This is part 8 of our Emotional Freedom series, so make sure you start from Part 1!! Why does your emotional life feel like a mess?  Because you’ve been led to believe one of two things—that you can’t trust your feelings or that you just have no power over them at all. And both messages are damaging and miss the God given wisdom available to us when we see emotions for what they are and learn how to welcome them and learn from them. That’s what I’m going to teach you here. You are about to...
Published 03/25/24
Have you ever met someone and felt like God must have brought you two together, because there is nothing else that explains how much you both have in common?! That is exactly how I feel about my incredible friend Tanner Bell! Tanner is a husband, father, and a highly accomplished digital entrepreneur who has been pursuing his dreams since he was 12!!!  He has taught me so much throughout our friendship and we are so thankful for him coming on to HOJ!! He has SUCH a cool story and so much...
Published 03/21/24
Our doors are open! Welcome home! LIFE MENTORING SCHOOL was created with exactly YOU in mind. And we are so excited to welcome you in. We are here to guide you through every step of you finding your FIRE and becoming your highest, most loving self so that the your unique gifts can be unleashed on the world. We know how the world changes when passionate women wake up to their lives, to their highest callings, to their deepest desires and we are here to call forth the BEST in you. And trust...
Published 03/20/24
This is part 7 of our Emotional Freedom series, so make sure you start from Part 1!! Why does your emotional life feel like a mess?  Because you’ve been led to believe one of two things—that you can’t trust your feelings or that you just have no power over them at all. And both messages are damaging and miss the God given wisdom available to us when we see emotions for what they are and learn how to welcome them and learn from them. That’s what I’m going to teach you here. You are about to...
Published 03/18/24
Essential oils can seem voodoo and hard to understand when you have never heard of the true life changing benefits they have on your physical and emotional health. You may have questions like, Where do I start? How do I justify the price? Why do I even need these? If that's you, you are going to LOVE today's episode where Dr. Edie is giving us a 101 class on all things essential oils! She is sharing her health story and all the ins and outs of how she fell in love with essential oils!  If...
Published 03/14/24
This is part 6 of our Emotional Freedom series, so make sure you start from Part 1!! Why does your emotional life feel like a mess?  Because you’ve been led to believe one of two things—that you can’t trust your feelings or that you just have no power over them at all. And both messages are damaging and miss the God given wisdom available to us when we see emotions for what they are and learn how to welcome them and learn from them. That’s what I’m going to teach you here. You are about to...
Published 03/11/24
Have you ever felt like your brain worked differently than people you know? Like, why is it so much easier for other people to get things done? You are NOT alone!  In today’s episode, Edie and Emme have a conversation about their own struggles with time management and productivity.  Edie has spent years celebrating how her unique brain works, and practicing ways to maximize her productivity, and she wants to teach you all about it! Join us for our BRAND NEW online workshop THE ART OF...
Published 03/07/24
This is part 5 of our Emotional Freedom series, so make sure you start from Part 1!! What I’ve learned after years of studying the science behind how our brains and bodies work is that emotions are a good gift from the God who made you. They are the kindest of messengers. And you have way more control of them than you think.   I daresay they are your superpower—your most important God given gift to promote connection, personal growth, and the full, rich life you secretly dream about. Why...
Published 03/05/24
Our need to belong and “fit in”  is primal. When we're seeking to fit in, we shape shift, and we perform. We do it because we're afraid, and usually for good reason, love has been withheld from us. We change who we are into who we think that group wants instead of learning to be our authentic true selves. We wear masks. In today’s episode Edie and Emme discuss what it means to truly belong and create belonging for ourselves! We hope you enjoy today's conversation! Leave a review and let us...
Published 02/29/24
Your body can turn on its stress response by thought alone. You don't have to BE in a stressful situation for those hormones to do their damage. You can be sitting at your kitchen table perfectly safe, thinking stressful thoughts and your body doesn't know the difference between that and what is happening at the moment. It will start pumping out the hormones of stress ANYTIME you're worrying and overthinking and feeling overwhelmed. So, you're sitting in your kitchen thinking about your 20...
Published 02/27/24
Anxiety is such a widely discussed topic in today's culture. Everyone seems to have it one way or another. We have a take on it that you’ll find interesting and hopeful! What is the message our anxiety is trying to tell us? You’ll love this episode! Episode Resources: Dr. Russell Kennedy's IG + book: https://a.co/d/f5BMP9Z http://instagram.com/theanxietymd Connect with us!! Watch our podcast on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChFMNXmO9jv124EPno5B_Xw  Instagram-...
Published 02/22/24
Here is Part 4 to Edie’s solo series on unlocking emotional freedom! When we open up to our emotions and experience them, so many amazing things can follow. We feel expansive and resilient. Bad habits will often fall away and it can make it so much easier to be decisive. We're not afraid to confront hard things in our lives or hard conversations. It makes is easier to set big goals because we're not afraid to fail. AND? It dramatically expands our capacity for love and joy, which is our...
Published 02/19/24
The balance of emotional, physical, and spiritual health can change your life. But it can be overwhelming when you are first starting to dive into a healthier lifestyle. Where do I start? What are the most important things to change? In this week's episode, Edie is giving us 5 principles to living a vibrant, energetic, and holistic life! We hope these daily practices give you a beautiful playground in which to live and have JOY. Connect with us!! Watch our podcast on youtube!...
