Jenn is joined by author and professor Melissa Moschella for an in-depth conversation on natural law, how it helps humanity flourish, and serves as the basis for protecting the rights of children. For more of Professor Moschella's work, check out: https://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/author/melissa-moschella/
Published 11/03/23
Jenn and Katy talk about the newly elected U.S. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson and his "covenant marriage", their upcoming London travel plans to join the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship Conference, and Melissa Kearney's new book "The Two-Parent Privilege: How Americans Stopped Getting Married and Started Falling Behind". ---------------------------------------------------------- ARC Forum: https://www.arcforum.com/ NPR article discussed:...
Published 10/27/23
In this episode, Jenn had the honor of interviewing brilliant legal scholar, author, and speaker Professor Robert P. George. George helps us further understand the concept of "natural law" and the rights & responsibilities adults have concerning justice in a society and the rights of children. You can see more of Professor George's work at his website: https://robertpgeorge.com/.
Published 10/20/23
Jenn and Katy chat about a woman who determined to use a sperm donor and become a "single mom by choice" in her 40's and about EPSN anchor and host Erin Andrews' infertility journey that culminated in using a surrogate. Unfortunately her "new way to talk about surrogacy" disregards the rights of the children.
Published 10/13/23
Katie Breckenridge has been involved with Them Before Us almost since its inception in 2018 and is a writer and scholar on the topics TBU covers. In today's episode, Jenn and Katie talk about "gray divorce" and some of the effects of it on adult children. "As the phenomenon known as “gray divorce,” or divorce over the age of 50, increases (34.9 percent of all divorces in the U.S. in 2020 were among those aged 55 or older), we are learning that the effects of divorce are not unique to young...
Published 10/06/23
Jenn & Katy talk about the new book release, traveling to London, interviews with Tim Pool and Alex Clark on "The Spillover" and all the other projects in the hopper for Them Before Us.
Published 09/22/23
In this series wrap, Jenn and Katy cover the final chapter of  Them Before Us, Why We Need a Global Children's Rights Movement, by discussing Chapter 10: Join the Movement, in which they cover the myriad ways you can become part of the global children's rights movement. From simple activities like  getting engaged with our social media content, signing up for, and sharing our newsletter, joining our advocate group, helping to build our media and political networks, and by donating to our cause.
Published 09/15/23
In this episode, Jenn and Katy discuss the chapter "Adoption" from Them Before Us: Why We Need a Global Children's Rights Movement. If parents have a right to their biological mother and father, isn't TBU against adoption? The case is made that adoption is a good for society when it is properly understood and done with the rights and needs of the child in mind; Adoption treats the child as the client. It is strongly contrasted with the third-party reproduction industry, which makes children...
Published 09/08/23
Katy and Jenn take on two trending news articles from the perspective of the rights of the child. The first story is about Dylan, the dad of at least 96 children who goes on a road trip to meet them, navigating relationships with the social parents and his own feelings of disconnection and loss. The second story is considering the ethics of desiring and having biological children. Is wanting your own children a vestige of white supremacy, racism, or eugenics? A Sperm Donor Chases a Role in...
Published 09/06/23
Jenn and Katy continue their discussion of each chapter in Them Before Us Why We Need a Global Children's Rights Movement. This week, they tackle the ethical questions surrounding surrogacy: is it an altruistic pursuit that helps women unable to conceive or who, for whatever reason, cannot bring a pregnancy to fruition? Or is surrogacy an ethical violation that commodifies women and children?
Published 09/01/23
Jenn and Katy discuss chapter 7 of Them Before Us, Why We Need a Global Children's Rights Movement, the dark side of Donor Conception. They explore the reality of gamete "donation" to Big Fertility, and the immoral practice of purchasing sperm and eggs in an effort to customize children. Them Before Us encourages our children’s rights advocates to consider the myriad potential harms to women who donate eggs, the women who rent their wombs for gestation, and the potential mental and physical...
Published 08/25/23
Jenn and Katy address one of the most pervasive lies in popular culture, the myth that there’s “no difference” in outcomes for children raised by same-sex parents when compared to children raised by their own mother and father.
Published 08/18/23
In our first Q&A bonus episode, Katy addresses questions we’ve received from our followers on social media, such as, questions about cross-ethnic adoption, same-sex adoptive parents, what’s TBU’s perspective on the legal landscape with regards to children's rights, how to build and sustain a healthy marriage, and, finally, what are the best ways children’s right’s champions can tangibly support Them Before Us?
Published 08/17/23
Jenn and Katy tackle a societal issue that has impacted the majority of the population, Chapter Five from her book Them Before Us: Divorce. They explore how much divorce hurts children, and how it impacts every aspect of their lives, from academics, to their physical and mental health; they make the case that divorce must be the last resort for any adults that have the best interest of their children at heart. This episode provides the information and tools needed to effectively discuss this...
Published 08/11/23
Jenn and Katy discuss the true definition of marriage, the importance of the marital institution as it relates to the rights of children, and the socio-cultural impact that followed the 2015 SCOTUS decision that redefined it.. . They explore poly-relationships, cohabitation, no-fault divorce, and where the blame truly lies for the dismal state of marriage in the west.
Published 08/05/23
Jenn and Katy continue to unpack chapters of Them Before Us; Why We Need a Global Children's Rights Movement. This podcast expounds on Chapter Three: Gender Matters. They deep dive into the cultural “gender is a social construct” nomenclature, and make the case that “parenting” is a misnomer; the reality is that “parenting” is best defined as “mothering” and “fathering.”
Published 07/28/23
Jenn and Katy editorialize on two trending news stories that circulated this past month and consider them from the perspective that’s usually missing: the children's. Today’s episode explores the difficulty in the quest to procure a “good sperm donor”, and whether “reciprocal IVF” can satisfy the profound longings children have for familial connection. Esquire article: https://www.esquire.com/lifestyle/a44519929/sperm-donor-search-what-i-learned-about-men/ People Magazine article:...
Published 07/26/23
Jenn and Katy discuss why “Biology Matters” the second chapter of her book, Them Before Us - Why We Need a Global Children's Rights Movement. They explore the importance of the relationship between a child’s biological mother and father and the social-emotional nourishment a child derives from being raised in a home with married parents who love one another, living under the same roof. Also up for discussion is the difference between step-parents, mom’s boyfriend, and adoptive parents; and...
Published 07/21/23
Jenn and Katy talk about chapter one in the TBU book: What makes something a right and the what the difference is between natural and legal rights as it pertains to children. Then they give the children's rights perspective on three trending surrogacy news stories from across the globe.
Published 07/14/23
We flip the script in this Them Before Us podcast episode, where Katy interviews Jenn about the confusion she experienced around gender and sexuality, and how her lived experience uniquely qualifies her in this mission that insists adults do hard things on behalf of children.
Published 07/06/23
In our kick-off episode, Katy and Jenn cover the origins of our global movement, Katy's juicy (not juicy) backstory, what sets Them Before Us apart, and our plans for the future.
Published 06/26/23