Taking responsibility is very tough because often times an abundance of shame comes with that. It’s easy to point the finger at others, it is tougher to point the finger back at ourselves. When we refuse to look at our own behaviors, we tend to cast them on others. Blame keeps us stuck in the same patterns. Tyler points out that when you blame others, you give up your power to change.
Published 07/23/18
Do you have any difficult people in your life? People who easily hurt with words? They appear defensive so they put you on the defensive. Do you have to watch every word you say around certain people for fear you will set off some trigger in them that causes them to lash out in anger. When you don’t heal, you hurt, you hurt others. Listen and learn how to not let hurt people hurt you.
Published 07/02/18
Part of a holistic approach to mental health is to look at how food effects our mood. Can nutrition affect your mental health? A growing research literature suggests the answer could be yes. Listen to today’s episode and learn.
Published 06/21/18
It is important to understand that an accurate diagnosis is life-saving and many doctors often do not take enough time with patients to get to the root cause of their issues. Some people are extremely surprised that there are so many medical conditions that mimic depression. Many people on put on antidepressants for a medical condition because doctors did not take the time to run testing. Remember it takes 5 minutes to prescribe medication and 15 minutes to not prescribe medications.
Published 06/14/18
It is now said that a micromanager is considered a bully. What is micromanaging and how do we deal with it? When a person decides to micromanage, there are prolonged and repeated hostile behaviors conducted by at least one person toward one or more individuals when they are unable to resolve their conflicts in non-hostile manners and can causing problems. It is indeed a big form of bullying. Learn how you can help yourself and if you cannot, be sure to check in with someone who helps...
Published 05/28/18
Tyler Woods Phd examines what holistic mental health is. She talks about how it offers a drug free way to feel better. Holistic Mental Health looks beyond medications and helps the client connect with alternative mental health therapies like health, nutrition, spirituality, supplements, and can help change lifestyle habits to achieve optimal psychological functioning.
Published 02/27/18