Published 10/19/23
Published 08/07/23
Published 04/07/23
Published 02/10/23
Published 01/21/23
Bariatric surgery is an effective tool for long-term weight loss in patients with obesity; however, There seems to be a huge taboo with the medical profession with weight loss surgery and mental health. It's important for all patients to receive counseling before and after weight-loss surgery and afterward to set realistic expectations and learn to navigate the very drastic changes that occur. Join Dr. Tyler Woods as she talks about the lack of mental health with the ever growing industry of...
Published 10/10/19
Every few years a new psychological term enters popular consciousness and is misused and misunderstood. This year’s term is “Narcissist.” It now seems that “Narcissist” is now a catch-all for anyone who’s wronged us. The term has been misused and overused so flagrantly that it’s now all but meaningless when it comes to labeling truly destructive tendencies. Join Dr Tyler Woods as she talks one of the biggest problem with becoming obsessed with the label “narcissist”.  It distracts us from the...
Published 07/18/19
  Join Tyler Woods Ph.D. as she talks about dysfunctional families.  She explains how a family is dysfunctional if they regularly experience conflict, misbehavior, or abuse in a way that creates harm. The impacts of growing up in a dysfunctional family can be long-lasting. However, it doesn't have to determine your destiny and you can learn to heal. Join Dr. Woods as she talks about ways to heal from dysfunctional family and ways to empower yourself.  She talks about using dysfunctional...
Published 05/23/19
  Join Dr Tyler Woods as she talks about narcissists. She is very active in recovery with narcissistic people. She believes narcissists aren’t looking for friends or family rather they’re looking for obedient admirers. She explains that narcissists crave admiration and attention like a junkie crave their drug. Attention is their drug of choice. Narcissists need constant food for their ego, so they surround themselves with people who are willing to cater to their obsessive craving for...
Published 03/14/19
Join Dr Tyler Woods as she talks about a real new issues called Fear of Missing Out (FOMO). It is an anxiety over the idea that other people might be having fulfilling experiences without you.  FOMO often originates in unhappiness and low self-esteem, anxiety disorder and higher levels of fear of missing out. The problem with FOMO is the individuals it impacts spend their time looking for others to give them happiness and joy rather than looking inward to get it. Dr. Woods shares her recent...
Published 02/27/19
Join Tyler Woods as she talks long distance to author and healer Ne Wolf about Psychoneuroimmunology or Pni. PNI researchers study how your emotions and thoughts impact your brain, hormones, and nervous system and also your immune system's ability to protect you. It can also work the other way - changes in the immune and endocrine systems create changes in your nervous system which lead to changes in your emotions. Today they talk about PNI and depression.
Published 02/27/19
   Should people in recovery from alcohol or drugs use medical marijuana? For people in recovery, there is a big difference between needs vs. wants. For a person in a normal healthy state, there is no need to take a substance with mind-altering components… that would be considered a “want.” However, for people in recovery who have health issues, surgeries and even life threatening diseases, the use of cannabis becomes a big “need.” Join Tyler Woods today as she talks about medical marijuana...
Published 01/07/19
Random acts of kindness and expressing gratitude can go a long way in improving your mental health. Science confirms that pro-social behaviors generate positive moods, particularly in people with anxiety or depression. By doing something nice for someone else, you’re also helping yourself at the same time. Join Dr Tyler Woods as she talks about kindness and how it can help you with depression , anxiety and other issues.
Published 12/12/18
Dr Tyler Woods talks about holistic health both mental and physical with Ned Wolf, author of Nandia's Trilogy and natural healer, counsellor and medicinal dowser. This is part two as these two discuss natural healing.
Published 11/03/18
Buddhism is becoming popular in western countries for a number of reasons and mental health providers around the world are now discovering to be both very advanced and effective. Western psychology adopts the attitude that the individual must be “helped”. Eastern psychology has a more holistic perspectives and recognizes that life is a universal process in which every individual is an essential part. Buddhist psychology invites the individual to decide first to seek change and help them...
Published 10/14/18
We all know a pathological liar and we all want to try to confront these people and you can try to confront them in a gentle kind way however these type people have a way with making everyone see you the confronter as the crazy one. The key thing to remember is take care of you. The pathological liars is cunning and baffling and they have followers that will believe them. You must always remember to not take things personal. Meditation and other natural things can help you deal better with...
Published 10/07/18
Join Tyler Woods today as she talks about how mainstream psychology attempts to fix mental health problems with medication while holistic mental health attempts to cure them with diet, nutritional supplements and changes in lifestyle. The hallmark in the holistic mental health approach is that each person is treated according to their unique needs. Every situation is different from person to person, even when they share a common diagnosis. How your body responds and functions is different...
Published 09/12/18
Tyler Woods interviews author and healer Ned Wolf. They talk about his career as an author, mediator, family counsellor and natural healer that spans the past three decades.
Published 08/24/18
Join Dr. Tyler Woods as she talks about emotions and how they can bridge our thoughts, feelings, and actions are there to let us know how things are going in our lives. When our emotions are positive and free flowing, meaning allowing emotions to be felt and expressed with out resistance then it raises the movement within the cells of our bodies and the cellular aspect of the body more fluid and freely flowing. When our emotions are negative, the cells in our body slow down and create a...
Published 08/20/18
There are numerous psychological tricks for dealing with intimidating people and bullies and I’m going to outline the most important ones in this episode. Aggressive, intimidating, and controlling individuals, want to deprive you of your rights so they can control and take advantage of you. Remember you have the power and moral authority to take charge of your life.
Published 08/08/18
Life is messy. Life is a strange melody of events and emotions. Some are good, some are hurtful. We have no real control over it, but we do have control over how we react. The more we accept emotional pain as a natural part of our life, the more emotional freedom we come to find when we are faced with hurt and soon we learn to find peace in the hurt and we learn to live an even better life.
Published 07/30/18