If you are looking to get more publicity for your book, business, or charity, then you will want to get in on our free publicity tele-conference. The tele-conference is being held on September 19th. If you want to get in on the free call, email us at [email protected] (mailto:www.yourmoneyshow.com) to get on the call. If you own your own business or you're in sales, Your Money Show t (http:// www.yourmoneyshow.com)alked about building your business and some traps that you need to...
Published 09/08/14
If you are looking to get more publicity for your book, business, or charity, then you will want to get in on our free publicity tele-conference. The tele-conference is being held on September 19th. If you want to get in on the free call, email us at [email protected] to get on the call. If you […] The post Your Money Show – The Grow Your Business Show appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 09/08/14
Published 09/08/14
Do you have a bucket list? Do you have a list of goals that you want to complete before you die? I sure do. I have talked a lot about my 100 Goals Before I Die (http://moneyqanda.com/100-goals/) and trying to complete them. The problem is that most of us simply write out a bucket list and then make excuses as to why we haven't check many items off it or any items at all for that matter. It doesn't have to be that way though. Join us as we talk to Adam Shepard who is the author of "One Year...
Published 02/17/14
Do you have a bucket list? Do you have a list of goals that you want to complete before you die? I sure do. I have talked a lot about my 100 Goals Before I Die and trying to complete them. The problem is that most of us simply write out a bucket list and […] The post Your Money: Your Choices – The Best of Your Money Your Choices – Living Life and Completing Your Bucket List appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 02/17/14
I interviewed Gary Vaynerchuk who is one of the preeminent entrepreneurs, authors, video bloggers, and business owners in America. Gary discusses what it takes to get through burning out and how to break through the preverbal wall when you hit it. Join us as we talk about why it is still important to hustle today, the social media platforms that you should be on, and why 7pm to 2am can be the most productive time of your life as an entrepreneur. As a nationally recognized speaker and author...
Published 02/03/14
I interviewed Gary Vaynerchuk who is one of the preeminent entrepreneurs, authors, video bloggers, and business owners in America. Gary discusses what it takes to get through burning out and how to break through the preverbal wall when you hit it. Join us as we talk about why it is still important to hustle today, […] The post Your Money: Your Choices – The Best of Your Money Your Choices – My Interview With Gary Vaynerchuk appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 02/03/14
New sports stadiums and arenas are popping up all over the country. And, new stadiums are causing higher ticket prices and higher taxes as a result. The owners are adding to their profits through subsidies provided by local governments at a detriment to both sports fans and tax payers alike. While most politicians and sports franchise owners will want fans to believe that a new stadium is in their best interest, will bring jobs to their area, will increase their stature, and a host of other...
Published 12/23/13
New sports stadiums and arenas are popping up all over the country. And, new stadiums are causing higher ticket prices and higher taxes as a result. The owners are adding to their profits through subsidies provided by local governments at a detriment to both sports fans and tax payers alike. While most politicians and sports […] The post Your Money: Your Choices – Why New Baseball Stadiums Are Ruining The Game And Taxpayers Are Footing The Bill appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 12/23/13
Has your email inbox taken over control over your life? How many emails are sitting unanswered in your inbox? How many newsletters do you subscribe to? Do you check your email constantly throughout the day? You're not alone. In fact, 79% of Americans check their email before they even get out of bed in the morning. The Huffington Post calls email a gigantic game of Tetris that we can't possibly win. Over 25% of your work day is wasted by simply checking and sending emails. But, what if you...
Published 12/09/13
Has your email inbox taken over control over your life? How many emails are sitting unanswered in your inbox? How many newsletters do you subscribe to? Do you check your email constantly throughout the day? You’re not alone. In fact, 79% of Americans check their email before they even get out of bed in the […] The post Your Money: Your Choices – How To Take Back Control Over Your Email Inbox appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 12/09/13
Coupons are big business. If you don’t believe me, you only need to look at your Sunday newspaper to understand the power of these little pieces of paper. Coupons have even gained pop culture status with the new reality TV shows featuring extreme couponers buying hundreds of dollars worth of groceries and other items for pennies on the dollar. But, you don't have to go to extreme measures to make coupons, coupon codes, and deals help you and your family save a ton of money. Now is the time...
