Normal boy behavior is too often pathologized and drugged and medicated. When our children "act out" or "act up," it doesn't mean that they have poor behavior, a learning disability or a mental illness. It actually indicates that they are in distress and it's up to us as adults to investigate the cause of the behavior and to attempt to meet their needs.   Laurie A. Couture is a licensed mental health counselor and the author of "Instead of Medicating and Punishing" and "Nurturing and...
Published 05/20/24
When you look up, you may see streaks or stripes in the sky that don't seem to dissipate, like contrails of the past. If you're concerned about what's happening in our sky and how it's impacting humanity, you're not alone. Matt Landman created the documentary "Frankenskies" to draw attention to weather modification, aerosol injections, and geoengineering programs that are affecting the health of the land, sky, and the people on this planet.   On today's podcast, Matt goes over what first...
Published 05/13/24
How can we be sure viruses don’t exist? What about the “patient 0” who transmits diseases at the start of nearly every pandemic? And do germs and microorganisms exist? What’s making us sick, if not these things? Dr. Samantha and  Dr. Mark Bailey are the authors of “The Final Pandemic” and today they answer frequently asked questions about viruses. They explain how the medical community has been unable to prove that viruses make us sick or that they even exist in the first place. They also...
Published 05/06/24
Animals, climate change, the Wuhan lab, and germs and viruses. All of these are convenient scapegoats when looking to blame something/anything for sickness and disease. But what if they're not to blame? Is it possible that the mainstream narratives are leading us in the wrong direction? Drs. Samantha and Mark Bailey are physicians and the authors of "The Final Pandemic". In their book and in today's interview, they point to flaws in our understanding of viruses and disease. Sam and Mark once...
Published 04/29/24
Do you struggle with bloating, diarrhea, anxiety, acne, and even depression? These can be symptoms of gut issues, along with more well-known conditions like GERDs, Crohn's, Irritable Bowel Syndrome.   Dr. Loredana Shapson of LifeMod Solutions goes over the obvious and not-so-obvious symptoms that can let us know that something is amiss with our guts. She dives into causes--that can range from pesticides in our food supply to chlorine in our water--and offers simple tips for long-term and...
Published 04/22/24
Our air is contaminated. We’re so disconnected from the earth. We often get more artificial light than natural light in our daily routines. And this situation is threatening our health. What can we do to turn things around? Thaddeus Owen, of the Primalhacker brand and the Corporate Escape Artist podcast, has some brilliant ideas for how to go about it. He has concrete ideas for upregulating our detoxification pathways, for example, to manage our polluted air. He offers suggestions for...
Published 04/15/24
Sophia Nguyen Eng was in the tech world when she decided to make a dramatic shift. She left her high-paying corporate job, exchanged it for a homestead with chickens and sheep, and began cooking real food for her family. The next thing she knew, she was working on "The Nourishing Asian Kitchen" cookbook in an attempt to preserve the rich culinary traditions of Vietnam, China, Japan, Korea, and other Asian countries. Today, she tells us what drove her shift. She talks about her family's...
Published 04/08/24
Industrial farming is on the rise and small farmers are being put out of business. But this isn't a coincidence or an unfortunate accidental side effect of progress. Dutch investigative journalist Elze van Hamelen suggests that there is a deliberate campaign to control the land and our food supply, that is not only damaging our health but ripping apart communities, traditions, and families. Among other topics on today's episode, Elze digs into the Rockefeller Foundation's initiative to...
Published 04/01/24
Is there biotech food on your plate? Foods derived from cell-cultures or made in a lab? How would you know if there was? Elze van Hamelen is a researcher and journalist, and today she covers the topic of "pharma food". This is, in essence, her term for the takeover of our food supply, as we know it, by the tech industry, that results in pseudo foods like lab-grown meat, precision fermentation, and "milk without a cow". Elze unveils today what pharma food looks like, who's backing it...
Published 03/25/24
Maintaining and building skeletal muscle mass is great for strength today...and tomorrow. Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, the author of "Forever Strong" explores today how to go about building muscle mass and why. She goes over its preventative effect against "diseases of aging", like cancer, diabetes, and obesity. She specifies which exercises are actually the most effective for muscular health and what dietary choices are critical as we age. She even gets into if there's such a thing as acquiring TOO...
Published 03/18/24
You may have heard of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) or "factory farms", but what is REALLY happening on these conventional farms? What is the mindset of the animals? How are they treated? And does this affect the quality of the meat in any way? Guest Will Winter is a veterinarian and the co-founder of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association. He is a herd consultant with "feet on the ground" on conventional and regenerative farms. Today, he reveals the...
Published 03/11/24
To set your body up for healing, it needs to feel it is safe. Safety signaling frees up "bandwidth" for your nervous system to repair and reset. Dr. Olivia Lesslar is a medical doctor who specializes in neuro optimization. Today, she explains how to make space for your body to heal with safety signaling. She offers concrete tips that she has successfully used with her own patients to get them into the parasympathetic healing state, like scanning the horizon and eating meals at the same time...
Published 03/04/24
You have the right to protect your health and your home. Whether it is unsafe trespassing technology or other unwanted interventions, Josh Del Sol Beaulieu and Cal Washington today discuss how to reclaim your authority against technologies like EMFs, 5G, smart meters and vaccinations. Josh is the man behind the documentary "Take Back Your Power" and Cal is the co-founder of the InPower Movement. Together, Josh and Cal cover how to protect your privacy, financial future, health and freedom...
