What does it mean to live a life fully surrendered to God, even at the cost of great suffering? Adoniram Judson, America's first foreign missionary, embodied this commitment with his every breath. From his early rebellion against faith to his dramatic conversion and lifelong dedication to spreading the gospel, Judson’s journey was marked by trials that would test even the strongest of wills. Yet, his unwavering resolve to serve Christ led to the translation of the Bible into Burmese and the...
Published 09/18/24
What does it mean to live a life fully surrendered to God, even at the cost of great suffering? Adoniram Judson, America's first foreign missionary, embodied this commitment with his every breath. From his early rebellion against faith to his dramatic conversion and lifelong dedication to spreading the gospel, Judson’s journey was marked by trials that would test even the strongest of wills. Yet, his unwavering resolve to serve Christ led to the translation of the Bible into Burmese and the...
Published 09/17/24
What does it mean to truly surrender to God’s will and allow Him to guide every step of our lives? Oswald Chambers, the beloved author of "My Utmost for His Highest," grappled with this very question throughout his life. From his early days as a young man under the influence of Charles Spurgeon to his transformative experience of surrendering to God's Spirit, Chambers' life was marked by an earnest desire to know God more deeply. He didn't have a traditional ministry path; instead, his...
Published 09/16/24
Susanna Wesley, often referred to as the "Mother of Methodism," lived a life marked by resilience, faith, and an unyielding dedication to raising her children in the ways of the Lord. Born into a pastor’s family in late 17th-century England, Susanna faced numerous challenges, including financial hardship, frequent persecution, and the loss of many of her children. Despite these hardships, she invested deeply in the spiritual and academic education of her children, most notably John and...
Published 09/13/24
A.W. Tozer was a man whose life and ministry were fueled by a deep hunger for God and a fervent desire to see the church return to a high view of God’s holiness. Born into poverty in 1897, Tozer came to faith as a teenager after hearing a street preacher exhort people to call on the name of the Lord. This pivotal moment marked the beginning of a remarkable journey that saw him preach without formal training for 44 years and write some of the most influential Christian books of the 20th...
Published 09/12/24
Amy Carmichael was known for her strong will and fiery determination from a young age, traits that would later drive her to serve as a missionary in India for over 55 years without ever returning home. Her journey was marked by challenges, including poor health, cultural opposition, and even legal threats. But Amy was undeterred. She dedicated her life to rescuing children from temple slavery and raising them in the knowledge of Christ. Her work at the Dohnavur Fellowship in India saved...
Published 09/11/24
Imagine dedicating your life to a cause, only to see it seemingly fail, leading to sorrow and despair. This is what David and Svea Flood faced as they set out as missionaries in Africa in 1921. They endured hardships, illness, and the tragic loss of Svea, who died shortly after giving birth to their daughter, Aina. Overwhelmed by grief, David abandoned his faith, believing their mission had failed. But years later, Aina discovered that her parents' sacrifice was not in vain. The seeds sown in...
Published 09/10/24
Many dismiss biblical prophecies as outdated or irrelevant, much like the fable of Chicken Little who thought the sky was falling. But Jesus' teachings in Luke 21 reveal that prophecy is anything but a bedtime story. As we unpack this chapter, we find that Jesus' warnings about the coming tribulation and His eventual return to establish His kingdom are deeply relevant for how we live today. These prophecies should inspire us to live rightly, stay alert, and serve others wholeheartedly. Are we...
Published 09/09/24
Humanity has long been obsessed with predicting the end of the world. From doomsday clocks to apocalyptic theories, people everywhere are searching for signs of impending catastrophe. But when Jesus speaks about the future, we need to listen closely. In Luke 21:25-33, Jesus outlines the true signs of the end times, pointing not to human destruction but to the divine judgment that will come during the Tribulation. This is no fictional story—this is the reality that God has foretold. Join us as...
Published 09/06/24
Throughout history, countless predictions have been made about the future—some accurate, most not. But when Jesus forecasts the future, we know it’s time to pay attention. In Luke 21, Jesus provides a striking prediction about the fall of Jerusalem, which came to pass 40 years later with devastating accuracy. His warning is not just for the people of that time but serves as a reminder for us today. As we examine the destruction of Jerusalem and the prophecy of the times of the Gentiles, we...
Published 09/05/24
What would you do if following Christ meant risking your life? Around the world today, countless believers face persecution that demands more than just their comfort; it requires their very lives. In Luke 21:12-19, Jesus prepares His followers for the trials to come, promising that persecution and even death will be part of their journey. Yet, within this daunting prediction lies a powerful assurance: in the end, not a hair of your head will perish. Join us as we delve into these verses and...
Published 09/04/24
The world is fascinated with the idea of a coming apocalypse, and it’s not just in movies—there’s an intuitive sense that something catastrophic is on the horizon. But what if the Bible has already given us the ultimate early warning system? In Luke 21:5-11, Jesus foretells events that will precede His return, describing wars, natural disasters, and cosmic disturbances that will shake the world to its core. Are these just distant predictions, or are they closer than we think? Join us as we...
