Why Your Team Matters Most
In this podcast I make the case for why focusing on your people, bing kind, compassionate and caring is the most effective way to lead a high performing team.
I share two businesses who are thriving by putting people first.
Barry Wehmiller
The challenge if you believe the case I put forward is to make three mindset shifts and uncover many more that might be stoping you from making your team matter most.
The first step of course is to be kind to...
Published 10/25/24
In this episode we look at how to motivate your team and lets face it ourselves.
When we are energised and motivated we will energise and motivate others.
There will always be times of low motivation and low energy. The key is to be able to notice this, identify what causes the low motivation and find ways to move through it.
I also look at how we can harness the opportunity that hybrid working brings to enable us to work with our energy and to maximise times of connection and times when...
Published 10/04/24
In this episode of Unlocking Potential I look at how you can think and act strategically.
There are three steps that I've adapted from William Ury's book Possible. He shares these steps in relation to managing conflict but I think they also apply to strategic thinking.
This podcast can apply to you personally and how you lead others strategically. I am not going to give you a formula for leading a strategic planning process. These steps need to be in place as a foundation that will support...
Published 09/16/24
In this episode of Unlocking Potential we will be looking at how to switch off completely and why it matters so much.
We cover
> What might be holding us back from switching off and resting?
> Why rest is so important and why it is so hard?
> The 7 types of rest and how we can be intentional about focusing on them.
> Top tips for switching off completely while on holiday.
Further reading and listening
Rest - Alex Soojung-Kim Pang
Do Nothing - Celeste Headlee
Rest is...
Published 07/24/24
How to overcome the fear of feedback.
We struggle to ask for feedback and we struggle to give feedback not because we don't know how to do it. There are 100's of tools online to help you to give feedback effectively.
But because either there is a lack of trust and psychological safety or we are letting our own fear and fixed mindset stop us from asking for or giving feedback. Fear can be personal or it can be collective within a team or organisational culture.
In this podcast I will offer...
Published 04/30/24
Change is hard - but in this podcast I offer a reframe to change.
To start to see change as a journey, an evolution an opportunity for growth and transformation.
This episode is for you if...
>> You are leading organisational change
>> You are experiencing organisational or cultural change >> You are moving through personal or professional change
>> You know you need to make a change but are feeling stuck
We will cover
1 - What is change?
2 - The stages in...
Published 03/27/24
Meetings are broken. Meetings are not great for anyone let alone everyone.
In this podcast I set some context for the problem we face with meetings.
I share 4 key problems we are facing and offer reflections questions and ideas for action.
These questions will help you shift your beliefs about meetings and give you some actionable ideas to try straight away that will help make meetings better for everyone.
If you have not already done so you can access the FREE worksheet HERE.
Published 03/01/24
In this episode we explore
What values are
How they help us as leaders and in our careers
How to find your values
How to live in your values
Knowing your values and living in them will help you lead more effectively and with authenticity and they will guide you in your career growth. Helping you to make values led decisions not comparison led decisions.
Useful resources
Brené Brown Living into Our Values https://brenebrown.com/resources/living-into-our-values/
Susan David - How to...
Published 02/07/24
In this episode I look at how you can work in flow and how you can support your team to work in flow.
We look at
What flow is
Why flow is so important
Some theory behind flow
Imagine what working in flow could look like for you and for your team
I ask some powerful coaching questions to help you start to flow
I share a model that you can share with your team to help them to understand flow
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Flow a book summary https://www.meaningfulhq.com/flow.html...
Published 01/18/24