Have you ever put off something important for later? In Acts 24, we encounter Felix, a governor who did just that with the most crucial decision of his life. When confronted by the Apostle Paul with the truths of righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come, Felix trembled but ultimately said, "Later . . . Lord!" Join us as we delve into this powerful chapter, exploring the consequences of procrastination in matters of faith, and learn why "today" is always the best time to respond...
Published 08/16/24
Have you ever faced a situation where you just lost your cool? In Acts 23, even the Apostle Paul found himself in such a moment. Misunderstood and maligned by the Jewish leaders, beaten by a mob, and nearly flogged by the Romans, Paul’s patience finally snapped. Join us as we delve into this dramatic chapter where Paul stands before the Sanhedrin, responds with frustration, and then receives divine encouragement. Discover how God’s sovereignty shines through our failures and learn timeless...
Published 08/15/24
Ever wondered how to reach those who seem completely resistant to the gospel? In Acts 21:37-22:29, we find Paul facing a hostile crowd in Jerusalem, accused of desecrating the temple and leading people away from Moses. Despite the mob's fury, Paul delivers a powerful testimony that provides invaluable lessons for us today. Join us as we explore how Paul spoke respectfully, shared his conversion story, and emphasized his divine commission, all while demonstrating unwavering faith. Discover...
Published 08/14/24
In our journey through life, we often face decisions that require more than just our wisdom. We long for clear direction from God, just like the Israelites received. Yet, life isn't always that straightforward. The Apostle Paul faced a similar challenge in Acts 21:15-36, where his resolve to follow God's will led him into misunderstanding, opposition, and suffering. Join us as we explore Paul's deep desire to know Christ, even in suffering, and learn how we, too, can navigate our own...
Published 08/13/24
What do you do when you need advice? Where do you turn? Decisions like taking a job offer, choosing a school for your children, or saying yes to a marriage proposal can be daunting. As Christians, we often wish for clear, audible directions from God, much like He gave Joshua at Jericho. However, life isn't that simple, and we must rely on patience, prayer, and wise counsel. In Acts 21:1-14, we find Paul in a surprising situation where all his counselors and friends were wrong. Join us as we...
Published 08/12/24
In this episode of Wisdom for the Heart, we delve into Paul's heartfelt farewell to the Ephesian elders as recorded in Acts 20:32-38. Paul's final words resonate with timeless truths about commending others to God, the essential nature of grace, and the profound challenge of giving one's life in service. Drawing parallels with modern experiences, we'll explore the significance of spiritual vigilance and the importance of unwavering faith in the face of challenges. Join us as we uncover the...
Published 08/09/24
In this episode of Wisdom for the Heart, we explore a powerful warning from the Apostle Paul, highlighting the critical responsibility of church leaders to protect their congregations from spiritual deception. Drawing from Acts 20 and historical insights from Sardis, we'll examine how false teachers and deceptive doctrines can infiltrate the church, threatening its spiritual vitality. Discover practical advice on how to stay vigilant and maintain spiritual integrity in a world filled with...
Published 08/08/24
In this episode of Wisdom for the Heart, we delve into the critical role of church leaders in safeguarding the faith community against the relentless encroachment of false teachings. Drawing parallels to the ever-expanding Sahara desert, we explore how the church, as an oasis of living water, must remain vigilant against spiritual threats. With insights from Acts 20 and Paul's warnings to the Ephesian elders, we uncover the essential responsibilities of pastors and elders to protect, guide,...
Published 08/07/24
In this episode of Wisdom for the Heart, we challenge modern misconceptions about church leadership, delving into the biblical responsibilities of pastors and elders as outlined in Acts 20. Discover why the true role of church leaders extends beyond being administrators or motivational speakers, and learn about the crucial duties of teaching, shepherding, and safeguarding the flock. This message, inspired by the Apostle Paul's heartfelt farewell to the Ephesian elders, calls professional...
Published 08/06/24
Join us on Wisdom for the Heart as we delve into Acts 20:17-24, where Paul bids an emotional farewell to the Ephesian elders. Discover the profound lessons in effective Christianity that Paul shares, emphasizing humility, perseverance, and steadfast ministry. This episode challenges professional millennials to stand firm in their faith, embrace their responsibilities in Christ, and remain unwavering in their commitment to the gospel, even in the face of trials and uncertainties. Tune in and...
Published 08/05/24
Throughout history, several individuals have claimed to be the long-awaited Messiah, capturing the hearts and hopes of many. From Simon ben Koseva in 135 AD to Menachem Schneerson in modern times, these figures ultimately fell short, unable to conquer death, the ultimate enemy. In stark contrast, Jesus Christ's resurrection stands as the defining proof of His authenticity as the Messiah. Join us as we explore the profound implications of Jesus' resurrection, the true source of eternal life,...
Published 08/02/24
In Acts 19, we witness the apostle Paul's electrifying ministry in Ephesus. For two years, Paul preached, taught, and performed miracles, leading to a public burning of occult books worth millions today. This transformation threatened the lucrative industry centered around the Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Join us as we explore how the early Christians, by simply living out their faith, challenged the spiritual strongholds of Ephesus and made a lasting...
