With continuously emerging fads like macrobiotics, vitamin IVs and cryotherapy, the wellness industry has been rapidly growing for decades. And the more its monetary value and list of buzzwords grows, the blurrier the line between scientific truth and pseudoscience hype gets. That’s why Timothy Caulfield, a Canadian professor of health law and science policy, has focused his career on clearing up the difference between fact and fiction. On this episode, the bestselling author tells us why the wellness industry is prone to misinformation, how we can spot it and what we can do about it. He then lays out some common misconceptions about the five facets of fitness — mindset, movement, nutrition, recovery and sleep — and shares simple tricks to help us recognize accurate research.
Over the past decade, yoga participation in the United States has nearly tripled. This comes as no surprise to Fabian Domenech, who found his practice when he was juggling an aspiring fashion career, a full-time service industry job, and a CrossFit coaching schedule in the fast-paced city of...
Published 01/19/23
With three solid years on the New York Times bestseller list, James Clear’s Atomic Habits has made a habit of success. On this episode, the author and entrepreneur who has inspired millions of readers to change their health behaviors for the better puts it simply: Who we are reflects our habits....
Published 01/05/23