Published 10/30/14
Did you know that you're already wonderfully creative? Would you like to bring even more creativity into your life? Join Carol and her guest, Author and Creativity Coach, Cheri L.R. Taylor as we discuss the multitude of forms creativity can take and how to bring even more creativity into your every day. Cheri has played and worked in creative energy for many years and has seen first-hand the way it shifts ideas, moves paradigms and changes lives! Cheri L. R. Taylor holds a Masters of Fine...
Published 10/30/14
You say you want change, you seek out information and guidance to achieve it and still nothing works. You play and replay your situation through your head all day - and maybe even all night - and still nothing changes. You tell your friends about it, you lament your sad state of affairs on Facebook even. Or do you lie and tell everyone that things are fabulous and then find more ways to judge yourself? Are you looking for the key, the one key, the golden key that will make things finally work...
Published 10/22/14
Are you caught between claiming your awesomeness and being humble? Are you not wanting to make others feel small, or are you dumbing yourself down to make others comfortable with you? Are you tired of being humble? Did you know you can claim your magic, show your magic, share your magic without being an arrogant jerk about it? Join Carol as we explore the ways to allow yourself to be the contribution you're meant to be while being an invitation for others to do it too.
Published 10/15/14
Do you ever wonder if your single voice (or talent, or capacity) can make a difference? Meet “Peace and Love Heidi”, recently she opened a shop in the village of Ferndale Ontario with the vision of creating a healing, uplifting, and community based place. From my first conversation with Heidi and watching how people are drawn to her and her store, I knew she was a shining example of how one person truly can shift the world. I noticed too that people are craving this kind of community and each...
Published 10/08/14
This week I am thrilled to interview one of my guides, Esther Bartkiw, with questions like: What is the purpose of ascension? Can I really be healed energeticially? Why is self love important? ... and more. Esther is a Facilitator of Change, Transformation and Consciousness. She is a Spiritual Mentor, Core Belief Engineering and Energy Vortex Practitioner, Channel, Speaker, Writer, Star Seed. Esther works with people around the globe helping them to awaken to release limitations, blocks and...
Published 09/24/14
Do you like your family? Some of it? All of it? None of it? Would you be willing to acknowledge all aspects of it and be in allowance of everything family is to you? Family can either drive you crazy or be your inspiration – sometimes it’s both. Whether your family is big or small, close or extended, chances are they give you plenty to talk about and lots to think about. In this show Carol discusses the ups and downs, blessings, and curses of family. We may even find some jewels along the...
Published 09/17/14
You've followed all the rules: good grades, good job, married well, good kids, yet you're still dazed and confused about why you're not as happy or successful as you should be (because you followed all the rules!). Still seeking and still not finding - that one answer to fix it all. Do you find yourself with that nagging feeling that there must be another way to get happy & successful but you just can't figure it out? In this show we'll explore that nagging feeling of yours and invite you...
Published 09/10/14
By request, we'll be continuing our discussion from last week "What's Spirituality Got to Do With It?" In this show we'll be exploring what could be possible if we were to drop our definitions of religion & spirituality. What could be possible if you dismissed the constructs of both and allowed yourself to be in connection with everything - without rules, without judgement or definition? Are you willing to be so open so that you and the universe, and God are one? Are you willing to know...
Published 09/03/14
I've spent a lot of time exploring the worlds of religion & spirituality and usually I found myself grasping onto bits and pieces but something was always "not quite right" for me. In this - perhaps controversial - show, I'll share my thoughts, ponderings, confusions and musings about religion, spirituality and does any of it matter anyway? During the show I will invite you into some other perspectives that you too may find a contribution. What if there is more even beyond what you have...
Published 08/27/14
So often we get caught up in "Why does this happen to me" and "How am I going to get this done" that we forget where we are and what's really happening. That's living life in your head … and how's that working for you? In this conversation, Carol will invite you to the space and place of knowing where the how's and why's don't matter. We'll explore the energetic difference between "how" as the question and "what will it take" and discover the moments of possibilities and choice.
Published 08/20/14
Have you ever been in the middle of a situation you felt you couldn't change (because you haven't been able to so far) and had someone say "well you created it"? How much did you want to scream, shout, slap them and then cry? Ya, me too! Instead I asked "I did NOT create this! Why the heck would I create this hell?" and felt utterly exhausted and hopeless to change the situation. I was incorrect! In this show, we'll laugh at ourselves as we find relief that we're not stupid, dumb OR helpless...
Published 08/13/14
Are you holding on to limitations, ideas, promises that are no longer required? Do they even still exist? Last week I wrote a very short blog about how we can imagine the things that are holding us back are not necessarily/not always any more significant than a wisp of air. In this show we'll explore the types of things that trip us up, how to recognize if they're still valuable in your life and what to do with all of them.