Published 09/03/24
In Luke 20:45-21:4, Jesus delivers a scathing critique of the religious leaders and then shifts His attention to a poor widow who gives two small coins at the temple. While others give out of their abundance, this widow’s offering, though seemingly insignificant, is praised by Jesus as the greatest of all. What was it about her gift that moved Jesus so deeply? Join us as we explore the principles of sacrificial giving, the heart behind our offerings, and what this powerful example of the...
Published 09/02/24
In Luke 20:27-44, the Sadducees, who deny the resurrection, approach Jesus with a riddle they think will stump Him. They present a hypothetical situation about marriage in the afterlife, hoping to discredit the belief in the resurrection. But Jesus, with divine wisdom, not only answers their riddle but also exposes the flaws in their thinking. Through His response, Jesus reveals profound truths about the resurrection, the afterlife, and His own divine identity. As the Sadducees are left in...
Published 08/30/24
As Jesus faces off with the religious leaders in Luke 20:1-18, He delivers a profound lesson that resonates with believers today. The Pharisees and Herodians, despite their differences, unite with a common goal: to trap Jesus with a tricky question about paying taxes to Caesar. Jesus, with divine wisdom, answers in a way that not only silences His opponents but also sets a precedent for how believers are to navigate the tension between earthly and heavenly responsibilities. Join us as we...
Published 08/29/24
In Luke 20:1-18, we encounter a dramatic moment in Jesus' ministry, where He clarifies His authority, challenges the religious leaders, and delivers a sobering parable that still resonates today. As Jesus enters Jerusalem, He is immediately confronted by the Sanhedrin, who question His authority. Jesus responds with a profound parable about a vineyard owner and his beloved son, pointing directly to Himself as the heir and cornerstone of God's kingdom. This narrative not only exposes the...
Published 08/28/24
In the late 1940s, Charles Templeton was a rising star in Christian ministry, preaching alongside Billy Graham. But doubts crept in, leading him to eventually abandon his faith and attempt to convince others, including Billy, to do the same. Near the end of his life, Templeton, now an atheist, confessed a deep admiration for Jesus, yet admitted he had missed Him. As Jesus entered Jerusalem in Luke 19:41-48, the crowd cheered, waving palm branches and singing praises. But Jesus wept. Why?...
Published 08/27/24
On May 6, 2023, the world watched as King Charles III was crowned in a ceremony full of grandeur, with gold-covered carriages, priceless jewels, and centuries-old traditions. But centuries ago, another King made His entrance, not with pomp and circumstance, but with divine purpose and perfect timing. As we journey through Luke 19:28-40, we’ll witness the sovereign King’s arrival in Jerusalem—a moment planned and orchestrated by God down to the last detail. Discover how Jesus’ entry into...
Published 08/26/24
How far would you go to defend your faith? In the early 1500s, Christians in England risked their lives to teach their children the Lord's Prayer in English. William Tyndale's translation of the Bible led to his execution, yet his work changed history. Similarly, Paul faced unimaginable trials for his faith. Join Stephen Davey as we explore the final chapter of Acts and uncover the profound lessons from Paul's last days. Learn how Paul's unwavering faith and courage can inspire us to stand...
Published 08/23/24
Do you ever feel rushed and overwhelmed by life's demands? Paul, the ambassador of Christ, was no stranger to a fast-paced life. But as he sailed towards Rome, God taught him valuable lessons in patience and faith. Join Stephen Davey as we explore Acts 28, where Paul finds unexpected encouragement and strength from fellow believers. Discover how to find courage in the midst of trials and how to be a source of support for others. Let's learn together how God's plans unfold, even when we feel...
Published 08/22/24
Have you ever found yourself in an unexpected place, facing unplanned challenges? When we last left Paul, he was shipwrecked on the island of Malta. In this episode, we’ll explore how Paul’s experiences on Malta reveal surprising truths about God's plans. From the hospitality of strangers to miraculous healings, discover how God used an unforeseen detour to bring about remarkable ministry. Join Stephen Davey as we uncover how to find refuge and purpose even in the storms of life. Let’s learn...
Published 08/21/24
Have you ever faced a storm so fierce that it left you feeling helpless? In this episode, we'll explore Paul's journey to Rome through a literal hurricane in Acts 27. Just as we prepare for physical storms, Paul teaches us how to brace for life's storms with faith and confidence. Join Stephen as we uncover practical lessons from Paul's trial, discovering how to hold onto the anchors of God's presence, His promises, and our identity in Him. Let's learn how to weather any storm with unwavering...
Published 08/20/24
Have you ever wondered how you'd defend your faith before the powerful and influential? In this episode, we'll look at Paul's remarkable testimony before King Agrippa and the elite of his day. Despite standing trial before rulers who were the "movers and shakers" of their time, Paul boldly proclaimed the gospel. Join me as we explore how Paul's courage and conviction can inspire us to stand firm in our faith, no matter the audience. Let's uncover the power of living for Christ and the higher...
Published 08/19/24
Have you ever put off something important for later? In Acts 24, we encounter Felix, a governor who did just that with the most crucial decision of his life. When confronted by the Apostle Paul with the truths of righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come, Felix trembled but ultimately said, "Later . . . Lord!" Join us as we delve into this powerful chapter, exploring the consequences of procrastination in matters of faith, and learn why "today" is always the best time to respond...
Published 08/16/24