Published 02/26/24
Is there anything "sacred" about hunting? What can it teach us, technically, emotionally, or spiritually? Kyle Kingsbury, former MMA professional and Human Optimization Director at Onnit, talks about the lessons he's learned from hunting that have influenced his perspective on his relationship to nature, his own masculinity, and ancestral wisdom.   Check out Kyle's website: kingsbu.com Go to realmilk.com for info on raw milk See our sponsors: Optimal Carnivore and Vintage Tradition
Published 02/19/24
Are you addicted to sugar? Do you feel your blood sugar dip when you haven't eaten? Do you get hangry? If you're struggling with any of the above, or with insulin resistance or weight gain, this episode is for you. All of these are signs that you may need to curtail your refined sugar intake and help your body stabilize by avoiding refined sugar. Dr. Weston A. Price called sugar a "displacing food of modern commerce." Too often it takes the place of more nourishing fare. It's also highly...
Published 02/12/24
If you are considering getting the HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine, or having your teenager or young adult get it, you need to first understand why the vaccine was created in the first place, the risks involved with getting the vaccine (compared to the risk of contracting HPV) and how cervical cancer can be prevented through nutrition and lifestyle changes. These are exactly the things that Dr. Nathan Riley reviews on today’s podcast. He offers insights for all of us on the financial...
Published 02/05/24
India is NOT a vegetarian nation. Only about 20% of the population does not eat meat. However, there is a growing anti-meat movement in India that is negatively impacting many in that country. Today, Dr. Sylvia Karpagam goes over the societal, governmental, and corporate forces that are a part of the propaganda wave. The efforts include banning eggs and meat from school lunches.   Dr. Sylvia is a public health doctor and human rights advocate who explains how the traditional caste system in...
Published 01/29/24
Ginny Yurich, author of "1000 Hours Outside" and "Until the Streetlights Come On" challenges parents to help their children choose "green time" over "screen time."  And considering how much time all of us spend on screens, this is a challenge indeed. Today, Ginny offers suggestions for how to make the great outdoors more enticing for our children. She talks about the changes that unstructured play, outside, has made for her children and her own life.   She covers the benefits of outdoor...
Published 01/22/24
Do you ever wish there were a study comparing outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated infants, children, and adults? There have been hundreds of these studies. The results are peer-reviewed and published and have been compiled by our guest today, Dr. Brian Hooker. Brian lets the science speak in the course of this podcast interview and as the co-author of the New York Times best-selling book "Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak." He shares the conclusions of numerous studies that show the...
Published 01/15/24
Lard mimics our natural skin oils. It has the same ph balance and lipid balance as our skin does. This is one reason we might want to consider not only cooking with it, but using it for skin care! Charles Mayfield, author, regenerative farmer, and founder of Farrow (lard-based skincare) today explains how lard is good for both our health and our skin.   He goes over lard’s nutrient profile, why it’s been maligned or misunderstood for so long, and how he stumbled into discovering its wonders...
Published 01/08/24
The Karen tribe in Thailand. The Daasanach in Ethiopia. The Mount Hagen festival in Papua New Guinea. Mary Ruddick, a nutritionist, researcher, and adventurer, describes what she learned during her field research among indigenous people groups this summer. She goes over what buoys good health and what weakens it, the traditions we would do well to emulate, and the modern conveniences we should eschew. She also describes her “throne of health” framework for optimizing our health, wherever we...
Published 01/01/24
Do you want to better your sleep? Learn more about seed oils? Discover what Pfizer knew but didn't reveal about their mRNA shot? The most popular Wise Traditions podcast interviews of 2023 focused on just these topics. which are highlighted in this episode. This "Best of 2023" features segments from a conversation with Naomi Wolf of Daily Clout on the Pfizer Documents, a discussion with Sally Fallon Morell, President of the Weston A. Price Foundation, on seed oils, and an interview with...
Published 12/25/23
Where to start to nourish our family well? How do we make the time and develop rhythms to feed the family ancestrally? How can we incorporate more nutrient-dense foods on a regular basis? What if the family isn't "into it"? How do we handle moving in this direction, when the whole world seems to be going the other way? We posed these questions to a panel of experts at the Wise Traditions conference in Kansas in October 2023. Maureen Diaz, Hilary Boynton, Christine Muldoon, and Sally Fallon...
Published 12/18/23
What would ever possess a couple to live off grid, with no electricity, no plumbing, and so removed from civilization? For Doug and Stacy, it started with small changes that they began to make to improve their health. Little by little, the small shifts they incorporated–such as replacing a plastic shower curtain and changing the timing of meals–took them closer and closer to a lifestyle that was sustainable, fulfilling, health-enhancing and ultimately, yes, off grid. Over time, they lost...
Published 12/11/23
Menopause is inevitable. Suffering is optional. So says our guest gerontologist and biohacker, Zora Benhamou. Zora is the host of the "Hack My Age" podcast, and she reminds us today that through our mindset and lifestyle choices we can make menopause a smooth, even empowering chapter of our life. She covers the various stages of this life transition for women (peri-menopause, post-menopause, and everything in between) and offers insights and tips for managing them. She also talks about what a...
Published 12/04/23