Aðalbjörn Þórólfsson, reyndur fagmaður með yfir tveggja áratuga reynslu af verkefnastjórnun og stjórnun upplýsingatækni, kemur til okkar til að ræða feril sinn. Sérþekking hans felur í sér innleiðingu upplýsingatæknikerfa, hugbúnaðarþróun, innviði, framkvæmd verkefna og endurbætur á ferlum, allt hjá fyrirtæki hans projectus.is.
Aðalbjörn Þórólfsson, a seasoned professional with over two decades of experience in IT project management and administration, joins us to discuss his career. His...
Published 11/18/24
Í þessu íslenska viðtali ræðir Sóley um sýn sína á búsetu í Bandaríkjunum, uppáhalds hluti sem hægt er að gera í Chicago og ráð fyrir þá sem vilja heimsækja Bandaríkin frá Íslandi.
In this all Icelandic interview, Sóley discusses her perspective on living in the US, favorite things to do in Chicago, and advice for those wanting to visit the US from Iceland.
Published 11/04/24
Í þessu íslenska viðtali ræðir samtalsfélagi og samferðamaður í tungumálanámi um sjónarmið sín á því að læra þetta tungumál og gefur núverandi nemendum ráð.
In this all Icelandic interview, conversation partner and fellow language learner talks through his perspectives on learning this language and offers tips to current learners.
Published 11/01/24
In this English language companion interview, Jón Thordarson goes deeper on the Icelandic language learning app BaraTala.
Hear the BaraTala interview in Icelandic
Published 10/17/24
Við Jón Þórðarson fjöllum um íslenskunámsappið sitt BaraTala, áskoranirnar við þróun forrita og framlag teymis hans. Viðtal um BaraTala á ensku kemur út innan skamms.
In this Icelandic language interview Jón Thordarson
discusses his Icelandic language learning app BaraTala, the challenges application development, and his team's contributions. We plan to follow this up with an English language interview shortly.
Published 10/16/24
Lena ræðir líf sitt í Chicago síðan hún flutti frá Íslandi, uppáhaldshlutina hennar til að gera í Chicago, ráðleggingar hennar fyrir gesti og menningaráföll milli BNA og Íslands.
Lena discusses her life in Chicago since moving from Iceland. Her favorite things to do in Chicago, her recommendations for visitors, and culture shocks between both counties.
Published 10/01/24
(Þessi viðtalsþáttur er bara á íslensku. Tveir íslenskir nemendur reyna að ræða um að flytja til Íslands og að læra íslenska tungumálið.)
In this episode, we speak with Jonas, a mainlander and an IcelandAir employee who discusses his career, move to Iceland, and the challenges of studying the Icelandic language. In continuing with the change in the podcast, this episode is in all Icelandic. Two language learners and former classmates practice Icelandic in this conversational interview....
Published 09/16/24
In this all Icelandic language interview with the Coordinator of Icelandic courses at the University Centre of the Westfjords Ólafur Guðsteinn explains the Gefum Íslensku Séns program.
Published 09/01/24
In this video episode, certified bike mechanic and Háskólasetur Vestfjarða graduate, Tyler Wacker gives IAC a tour of The Fjord Hub located in Ísafjörður.
Published 08/14/24
Einar Tómsson, Trade and Film Commissioner at Business Iceland, discussed his role in assisting Icelandic companies interested in the US market and attracting foreign investment with IAC. He highlights the importance of Iceland’s export policy and its five priority areas: energy and green solutions, innovation and technology, creative industries, tourism, and fisheries and food. The recent trade increase from 2019 to 2023 was attributed to the strong dollar and Iceland’s effective strategies....
Published 08/01/24
In this video episode Dr Leeper gives IAC a tour of the Iceland Ocean Cluster, where collaboration thrives among diverse companies as startup, and international firms like Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute. Partnerships with universities, such as the University of Iceland the University of Alaska Fairbanks, support student projects. Key initiatives include a 100% fish utilization project, maximizing value from all parts of the fish, producing items from pet food to skincare. The space hosts...
