Hosted by Rolling Stone Chief TV Critic, Alan Sepinwall, each episode features a celebrity guest who has never seen an extremely popular and groundbreaking television series. Together Alan and his guest watch the pilot and the finale episodes of a series- and nothing in between! Drawing on their own television experiences, and with Alan’s expertise and guidance, Alan’s guests make predictions for the series and discuss everything that has happened throughout its seasons.
We end our first season with Paul Scheer (Black Monday, The League) watching DEXTER through his fingers. Having only watched the first and final episodes, will he be able to stomach one of the most controversial finales of all time?
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Published 03/09/21
In an extra special episode of TL;DW, Gillian Jacobs (Community, Love) watches herself act in the pilot of THE GOOD WIFE. Did her brief experience giving a groundbreaking performance to the minor (yet incredibly important) role of Sonia the secretary give her a leg up in guessing where this...
Published 03/02/21