Published 08/01/24
Charles Spurgeon once said, The Bible is like a lion; you don’t defend it, you just let it loose. In Acts 19, we see the Word of God let loose in Ephesus, a city entrenched in the occult and dark arts. Join us as we explore how Paul’s ministry of teaching, healing, and exorcism transformed lives and dismantled the strongholds of darkness. This powerful narrative illustrates the unmatched potency of God's Word and the profound impact of spiritual purity on the growth of the church.
Published 07/31/24
Imagine waking up after twenty years to find the world completely transformed. That's what happened to Rip Van Winkle in Washington Irving's famous story, and it's a perfect analogy for the spiritual awakening we see in Acts 19. As the apostle Paul encounters followers of John the Baptist, he introduces them to the full revelation of Christ and the Holy Spirit. Join us as we explore how these first-century believers, much like Rip Van Winkle, awaken to a new reality in Christ and discover the...
Published 07/30/24
Imagine an iron rod worth mere pennies becoming a component in a luxury Swiss watch, valued at thousands of dollars. The transformation is all about whose hands shape the material. Similarly, in Acts 18, we witness Apollos, a new believer with great potential, being refined by seasoned saints. As Apollos learns and grows, his impact on the early church becomes profound. Join us in exploring how the raw material of Apollos's life was crafted into a powerful tool for God's kingdom, and discover...
Published 07/29/24
What have you learned in life? Some lessons come with humor, while others carry profound truths. Today, we'll delve into Acts 18 and explore the contrasting lives of Gallio, an indifferent bystander, and Paul, an impassioned believer. From Gallio's missed opportunities to Paul's unwavering commitment, we'll uncover essential insights on making life count. Join us to learn how personal commitment, private devotion, and public obedience to Christ can transform your life's narrative. This...
Published 07/26/24
Paul had previously ministered in Athens, a city steeped in philosophy and intellectualism, hungry for the truth. Now Paul arrives in Corinth, and the differences between these two cities are stark. Where Athenians dialogued, Corinthians drank. While Athens had ten thousand idols, Corinth had ten thousand religious prostitutes. It was a city addicted to immorality and debauchery. As we delve into Paul's approach to this incredibly wicked city, we'll uncover six principles that can guide us in...
Published 07/25/24
Today, we come to an unfortunate passage of scripture in Genesis 9. While in our last study we discussed the ingredients of integrity, today we will learn a lesson from a sinning saint. Unfortunately, both lessons revolve around the same individual. That gives us the point that anyone can sin. In fact, no one is above sin or temptation—not even one like Noah. Join us as we uncover how even the godliest among us can fall, and how we can learn from their failures.
Published 07/24/24
We live in a world filled with violence and corruption. From rising crime rates to a culture saturated with immorality, it can be overwhelming to think about how we, as individuals and families, can not only survive but also impact our generation for Jesus Christ. In Genesis 6, we find the story of Noah—a man who lived with integrity in a corrupt world. What can we learn from his example? Join us as we uncover four essential ingredients of integrity that helped Noah not only survive but also...
Published 07/23/24
If you’ve ever tried to read the Bible from cover to cover, you might have hit a major hurdle in Genesis 5. It's easy to feel discouraged as you walk through what seems like an ancient obituary column. But why did God record this chapter? What can we learn from the genealogy of Adam? In this episode, we uncover three key reasons God included these records and explore the hidden gems within Genesis 5. You'll discover how God keeps His promises, always preserves a remnant of believers, and...
Published 07/22/24
Genesis, chapter 4, provides the only authoritative account of early civilization. Contrary to popular belief, early man wasn't a caveman dragging his woman by the hair. They were incredibly intelligent, inventing musical instruments and metallurgy. Today, we'll explore how Cain's descendants rapidly advanced society and debunk myths about primitive man. Plus, we'll tackle the age-old question: where did Cain get his wife? And we'll uncover why God refused Cain's offering, leading to a...
Published 07/19/24
Genesis chapter 3 is the saddest, most tragic chapter in all of the Bible. Yet, as we study this chapter today, we'll find interwoven into its tragic tapestry, the threads of hope and salvation. In verse 1a of chapter 3, we are told, "Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made..." Oh, Satan is indeed crafty. In fact, two times we are warned of Satan in scriptures by the apostles. We'll discover the five-fold deceit of Satan in tempting Eve and the...
Published 07/18/24
Today, we'll delve into the powerful principles of marriage as laid out in these foundational chapters. We'll explore how God's creation of man and woman reveals His perfect design for marital relationships. We'll uncover the significance of leaving and cleaving, the deep commitment between spouses, and the true essence of companionship. Join us as we discover timeless truths that can strengthen and transform our marriages today.
Published 07/17/24
In Genesis chapters 1 and 2, we see God’s incredible power in creating the universe and His tender care in forming man and woman. The name Elohim speaks of His majestic strength, while Jehovah reveals His loving covenant. As we explore these chapters, we'll discover how God’s power and personal care intertwine, making us in His image and setting the stage for His redemptive plan. Join us to understand the profound significance of these names and the detailed care God took in creating...
Published 07/16/24
In the opening chapters of Genesis, we find the foundation of our faith, yet these very chapters face relentless attacks. If we believe that God created the heavens and the earth, we can trust in the entirety of Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation. Join us as we delve into why these first chapters are so crucial, explore the numerous theories that challenge them, and reinforce our understanding of a God who is both Creator and Redeemer. Discover how this ancient text stands firm against...
Published 07/15/24