Published 07/15/24
The Icelandic Association of Chicago hosts Petur Valsson, a Fulbright Program Officer at the Icelandic Fulbright Commission and part-time lecturer at the University of Iceland. Petur describes the Fulbright Commission's work and how Americans and Icelanders can apply for grants in study and research. Petur oversees US and Icelandic Scholar programs, the Specialist Program, and Alumni Affairs. The Fulbright Program in Iceland began in 1957 with a bi-national agreement, funding around 1,700...
Published 07/01/24
The Icelandic Association of Chicago talks with Alexandra Leeper, PhD, managing director of the Iceland Ocean Cluster and co-founder of Ag-Tech startup Hringvarmi. She discusses her role, experiences as a foreign worker in Iceland, ocean health, and her career in marine biology. Topics include sustainability in aquaculture, coastal management, and learning Icelandic. She emphasizes the importance of sustainable practices in the blue bioeconomy and how Iceland could serve as a testbed for...
Published 06/03/24
In a unique cross-cultural exchange, IAC engages in with the Ingraft Foundation from Poland, which advocates for social and intercultural inclusion through accessibility and universal design in their community and museum works.
Published 05/13/24
We talk with Björn Elvar, a student from Reykjavik University, who shares his experiences and challenges of job searching in the United States as an international student. Björn discusses the unique aspects of his university’s curriculum, which includes a 12-week course followed by a three-week immersive experience that mimics a working environment. He shares about his personal projects, including an NBA extension and a tool to track Chicago’s train system. Bjorn’s diverse roles as a...
Published 04/10/24
The Icelandic Association of Chicago hosts a discussion with Professor Brack Hale from the University Center in West Fjords, Ísafjörður, focusing on their graduate programs in oceanography and coastal development. Brack introduces upcoming information sessions for their Coastal Community and Regional Development and Coastal Marine Management programs. The conversation delves into program outcomes, admission requirements, including language proficiency, and the student experience upon arrival,...
Published 03/16/24
Alan Heymann, an executive and leadership coach at Peaceful Direction, shares insights on navigating career transitions and job searches, emphasizing the importance of leveraging existing connections rather than relying on volume applications. He recounts a success story where a client's mindset shift led to unexpected job offers, highlighting the value of opening oneself to new possibilities.
Published 03/05/24
Using Icelandic in AI, tools for language learners, privacy and dangers of AI, and potential for accessibility. Join Þorvaldur Páll Helgason CTO of Miðeind ehf as we discuss these topics.
Published 02/12/24
IAC talks to Óskar Bragi Stefansson, an Icelandic teacher running "Speak Viking," an online Icelandic teaching business. With 10 years of experience, Oscar shares his journey and passion for helping people learn Icelandic. His main student base consists of individuals from Europe and the US who are captivated by Icelandic culture and language. While most students live abroad, some in Iceland seek language improvement for better integration. Óskar acknowledges the language's challenges, citing...
Published 01/29/24
Count Bjössi, the main stage act for 2024 Þorrablót, sat with Iceland Chicago to discuss what this holiday means to him as a native Icelander, what songs language learners should learn now to be able to join in, and about his career in Greifarnir, The Counts.
Tickets for 2024 Þorrablót
Published 01/05/24
She writes about lions, witches, dueling personalities, alien invitations, and an invisible fish that brings you wings. Iceland Chicago talks with Hildur Knútsdóttir about her craft as an Icelandic author.
Published 11/25/23
We are sitting with Einar Steinsson the honorary consulate general of Iceland to Chicago. We’re talking about some visas, passports, voting, and visiting Iceland from the perspective of both: expats from Iceland living in the United States and Canada and North Americans visiting Iceland.
Published 11/22/23
We sat with Erica Green, co founder of the Icelandic Writers and Readers Retreat to learn about this amazing event that happens yearly in April.
Published 10/15/23
interview with Icelander Magnús Freyr, a Coda (a hearing child of a deaf adult) and creator of the Social Media Channel Táknarar (facebook – taknarar.is) that teaches folks simple phrases in Íslenkst Táknmal (ÍTM) – Icelandic Sign Language. His channel celebrates two strong years since its founding in October 2021. We recently sat down with him to discuss the creation of his channel, get a sample of deaf life in Iceland, and the steps one should take to learn this language which differs...
Published 10/09/23