The Icelandic Association of Chicago hosts a discussion with Professor Brack Hale from the University Center in West Fjords, Ísafjörður, focusing on their graduate programs in oceanography and coastal development. Brack introduces upcoming information sessions for their Coastal Community and Regional Development and Coastal Marine Management programs. The conversation delves into program outcomes, admission requirements, including language proficiency, and the student experience upon arrival, discussing housing, costs, and student life in Iceland. Additionally, they touch upon visa procedures, accommodation for students with disabilities, the age diversity of students, and the environmental impact of educational travel, suggesting reflections on personal behaviors and potential offsets for carbon emissions.
Aðalbjörn Þórólfsson, reyndur fagmaður með yfir tveggja áratuga reynslu af verkefnastjórnun og stjórnun upplýsingatækni, kemur til okkar til að ræða feril sinn. Sérþekking hans felur í sér innleiðingu upplýsingatæknikerfa, hugbúnaðarþróun, innviði, framkvæmd verkefna og endurbætur á ferlum, allt...
Published 11/18/24
Í þessu íslenska viðtali ræðir Sóley um sýn sína á búsetu í Bandaríkjunum, uppáhalds hluti sem hægt er að gera í Chicago og ráð fyrir þá sem vilja heimsækja Bandaríkin frá Íslandi.
In this all Icelandic interview, Sóley discusses her perspective on living in the US, favorite things to do in...
Published 11/04/24