“Despite committing the heinous sin of being Caps fans, the hockey coven cover every essential hockey item known to humanity, including shameboats, actually understandable explanations about hockey terms and the deeply enjoyable complete rejection of stats in any form. This podcast emanates such a...”Read full review »
“This podcast is the ultimate hockey experience. Why “watch a game” when you can instead luxuriate in the sensation of lounging on your sofa while four exquisitely-voiced witches instruct you in the deepest truths of the sport? From tough topics like racism and xenophobia to equally tough topics...”Read full review »
sciencebones via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·
“As someone who actually knows and cares a fair amount about hockey, this podcast is shockingly delightful, irreverent, self-referential, and unspeakably hilarious. It's honestly really refreshing and fun to be able to just listen to people talk about hockey and the players thereof without...”Read full review »
awildreviewappears via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·
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