インプットはべんきょうだけではありません。生活のなかには、いろいろなインプットがあります。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. If you are interested in this podcast, please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/114747919 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iisaku0
Published 10/26/24
Published 10/26/24
あなたの周りにはどんな人がいますか?その人たちはどのようにあなたと話しますか?あなたは、どのように彼らと話しますか?This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/109548053 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iisaku0
Published 09/19/24
あなたはなにかを継続(けいぞく Doing something consistantly)することがとくいですか?毎日何かをすることは、あなたにとってとても役に立ちます。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/109548053 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iisaku0
Published 09/12/24
あなたには何かできないことがありますか?じつは、できないことがあるのは、悪いことではありません。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/109548053 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iisaku0
Published 09/01/24
あなたは今やっていることに注目(ちゅうもく Pay attension)していますか?それとも、ほかのことを考えていますか?This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/109548053 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iisaku0
Published 08/07/24
あなたは記憶力(きおくりょく Memory)がいいですか?わるいですか?じつは、記憶力をかんたんに良くする方法(ほうほう)があります。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/109073855 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iisaku0
Published 07/30/24
悩(なや)みWorryがあると、大変ですよね。心がつかれます。でも、じつはつかれるのは心だけではありません。This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/107361129 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iisaku0
Published 07/04/24
決断(けつだん Decide)することは、とてもむずかしいです。ストレスがあると、それがもっとむずかしくなります。どうすれば、決断(けつだん)がかんたんになるのでしょうか?This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/105273481 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iisaku0
Published 05/31/24
嫉妬(しっと Jealousy)には、いいものと、わるいものがあります。いい嫉妬とは、どんな嫉妬でしょうか?This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it. Script and vocabulary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/103320226 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iisaku0
Published 05/02/24
わたしたちにはことばの意味(いみ)を推測(すいそく Guess)する力(ちから Ability)があります。 This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it.  Script and vocabulary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/102932447   Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iisaku0
Published 04/25/24
言語(げんご)を学ぶのはとても楽しいですね。それだけではなく、文化(ぶんか)を学ぶのもとても楽しいです。 This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it.  Script and vocabulary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/101139993   Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iisaku0
Published 04/11/24
なにかを選ぶのはむずかしいですね。でも、選んだものをもっと良くすることはできます。 This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it.  Script and vocabulary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/101139912   Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iisaku0
Published 04/04/24
だれにでも苦手なことがありますね。今日は、「どうすればそれをできるようになるか」ついて話しましょう。 This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it.  Script and vocabulary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/101139604   Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iisaku0
Published 03/27/24
あなたの生活に刺激(しげき Stimulation)は多いですか?すくないですか?今日は、刺激(しげき)と若(わか)さについて話します。 This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it.  Script and vocabulary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/100391356   Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iisaku0
Published 03/16/24
弱(よわ)み、Weaknessを人に見せるのはこわいです。でも、弱みを見せることにはメリットがあります。 This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it.  Script and vocabulary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/99909147   Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iisaku0
Published 03/07/24
わたしたちは、つい大切ではないことのために時間を使ってしまいます。どうして大切なことを先にやってほうがいいのでしょうか?今日は有名なビン(Jar)の話をします。 This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it.  Script and vocabulary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/98903544   Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iisaku0
Published 02/21/24
アウトプットの質(しつ quality)について考えたことがありますか?多くの人はただアウトプットをがんばります。でも、じつはアウトプットの質(しつ)はとても大切です。 This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it.  Script and vocabulary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/97812997   Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iisaku0
Published 02/05/24
あなたの自由時間(じゆうじかん free time)はどのくらいありますか?じつは、自由時間には、ちょうどいい長(なが)さがあります。 This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it.  Script and vocabulary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/97326403   Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iisaku0
Published 01/28/24
関係(かんけい)は、わたしたちの人生にとってとても大切ですね。じつは、良い関係があると、ほかにも良いことがたくさんあります。 This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it.  Script and vocabulary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/96516091   Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iisaku0
Published 01/15/24
わたしたちの人生のなかで、いちばん大切なものはなんですか?じつは、成功(せいこう)やお金よりも大切なものがあります。 This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it.  Script and vocabulary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/94105077   Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iisaku0
Published 12/21/23
わたしたちの人生のなかで、いちばん大切なものはなんですか?じつは、成功(せいこう)やお金よりも大切なものがあります。 This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it.  Script and vocabulary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/93721565   Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iisaku0
Published 12/14/23
わたしたちは、必要以上(ひつよういじょう more than neccesary)に苦(くる)しむことがあります。本当は苦しまなくていいときもいいときも、苦しんでいます。それはどうしてでしょうか? This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it.  Script and vocabulary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/93657529   Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iisaku0
Published 12/07/23
失敗(しっぱい failur)にも、良い失敗があります。それは生産的(せいさんてき productive)な失敗です。生産的な失敗をすると、わたしたちは多くを学ぶことができます。 This podcast is for Japanese learners. There are scripts, more episodes, and Japanese newsletters on Patreon. So if you are interested in this podcast please consider subscribing to it.  Script and vocabulary: https://www.patreon.com/posts/93657346   Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iisaku0
Published 11/30/23