#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ Let’s talk about our heart space. I’ve had clients ask me, “Why do I sometimes have love? And sometimes money? But I can’t seem to get BOTH?” Our heart space… or our heart chakra … is all about relationships, love, and connecting with others. It’s that warm and cozy feeling. But what happens when we have an imbalance? Maybe we feel angry or maybe we have some kind...
Published 02/18/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ Our moral compass IS our compassion toward ourselves and others. It’s what helps us make our everyday decisions toward our growth and evolution and helps others with their evolution as well. What WE do can set US back (and what we do may set someone else back if they’re hurt because of our actions). Our moral compass points us toward our values, our morals and our...
Published 02/11/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ How can we bounce back from failure? I was reminded of The Unsinkable Molly Brown and wondered if her story might hold a clue about being unsinkable or being unshakable when faced with failure. As we know, she was on board The Titanic which sank in only a few hours. It wasn’t that she was drowning … she was actually helping with the ship’s evacuation, taking an oar...
Published 02/04/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ In a world that’s full of changes right now, there are a few trailblazers, paradigm shifters, and guiding lights. If you feel a magnetic pull … a profound desire to change the world … you may have a calling on your soul to help awaken humanity. You may be one of the Indigo Children! It may be your destiny to help others awaken to their own spiritual journey. Or,...
Published 01/28/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ Do you ever wonder “When is it EVER going to happen?’ There’s something you want, something you’re trying to create, and it’s just not happening. You’re wondering, “How long will this take to manifest?” You feel deeply, painfully and hopelessly stuck in a holding pattern that just won’t break free. In this episode, I’ll show you how to speed up the process, because...
Published 01/21/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ By now, most of us have read The Hero’s Journey. It was first published in the 1980s by Joseph Campbell. It’s a common template that involves a hero who goes on an adventure, finds victory, and comes home transformed, reflecting the three phases of gradual awakening. My question today is not whether you’re ON a hero’s journey. But which of the 12 stages have you...
Published 01/14/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ How do we sort through our doubts and confusion to uncover what’s “true” for us, and not believe what we hear or what we read from others who profess to know it all? Today is all about uncovering our Contrarian Within to find a healthy balance in a world that’s very imbalanced … especially after a spiritual injury where we’re knocked off our center, and we aren’t...
Published 01/07/21
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ Procrastination has never been an issue for me. Slap a to do list on my desk and I'll knock it out in seven minutes flat! I've worked with a lot of clients who DO have an issue with procrastination, though. And there ARE ways to find the second wind to get things moving. Today’s episode has tips on how to stop procrastinating … and why sometimes smart people USE...
Published 12/17/20
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ For years, spiritual leaders, psychologists and even law of attractions experts have told us that gratitude is the secret sauce to success and happiness … and maybe even the perfect relationship. When I first learned about gratitude, someone told me it was 5,000 times more powerful than any other energy, and I was totally hooked. But I quickly became bored writing...
Published 12/10/20
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ Hoping things will fix themselves can often get us into a mess. But … what if a problem COULD resolve itself? What if our challenge only persists because we’re holding it there with our thoughts … thinking, thinking, thinking about how wrong things are? As we ruminate about this challenge, we may have thoughts of overwhelm, we may feel bitter, or we may even feel...
Published 12/03/20
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ Typically, overthinking or overanalyzing is when your brain just won’t shut down. But it can also be endlessly thinking about how bad a situation is … or you keep looking for an answer to a situation where there just is no answer. Overthinking, though, won’t help you find a solution or see things with a new perspective. So is there a difference between overthinking...
Published 11/19/20
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ Do you ever wonder how to measure spiritual growth? Not a measurement to compare yourself with anyone else, but simply as a gauge to see how far you've come. As travelers, we’re each on the same journey, yet each of our journeys is very different. So how do we know whether we’re growing spiritually? This episode is for you if you wonder … How to measure spiritual...
Published 11/12/20
Do I have “negative thought forms” attached to me? – Your thoughts are not just a private matter – Sometimes I get questions on one particular topic, and it causes me want to address it. And one of the common questions I get is, “Why can’t I shake these negative thoughts?” Every week on this podcast we talk about being rid of ego-thinking, those negative thoughts and emotions that can really disrupt us. And I try to give you all the tools I can to overcome negative thinking. But believe it...
