#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ As we’re going through our spiritual journey, especially if we’re going through an ascension, our confidence can get shaken to the core because we’re literally being stripped of our negative ego-thinking and re-patterning our thoughts toward alignment with a higher consciousness. Doubts can set in, and so let’s talk about how to disrupt these doubts and get our...
Published 09/22/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ Two of our soul’s biggest lessons are discernment and choice. But these aren’t just lessons that we came here to learn … we came here to MASTER them. Why? Because we’ve wanted to integrate one simple truth: That ALL is already given, both good and bad, and that we can discern which is which, and we have a choice in which one we’ll go with. Without discernment,...
Published 09/08/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ Have you ever felt like your life experiences are just a big time vampire, where you get caught up between what you WANT and what you NEED, yet nothing seems to ever happen either way? This energetically keeps success from coming to us. But we CAN overcome this paradox of needing and wanting so that the energies can move more freely. This episode is for you if you...
Published 09/01/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/   There are two things to know about karma. One, it always comes with a compelling, magnetic, inexplicable call. That’s how we know it’s karma, because it’s calling us and it’s magnetic. It’s that person we’re drawn to, or that relationship we just can’t seem to get out of. With that kind of magnetic pull there’s always, always, some kind of karma!   The second...
Published 08/26/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ One of the most common questions I get is “How can I get my life back in balance”? For me, it gets down to three things: Temperance, resilience, and letting go of those stubborn little obsessions. We’re going to weave in these concepts which will be especially inspirational if you’ve felt beat up by life’s journey, but you KNOW you’re so close to the finish line and...
Published 08/18/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ We’ve seen a recent popularity in the 369 method as a way to manifest what we want in a more streamlined way. This is the perfect dovetail to what we’ve talked about recently … we can’t fix our now-reality because it’s already manifested but we CAN go create a new reality. I’ve been asked “how” and this episode outlines the plan! If you’ve never heard about this...
Published 08/04/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ Sometimes we’re going through a struggle and we somehow take on the energy of that struggle. Not a good thing, right? And other times we’ve overcome the struggle (or we think we have), and we’re ready to move on, but we keep looking at our now physical reality and we seem to get stuck right here. I’m sure you can relate! So how can we move forward into our NEW...
Published 07/28/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ Betrayal. It's one of the hardest things to get through. It could be a betrayal in love, business, or even friendship. Today we're talking about forgiveness (my definition may not be what you expect!). We're also talking about healing after a betrayal, and the pact you can use help everyone finally move forward.  If you’ve ever wondered how to stop hating yourself...
Published 07/21/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ Ohhhhhh, we’ve all had it! Those moments when communication breaks down, when it becomes unhealthy, or even when it stops altogether. What can we do when we’re stuck and unable to communicate? And more importantly, when the other person can’t seem to communicate with US? Today, we aren’t talking about communication skills or communication styles. What we ARE talking...
Published 07/14/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ At some point on our spiritual journey, we may feel that life isn’t working and success isn’t what we hoped it would be. We begin to wonder, “Is my Ego running my life? And if it is, what does my SOUL want, and how can I course-correct to get on my SOUL’s plan?” We may realize that we have to relinquish (not give up … but relinquish) our plans to a higher power. And...
Published 07/07/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ I have people tell me sometimes they feel confused because they’re just ready for things to break loose and change, but don’t know how to get there … EXACTLY how to get there. They tell me, “I don’t know whether to be in the flow. Or match a frequency. Or surrender. Or connect straight up to Source. Or raise my vibration. Or visualize. Or say affirmations.” And they...
Published 06/30/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/   If you’ve been with me for a while, you know that this podcast is all about helping you with your spiritual growth. As we’ve talked about some of the tools that can help with this growth, I’ve also occasionally mentioned along the way, “You may be going through an ascension.”   Well, I’ve been getting some questions recently about what IS ascension? Is it the...
Published 06/24/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ Have you ever looked for some sense of harmony in your life, and wondered why things keep going wrong? Or have you ever wondered why life just seems more difficult that it needs to be? Well, it occurred to me the other day that maybe I’ve had it all wrong! When I’m experiencing something difficult, I’ve tried to soothe my soul by affirming that the Universe is...
Published 06/10/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ In this episode, we’re talking about breaking faith in the “now reality”. We have an obstacle in our path, or an experience that is less than ideal, and we can’t seem to break free from it. This is because we have too much faith in our present physical world. We’ve become stuck. We keep trying to change it, but we can’t. It’s already manifested into the now reality...
Published 06/02/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ We sometimes find ourselves in a challenge that just won’t break free. We think we can’t overcome it unless we understand what’s behind it. We keep trying to fix it … but we can’t. And so our ego thinking holds it there with our thoughts as we try to solve something that can’t even be solved. What we need to know is that it isn’t our situation that needs to solved …...
Published 05/26/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ Have you ever felt like you’re having a breakdown? Not a mental breakdown! I’m talking about the kind of breakdown where all the pieces are broken down … Like, nothing’s fitting together the right way. In this video, we’ll be talking about the breakdown of our spiritual integrity … how it happens … and how to find your True Self and your True Purpose again. This...
Published 05/19/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ It’s nearly impossible to create success when negative thoughts and emotions are present. And it still surprises me that I keep getting questions like: “I don’t really think negatively, so why am I still stuck?” Today, we’re going to break it down a little bit and look specifically at WHICH five thoughts you might be having that keeps success at a distance, and I’m...
Published 05/12/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ Have you ever tried to overcome the paradox of choice? You have a strong desire for either outcome, but you can’t take them both. You have to CHOOSE. And overcoming this catch-22 is making you crazy! In this video, we’ll be talking about how to conquer indecision, and what to do when you’re stuck between two or more options that are making you feel emotionally abused...
Published 05/05/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ Some people say that integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. Others say that isn’t doesn’t mean being perfect, it means being authentic. Still others will say that it’s choosing our thoughts and actions based on values rather than personal gain. In this video, we’ll talk about integrity, why it’s so different for each individual … and … how...
Published 04/21/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/   Our task is to allow the beautiful life we’ve designed to flow into existence at the perfect time. If we aren’t allowing it … even though it’s ready to come to fruition …then We. Aren’t. Ready for it!   How do we signal the cosmic forces that we’re ready? Is it with relentless determination, a focus on action … or is our signal better set to surrender?   Today,...
Published 04/15/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ I’ve been getting a lot of questions about “the unseen world”. Our physical world is our physical reality. But the unseen reality is also a reality … what some call “true reality”. Should we surrender to this unseen reality? Go with the flow? Should we have faith in what we can’t see? And should we trust forces that maybe we don’t understand! Today, we’re going to...
Published 03/24/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ We sometimes find ourselves contemplating, ruminating, and obsessively turning cartwheels in our mind over a struggle we’re in. This is monkey mind, or the ego-mind, overwhelming us with those intrusive thoughts that can sometimes make us crazy! Our inner being doesn’t want us to obsess endlessly over the situation in front of us. Our inner being simply wants us to...
Published 03/18/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ Today, we’re talking about how to hold the vibrational frequency for what we desire. I get so many questions about this … how to raise our vibration, or how to become a vibrational match. It seems that you all love embracing your Inner Einstein as much as I do, because you tell me so often how you love that quote to match the frequency of the reality you want, and...
Published 03/11/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ Is mind over matter possible? We’ve seen this phrase “mind over matter” used in spiritual doctrines, parapsychology, and even in philosophy. I was surprised to learn that the concept of mind over matter was originally coined back in 1863, in reference to our evolutionary growth throughout history. In other words, how we’ve grown as man, able to USE our minds, as...
Published 02/25/21