Even this Penguins fan likes the podcast
Thank you Eva for your love of Geno. I cover my ears when there's Pens chirping. Otherwise I love the podcast!Read full review »
thehappyrain via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 09/30/18
More reviews of You Can't Do That
The first episode was a gd breath of FRESH AIR and it just keeps getting better! It would be chill if I could get through one of these without convulsing with laughter but ya know. You are all my heros.
Elizzzzard via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 03/08/18
Witty women losing their shizz about hockey. What more could you want, other than Wednesdays to come early. Thanks for the hockey education, coven, and for teaching me that I can describe my devotion to my favorite sport/coping mechanism as “you know, regular.”
pinkertonhockey via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 01/16/19
Been searching for a female lead hockey pod with fun takes that don’t make me want to poke my ears out. Well... this ain’t it chief.
Bhurry via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 01/11/19
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