Published 11/05/20
We know from/many of the masters over time …. Wallace Wattles, Albert Einstein, Ben Franklin, and so many others … that there’s an unformed substance up there in the ethers waiting for us to use our thoughts to create something. Our thoughts create reality. It’s an exact science. And failure is impossible. If this is the case, why do we hear so much about surrendering, and destiny, and allowing? Are we supposed to be deliberate creators, or are we supposed to let it go, and let it flow? In...
Published 10/29/20
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ We hear a lot of talk these days about your superpowers, your special skill sets, and your personal truth. We hear about the things that make you YOU. We hear about the strengths you possess … .and how you can play to those strengths to find success in any area of life! But what about your unique ability? In this video, we’ll be talking about that one unique ability...
Published 10/08/20
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ We sometimes feel stuck thinking about an unpleasant encounter we’ve had or setbacks that want to drain the life out of us. Why are we impacted much more by negative events than by the positive ones? It’s almost as if our brain is hardwired for negativity, keeping us awake at night playing endless loops of blah, blah, blah when we just want to go to sleep already! And...
Published 10/01/20
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ When we’re going through life’s journey, it’s not always ladybugs and fireflies! “The Joy Factor” is something I started using years ago as a benchmark for success.  I’ve always been able to draw an imaginary circle and tell someone, “This is MY universe.” Then I’d draw another circle and say, “This is YOUR universe.” Then I’d draw another circle and say, “This is...
Published 09/24/20
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ You may wake up one day and feel Lost. Confused. Unsure. Unhinged. Unfulfilled. Maybe even spinning out of control. And exhausted, you may think, “Man, I didn’t sign up for this journey.” You KNOW you want life to be different. But maybe you don’t have a clue how to get there. You have a willingness to change your life, and that’s a great starting point! But like a...
Published 09/17/20
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ The things that we take at face value are often infused with hidden meanings. This is true in the movies we watch, the books we read, and this is also true of our day-to-day universe. Today, we’re going to talk about how these symbols may be showing up in your life … maybe in very significant ways … and how you can use them to navigate through life’s journey. This...
Published 09/10/20
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ We have this innate desire to want more, and to become more. But we can sometimes get so distracted that we lose sight of our inborn ability to quickly manifest what we desire (sometimes in an instant!). It isn’t a matter of high performance, or even a high-performance mindset. It’s a matter of getting past the doubts and indecision and worries that we tend to...
Published 09/03/20
We all know the compound effect … that if we consistently PERSIST toward a goal and through our obstacles, we’re tapping into a universal force designed to transcend time and space and give us an edge over our current situation, just in our movement. There’s a 1% shift we can make, so that we can manifest what we want right here, right now, no matter what challenge is in front of us. Because this practice that we’re talking about today can potentially create a 3700% improvement! This isn’t...
Published 08/27/20
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ Underneath every excuse is a potential failure. Excuses waste our own time, and worse yet, we waste our own energy with these low vibrational thought patterns that get in the way of our success. Excuses also keep us from making decisions and choices that are necessary. We move forward (or we stall) depending on these choices that we need to make. So we sometimes have...
Published 08/20/20
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ In moments of indecision, we’re often feeling confused, frustrated, and maybe even overwhelmed. How can we get things moving when everything feels so stuck? Why can’t we see what direction to move toward? It might surprise you to know that, metaphysically speaking, we get fuel for our engines by the choices we’re making. Our fuel lies within the choices we make. ...
Published 08/13/20
#unlockyourhiddenpower FREE Survival Guide: www.remychausse.com/alchemy Upcoming Events: http://successcircleworkshops.com/ Do we understand what vulnerability really is? For most of us, at the bottom of it all, we simply don’t want to be told we’re wrong. We don’t want to be embarrassed. We don’t want to appear weak. And we don’t want to be humiliated. For most of us, we simply avoid being vulnerable. We hide. The truth is, being vulnerable simply means we’re making a choice. We’re...
Published 08/06/20
Spirituality and Crisis – The 8 Self-Discovery Questions You Won’t Want to Miss – What brings about a spiritual crisis? Some people say that we get plenty of warnings before we end up in a crisis. We get the little whisper, and if we don’t pay attention, we get a bump upside the head. And if we ignore that, we get a boulder dropped on us. But wouldn’t it be nice to catch things when they’re still a whisper, and not have to go through a full-blown crisis? How can we find ways to cooperate...
Published 07/30/20