 years ago. PS4 and Xbox One struggle to put out anything of value, while the Xbox actually has a better month than the almighty PS2 for a change. The NES gets pair of excellent games late into its life, Genesis, SNEs, and even TG16 have a remarkable streak that the 3DO just can’t keep alive, and the Atari 2600 gets some of the absolute...
Published 03/29/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dan and Kris welcome the return of the Alphabet Soup-er Series! Each month, they choose a classic game to play that starts with the next sequential letter of the alphabet. This month’s letter was K, and Kris chose The Karate Kid for NES. Does this Atlus-developed beat em up hold up? Was it ever any good in the first place? Is it ever a good idea to use up to jump in any game that isn’t a one on one fighter? At the top of the show, Dan wasn’t feeling all...
Published 03/22/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dan and Kris board bring you the 2024 SAG State of the Union. How are things going for the major platform holders? Where is the all-important Intellivision brand? What will Microsoft do to solve their ongoing identity crisis? Will Nintendo drop the ball on the Switch’s successor? Will Sony learn from past mistakes, or continue with all hubris all the time? Let's discuss! At the top of the show, Dan managed to adopt out a few more puppies without missing a...
Published 03/15/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, Dan and Kris board the SAG Cartoon Express to watch a classic episode of Mega Man. Discover people being turned into bad box art Mega Man, more vacant stares than you can handle, and of course, the immediately recognizable Guts Man’s ass! Does this weirdly American take on Mega Man from animation experts Ruby Spears hold up in 2024? Why don't we have robots with microwaves full of burnt potatoes inside them yet? What’s the deal with Hard Man? Grab your...
Published 03/08/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, it’s time for the February 10 20 30 40, where Dan and Kris discuss notable game releases from 10, 20, 30, and 40 years ago. February may not be the biggest month in gaming, but there were a couple of platforms that made the best of it with releases like Metroid: Zero Mission, Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Sparkster, and more. But weirdly enough, no Atari 2600 games? Of course, they kinda had to blow through the feature topic segment because they spent so much time...
Published 03/01/24
Show Notes On this week’s podcast, it’s time for the February 10 20 30 40, where Dan and Kris discuss notable game releases from 10, 20, 30, and 40 years ago. February may not be the biggest month in gaming, but there were a couple of platforms that made the best of it with releases like Metroid: Zero Mission, Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Sparkster, and more. But weirdly enough, no Atari 2600 games? Of course, they kinda had to blow through the feature topic segment because they spent so much time...
Published 03/01/24
Show Notes After months of delays, the SAG Podcast’s Alphabet Soup-er Series finally returns! It was Dan’s pick for the letter J, and for his second time in a row he’s chosen an hours-long 3D platformer. Why? Well, it’s obviously because he loves the genre so much. But with the game being a largely pre-analog stick game, how on earth does it feel to play today? With the game being so expensive on the aftermarket, how did Kris manage to play the thing? None of these answers will be good. At...
Published 02/23/24
Show Notes All aboard the SAG Cartoon Express! In our new monthly segment, Dan and Kris will watch a different random video game-related cartoon and discuss it on the show. For the inaugural episode, they sat down to view the abysmal pilot episode for the failed Bubsy cartoon. How bad was it? Let’s find out! At the top of the show, Dan and Kris caught up on life after their 500th episode, and the sheer insanity that Dan’s life has become with all the dogs that currently reside in his house....
Published 02/16/24
Show Notes It’s the 500th episode of the Stone Age Gamer Podcast! Dan and Kris celebrate this milestone by joining up with previous co-hosts Mike Sheridan and Dean DeFalco as well as special guest Intrepid Editor Evan to talk about, well, 5 hours of nonsense really. The main event though was a series of Top 5 lists. Each person selected a different video game platform and created their personal lists of the top games on each. The audience also got in on the fun by sending in audio...
Published 02/09/24
Show Notes It’s the 500th episode of the Stone Age Gamer Podcast! Dan and Kris celebrate this milestone by joining up with previous co-hosts Mike Sheridan and Dean DeFalco as well as special guest Intrepid Editor Evan to talk about, well, 5 hours of nonsense really. The main event though was a series of Top 5 lists. Each person selected a different video game platform and created their personal lists of the top games on each. The audience also got in on the fun by sending in audio...
Published 02/09/24
Show Notes Kris survived his surgery, and has returned to talk about video games! It’s the end of January, and that means it’s time for the first 10 20 30 40 of the year, and it’s, well, not that great. January isn’t typically the best month for gaming, but all hope isn’t lost! There are actually a small handful of notable game releases that keep things from being all awful. At the top of the show, Dan didn’t play much of anything, but Kris went hands on with the new Among Us DLC for Vampire...
Published 02/02/24
Show Notes Kris is out this week recovering from oral surgery so Dan and his kids take the reins and try to keep things on the rails. They talk about what they’ve been playing, the Xbox Developer Showcase, and more in the first half of the show then dive headfirst into the kids' picks for game of the year 2023 and what they are excited for in 2024. The language, despite Dan’s somewhat half-hearted efforts, remains as salty as ever. (just what you’d expect from this show) While the countdown...