Published 11/25/13
Coupons are big business. If you don’t believe me, you only need to look at your Sunday newspaper to understand the power of these little pieces of paper. Coupons have even gained pop culture status with the new reality TV shows featuring extreme couponers buying hundreds of dollars worth of groceries and other items for […] The post Your Money: Your Choices – How You Can Save A Ton Of Money With Coupons appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 11/25/13
It is going to be a tough holiday shopping season for businesses. Thanksgiving and Black Friday are going to be in late November this year. Businesses will lose about six days of shopping and sale madness if they wait. The government shutdown, unemployment, and consumer worries are weighing on shoppers minds. These things will actually benefit shoppers this holiday season. Most retailers are moving their holiday sales earlier into the month. Shoppers will start to see promotions before Black...
Published 11/11/13
It is going to be a tough holiday shopping season for businesses. Thanksgiving and Black Friday are going to be in late November this year. Businesses will lose about six days of shopping and sale madness if they wait. The government shutdown, unemployment, and consumer worries are weighing on shoppers minds. These things will actually […] The post Your Money: Your Choices – How To Get The Most Out Of This Holiday Shopping Season appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 11/11/13
The stock market is humming along lately, but this is of course despite a few recent macro level economic hiccups. Thanks to the federal government and the shutdown the economy has continued to remain sluggish. According to a report recently released by Standard & Poor’s, the government shutdown cost the United States $24 billion in lost production and growth. It took out $24 billion from the U.S. economy over the 16 day shutdown. In this episode of the Money Q&A podcast, "Your...
Published 11/04/13
The stock market is humming along lately, but this is of course despite a few recent macro level economic hiccups. Thanks to the federal government and the shutdown the economy has continued to remain sluggish. According to a report recently released by Standard & Poor’s, the government shutdown cost the United States $24 billion in […] The post Your Money: Your Choices – How Marcro Economic Issues Affect Middle Class Americans appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 11/04/13
Do you give money to charity? You're not alone. In fact, the National Philanthropic Trust and the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University found that 88% of all American households give to charity. And, the average annual gift to charity is over $2,200 per family. We are a nation of givers, and giving is an important step in our own personal finance journey. There is a reason why Dave Ramsey includes it in his last baby step of his popular book, The Total Money Makeover...
Published 10/28/13
Do you give money to charity? You’re not alone. In fact, the National Philanthropic Trust and the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University found that 88% of all American households give to charity. And, the average annual gift to charity is over $2,200 per family. We are a nation of givers, and giving is an […] The post Your Money: Your Choices – Giving Money To Charity And Trusting Your Financial Advisor appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 10/28/13
Can you be too frugal? Where do you draw the line between frugality and cheap? Is there a danger in being too cheap? There is a fine line that a small portion of the American population walks when it comes to frugality. The news is full of people drowning in credit card and other debts, but they miss the other side of the equation. There are also people who take frugality to an entirely different level. We all probably know someone like that. We've witnessed people who drive across town to...
Published 10/14/13
Can you be too frugal? Where do you draw the line between frugality and cheap? Is there a danger in being too cheap? There is a fine line that a small portion of the American population walks when it comes to frugality. The news is full of people drowning in credit card and other debts, […] The post Your Money: Your Choices – Can You Be Too Frugal? Is There Even Such A Thing As Too Frugal? appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 10/14/13
After I graduated from college, I swore that I would never eat ramen noodles again. I cannot even imagine having planned so poorly for retirement that people must buy cat food to survive. But, that's the subtitle of Mary Kelly's new book, "Money Smart - How Not To Buy Cat Food When You Don't Have A Cat", (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1935733141/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=1935733141&linkCode=as2&tag=ymycpodcast-20)which is aimed at...
Published 09/16/13
After I graduated from college, I swore that I would never eat ramen noodles again. I cannot even imagine having planned so poorly for retirement that people must buy cat food to survive. But, that’s the subtitle of Mary Kelly’s new book, “Money Smart – How Not To Buy Cat Food When You Don’t Have […] The post Your Money: Your Choices – How Not To Buy Cat Food When You Don’t Have A Cat appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 09/16/13
Put your money through boot camp with Jeff Rose's new book, "Soldier of Finance: Take Charge of Your Money and Invest in Your Future". (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0814433286/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0814433286&linkCode=as2&tag=ymycpodcast-20)Have you been ignoring the warning signs that your money is out of control? Debt is the enemy. Financial freedom and prosperity are the objectives. In the book, Jeff takes you and your money...
Published 09/02/13
Put your money through boot camp with Jeff Rose’s new book, “Soldier of Finance: Take Charge of Your Money and Invest in Your Future”. Have you been ignoring the warning signs that your money is out of control? Debt is the enemy. Financial freedom and prosperity are the objectives. In the book, Jeff takes you […] The post Your Money: Your Choices – Put Your Money Through Boot Camp With Soldier Of Finance appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 09/02/13