The 1% Shift
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We all know the compound effect … that if we consistently PERSIST toward a goal and through our obstacles, we’re tapping into a universal force designed to transcend time and space and give us an edge over our current situation, just in our movement. There’s a 1% shift we can make, so that we can manifest what we want right here, right now, no matter what challenge is in front of us. Because this practice that we’re talking about today can potentially create a 3700% improvement! This isn’t some airy-fairy concept. This is math. It’s science. And maybe a little bit of physics, if Einstein has any say in this. It’s quantum change. Life can change in ways we can’t even imagine, if we commit to one tiny positive change every day. One tiny habit. Maybe it’s adding to a vision journal, and this is something I’ve had many clients do to heal from an emotional trauma. One new vision a day, one page in their vision journal, and one affirmation to go with it. Maybe it’s creating a new mantra every day. Maybe it’s looking at just one new possibility every day. One page in a book that changes an entire mindset. One inspirational quote from social media every day. One mind-changing post that you can indulge. One more deep breath. One more smile, or one new person to share a smile with. Or we could take a different slant. Maybe it’s looking at our bigger dream, our bigger goal, our bigger vision, and break that down into smaller bites … into one next step. And then one more bite a day, and we’re moving closer to that dream. One small strategy. One item checked off the master list. I hope today’s episodes inspires you! We’re here to fulfill our deepest and greatest desires. But we can’t let the condition or the situation convince us that it isn't what we want, or that it can't be had, or that it's taking too long and might not ever happen. We can’t allow our ego-thinking to pull us down into disbelief about what’s possible. ALL things are possible! And if ALL things are possible, what does that leave out??? Want more? This episode is for you if you wonder … .  How to know what the first step is toward a quantum change .  Whether a 3700% increase is really possible .  What to do if you can’t seem to get what you want, or you aren’t sure what your direction is These are spiritual lessons with a practical edge. You can also listen in for the short exercise that’s designed to help you implement this week’s topic. If you’re someone who has the audacity … the willingness to take bold risks … then you can use the powers of alchemy to transform challenges into positive new successes starting today! What’s next? Reserve your ticket for the upcoming Success Circle Workshop. Our programs fill up fast, and seats are limited, so grab your spot now: Questions? We love hearing from you!  Simply send an email to [email protected]. We’ll answer as many questions as we can on the podcast, and you’ll also receive a private answer by email. 
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