Published 01/26/24
Show Notes With the new year comes new games, and Dan and Kris are excited for a lot of cool stuff. From Prince of Persia to Anton Blast, there’s a ton of great stuff on the way to look forward to. Will we see a new Switch this year? Will Hatch Tales actually release? Will we learn anything at all about Solksong? Let’s find out! In Week Old News, Konami lets Limited Run re-release some of their most beloved classics that have strangely never been re-released before, Valve issues a takedown on...
Published 01/19/24
Show Notes This is it! The big award show where Dan and Kris break down their favorite, not so favorite, and other randomly awarded games of 2023. What was the best? What made them the angriest? What new obsessions took over their lives? Did Portal 2 win AGAIN? Listen on to find out. At the top of the show, Dan and Kris were mostly too sick to really play a ton of new stuff, but good times were had involving MLB: The Show and New Super Mario Bros. In Week Old News, a kid beats Tetris, the...
Published 01/12/24
Show Notes It’s the final show of the year! Dan and Kris look back on 2023 and all the wonderful games (and horrible news) it brought with it. It was a banner year for excellent game releases and unfettered corporate greed. They’ll go month by month and break it all down because that’s what they do! At the top of the show, Kris completes his Atari Recharged series thanks to a big ol sale on the VCS, Dan didn’t get the coffee warmer he was so desperate to find under his tree, and a whole lot...
Published 01/05/24
Show Notes It’s time for the final 10 20 30 40 of 2023! Dan and Kris look back at notable game releases from 10, 20, 30, and 40 years ago this month and discover that December might not be the best month for video games, historically speaking. Well, they didn’t really discover that so much as had the notion reinforced. Sill, some pretty great stuff did find its way through the cracks, and they discussed it all via Dan’s new spreadsheet that was intended to streamline the 10 20 30 40 so it...
Published 12/29/23
Show Notes E3 is officially dead, so Dan and Kris have set aside some time to eulogize the once great Electronic Entertainment Expo. Looking back on fond memories of its most exciting moments, remembering what it used to be, and lamenting its failure to evolve with the times, resulting in the overwhelming mess of live streams it has become. In Week-Old News, they learn that people have been huffing Steam Deck fumes for some reason, Death Stranding is being turned into a movie that hopefully...
Published 12/22/23
Show Notes As is tradition around this time of year, Dan and Kris have gathered around the digital Yule Log to compile their 2024 Holiday Gift Guides. What sort of things should you buy the gamers in your life? Just how cool is an electric mop? How far has keyring technology progressed? Find out now! In Week Old News, of course the big deal is the GTA 6 trailer, and its early leak which was just plain awful all around. And then lots, and I mean LOTS of time is spent discussing The Game...
Published 12/15/23
Show Notes It’s time for this month's entry in the Alphabet Soup-er Series! The letter I was the subject this time around, and Kris decided to go with the PlayStation cult classic Incredible Crisis. It’s a deeply bizarre game about a Japanese businessman who runs away from modern art, gives a stranger a massage on a ferris wheel, answers trivia questions in an ambulance, and way more that’s even more bizarre than that. There’s no doubt its concept is sound, but is the game actually any fun to...
Published 12/08/23
Show Notes That’s it, folks. The final Stone Age Starter Kit is done. After years of asking the question, we finally ask it for the last time. If you had $100 to start a physical Xbox One collection, which games should you get? Of course, ending on Xbox One maybe wasn’t the best idea because neither Dan nor Kris have extensive knowledge on the console and its library, but they tried their best, gosh darn it! Even though Kri still can’t stop coughing.Apologies for that. Regardless, the Xbox...
Published 12/01/23
Show Notes November is nearly behind us, and that meanest it’s time for Dan and Kris to tackle the November 10 20 30 40, when they talk about notable game releases from 10, 20, 30, and 40 years ago. And what a month this was, especially 20 years ago with some absolutely massive titles like Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, Beyond Good & Evil, Mario Kart: Double Dash, Counter Strike, and more. How did the other decades hold up? What is the true significance of Clay Fighter? What is the...
Published 11/24/23
Show Notes There’s a live-action Zelda movie in the works, and you know that means. The Stone Age Casting Gall is back! Dan and Kris (well, mostly Dan) comb through Hollywood’s finest to determine who should play the various characters that could be portrayed on the big screen in this frankly ill-advised upcoming Zelda movie. Is Liam Neeson Middle Eastern? Should Gannondorf be a buff, CGI dude? Let’s discuss! We’re also introducing a brand new segment to the show called Week Old News! Going...
Published 11/17/23
Show Notes After taking a month off to give the game enough proper attention, the Alphabet Soup-er Series has returned with Dan’s pick for the letter H, A Hat in Time. Because we don’t count the “A” in that title. Or at least Dan doesn’t. Anyway, if you;’re unfamiliar, the Alphabet Soup-er Series is where Dan and Kris take turns each month choosing a game to play that starts with a different letter of the alphabet, preferably a game that one or both of them haven’t played before. Dan’s been a...
Published 11/10/23
Show Notes The Starter Kits are almost over! With the PlayStation 4, we’ve made it to the penultimate chapter in our multi-year Starter Kit escapade. So once again, we pose the question, if you had just $100 to start a physical PlayStation 4 collection, which games should you get? Assuming you had whatever peripherals required to okay said games, based on Price Charting North American listings. IS this the best way to actually start a PS4 collection? Absolutely not! But it makes for a fun...
Published 11/03/23