Published 02/15/24
When we open up to our emotions and experience them, so many amazing things can follow. We feel expansive and resilient. Bad habits will often fall away and it can make it so much easier to be decisive. We're not afraid to confront hard things in our lives or hard conversations. It makes it easier to set big goals because we're not afraid to fail. AND? It dramatically expands our capacity for love and joy, which is our natural state. We experience more connection, more love. Life opens up...
Published 02/12/24
What is God’s will for my life? Did I really hear God tell me to do that? These are questions we as christians have probably asked ourselves! How do you know if you are doing the right thing or if God is going to be pleased with your decisions? In today’s episode, Edie and Emme discuss times in their own lives where they wondered if they were on the right path or in accordance with God’s will. Change can be scary and hard, especially when you are not sure what the right decision to make in...
Published 02/08/24
We are often taught that some emotions are bad and some are more virtuous, but the truth is, all emotions are a gift from God, each carrying its own sacred purpose. Negative emotions—such as fear, sadness, anger, and grief—are not adversaries to be vanquished but rather sacred messengers, guiding us toward growth and healing. All of our emotions are a good gift from God. They are part of what it means to be human, designed to help us connect with ourselves, God and others. Instead of...
Published 02/05/24
We usually think of confidence as the belief in yourself and your own capabilities, which is true. But we think it is actually way more than that. Would you believe me if I told you that confidence builds better relationships? In today’s episode, Edie shares her ideas of confidence being the ability to manage your mind, emotions, and actions no matter the outcome or circumstances. Emme speaks on how she has noticed her own confidence affecting her relationship. This conversation is so...
Published 02/01/24
Emotions color our lives with depth and richness. They drive our actions, they contain wisdom and lessons, they provide contrast, and are THE WAY we experience our lives. Yet, for many women over 40, we've been conditioned to believe they are something to be avoided at all cost. We've been told to ignore them, rise above them, numb them, resist them, hide them, medicate them, anything to not feel them. We've been told they don't matter and nothing could be farther from the truth. Our...
Published 01/29/24
This is the second part to our parenting adult kids episode! We are answering all of your burning questions! Parenting can be challenging, especially as your kids begin to leave the nest and become adults! It can be a rollercoaster of emotions as there are just so many things to navigate. They unfortunately don’t give you a formula for making it easy and smooth, but if you want to truly stay connected to your adult kids, this is a great episode to listen to! In today's episode, Edie and...
Published 01/26/24
Parenting can be challenging, especially as your kids begin to leave the nest and become adults! It can be a rollercoaster of emotions as there are just so many things to navigate. They unfortunately don’t give you a formula for making it easy and smooth, but if you want to truly stay connected to your adult kids, this is a great episode to listen to! In today's episode, Edie and Emme dive into a vulnerable and real conversation surrounding their own relationship for the last few years....
Published 01/25/24
GET OUR ON WAITLIST for Christian Life Coach Certification. Enrollment opens opens in April 2024 http://ediewadsworthcoaching.com/certification I struggled with my past for as long as I can remember. I tortured myself with thoughts about my past. I finally learned that I could keep thinking those thoughts FOR SURE no one could take them from me against my will, but the only person they were hurting was ME. And all the resentment that I had built up to try to protect myself was poisoning ME...
Published 01/22/24
If your journals could talk, what would they say? For some, their journals would say nothing at all… but not after this episode!! Journaling is a MASTER TOOL. You can transform your past, your trauma, your limiting beliefs, to visualize your future and so many other things. It's a form of meditation that forces us to slow down, to think about what we think about. Frequent journaling (multiple times per week) can be as effective as cognitive behavioral therapy and can change the ACTUAL...
Published 01/18/24
The question is, are you using this incredible God given resource to its fullest potential? How do you know? Are you creating a life you love and are you doing it on purpose with the power of your mind? In this solo episode, Edie explores three transformative ways your mind can shape your reality, break barriers caused by your limiting beliefs and become an ally to the life you want. Your mind is powerful, not only in its capacity to learn, but in the ability to imagine, create, and...
Published 01/15/24
It is January people!! When you think of this time of the year, what usually comes to mind? For a lot of people, I think this month and time of year can feel like a drag, like you just have to get through it. It can just feel cold and dreary, because truthfully, IT IS!! We dare you to start thinking about it differently! Instead of feeling cooped up and ready to get out of the house, Edie describes how she views this time of year as a time for reflection, and getting to look inward! In this...
Published 01/11/24
In this weeks solo episode with Dr. Edie, she is giving you a list of 10 things INSPIRING her in the New Year!!  Here is her list: 1. Weekly Divine Service + Communion 2. Cold weather walking with audiobooks (Wintering) + my rechargeable hand warmers 3. Jesse Itzler, Your Year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HineqycOw98 4. HOUSE OF JOY! TOP 200 christian podcasts after the first 2 episodes, THANK YOU for listening, if you haven't followed or subscribed please do! 5. NEW YORK and my...
Published 01/08/24