Published 08/06/14
Building from my show Discovering The Energy of Your Business we'll discuss the energy centres of your business, how they differ from the Chakras in a person, and how the energy can be manipulated with profound results for you. You can gain awareness about what your business requires to be an even greater contribution to you - with greater ease. (And who doesn't want that?!) PLUS I will gift a few listeners a live business reading so you can see first hand how it works and the amazing...
Published 07/30/14
"Resiliency is the ability to bounce back from life’s everyday obstacles and overwhelming adversities. Resiliency skills help people to keep moving forward in life, consisting of a set of skills that assist us to stay “upright” despite the many obstacles and significant challenges we all have to face. Resilient people see the opportunity in every crisis, sharing several traits: acceptance of reality; a deep belief that life is meaningful; and an uncanny ability to improvise." Michael H....
Published 07/16/14
You wake up one morning with the realization that you've done it again: you're in another bad relationship, you've picked another rotten job, another rocky business, another fight about the same thing with your parent or child - whatever it is that keeps looping in your life. Why does this keep happening? It makes you just want to go back to bed and hope you wake up in a different life. You've consulted your best friend, your therapist, your dog, your guru and they all insist that there's a...
Published 07/09/14
Do you or other people call you sensitive or an introvert? Do you allow these labels to cover your secret? Are you hiding behind the masks of introversion or sensitivity to avoid stepping into really living? It certainly can seem safer hiding behind these terms: people don’t ask so much of you; people are sensitive towards you and your feelings. But, how much of life are you missing while the labels hold you down? Are you ready to peek into new possibilities? Join Carol and her guest Joanne...
Published 07/02/14
Join Carol and her guest Jeremy Tracey as they discuss how to: increase your energy, improve your ability to handle stressful challenges, be more positive and productive at work and at home. Learn four of Jeremy's Foundation Principles of Health and receive clear and manageable action step to naturally fit them into your day. With an extensive background in the fitness industry as a Holistic Lifestyle & NLP Coach, Jeremy speaks on health, wellness & stress management. He has traveled...
Published 06/25/14
Are you tired of being told that you have to work hard and persevere to get ahead? Is it working for you as well as promised? Do you know that you're different and this doesn't have to be true for you? In this show, Carol invites you to play with the idea that maybe it doesn't have to be hard at all to be as successful as you desire. What could your world look like if you were having fun and following the energy of success in everything you do? How much fun could you have as you prove to the...
Published 06/18/14
Juggling schedules to get all the kids to all their activities every day? Spending your evenings toiling over your latest volunteer venture - that you got into for fun and to make a difference but the only difference is less time to yourself and your family? Do you find yourself complicating things at work - perhaps to justify your "expert" title or wage? And then suffering the consequence of having to work in unrequired complexity? Do you wish things were simpler? Do you think simplicity...
Published 06/11/14
Babies know it, animals know it, you know it but maybe you're just a little rusty: energy. Would you like to remember that you know it too? And what if that energy could give you all the knowing, all the healing, all the guidance you require to be at greater ease with and in your life. Would it be important to you to know that you know; to be able to perceive what is required at work/with your children/with your spouse/with your body? Take an hour to reacquaint yourself with the energy you...
Published 05/28/14
Are you tired of being told you have to take big leaps, stretch yourself, think outside the box and get out of your comfort zone to get anywhere in this world? How has that worked for you so far? It's my experience that all that stretching and contorting only served to make me feel like a failure, like I was never doing anything right, that I would never have the life I wanted. It was only when I began to listen to myself, my own knowing, that things started to fall into place. While at first...
Published 05/21/14
Remember when the world was magical, play was natural and life was easy? At what point did you decide that not having fun was the best way to prove you were a grown up? What if you could expand your life and your business beyond measure by recalling your imagination and the joy of play? Join Carol and her guest co-host/play-mate Christine McIver as we re-discover play and invite joy, creativity, ease and expansion back into your life. http://workandalife.com/ http://workandalife.com/
Published 05/07/14
Everyone is different. That’s true. But we're different in some predictable ways. Join Carol with her guest Sue Johnston of Its Understood as they discuss Communication With Styles. We’ll shine a spotlight on our patterns and habits of communication and encourages a conscious and strategic approach to conversations. You’ll explore the diverse ways people process and share information and discover techniques to overcome those differences so you can connect and be understood. With its...
Published 04/30/14
In early 2013, Carol came to the awareness that her business has energy separate from her own. Through her own exploration and experimenting with other business owners, she discovered that this business body can be mapped and its energy can be perceived and influenced using healing energy. In this hour, Carol shares how you can map your business’ body, recognize the boundaries between your energy and your business’. She’ll also present some tools and ideas so you can become more aware of the...
Published 04/23/14