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Iceland Association of Chicago
Exploring Iceland’s culture and language through conversations with people of this nation.
Viðtöl is a podcast that explores Iceland’s culture and language through a language learner's perspective in conversations with people who live, work, and create in this island nation. The host is a curious learner of Icelandic, who interviews various guests, from artists and musicians to entrepreneurs and educators. This podcast offers insights into Iceland’s history, traditions, literature, music, or cuisine, for anyone who is interested. Viðtöl is a project of the Iceland Association of Chicago. Transcriptions for Deaf/HoH are available on the IAC website.
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Recent Episodes
Aðalbjörn Þórólfsson, reyndur fagmaður með yfir tveggja áratuga reynslu af verkefnastjórnun og stjórnun upplýsingatækni, kemur til okkar til að ræða feril sinn. Sérþekking hans felur í sér innleiðingu upplýsingatæknikerfa, hugbúnaðarþróun, innviði, framkvæmd verkefna og endurbætur á ferlum, allt...
Published 11/18/24
Í þessu íslenska viðtali ræðir Sóley um sýn sína á búsetu í Bandaríkjunum, uppáhalds hluti sem hægt er að gera í Chicago og ráð fyrir þá sem vilja heimsækja Bandaríkin frá Íslandi. In this all Icelandic interview, Sóley discusses her perspective on living in the US, favorite things to do in...
Published 11/04/24
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