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Dave Powell
Your Brain On Climate
Psychology vs climate change: what we think, why we think it, and how it all adds up to a planet-sized emergency. Each episode host Dave Powell interviews experts in how our brains work - from PhDs in psychology to writers, activists and beyond. They'll talk about how their brains and our brains do (and don't) work, and how all of that might help make sense of the climate crisis - and possibly what to do about it.
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Ratings & Reviews
5.0 stars from 46 ratings
Dave speaks with expert guests on the psychology of belief systems & in part why we believe so much that is untrue & often detrimental to ourselves, how we form our incorrect biased belief systems. The human brain is fascinating & one expects will be are own downfall in the fight to...Read full review »
Ollie12.65 via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 02/16/24
Fantastic podcast on climate
Dave’s approach to climate and sustainability is down-to-earth (get it?) and relatable. A great range of guests and topics. Keep up the amazing work!
Vitality UK via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 02/07/24
Informative, friendly, grounded
I love the psychology/climate framing and Dave is great company- genial, humorous, and understated (which is a rare and wondrous set of qualities to find in a podcast host). He puts his very well informed and thoughtful guests at ease. These are quiet and engaging conversations that motivate and...Read full review »
Jeff dekaj via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 02/04/24
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