College graduates and their parents are faced with a daunting challenge of managing their finances on their own, often for the very first time. But, many recent high school and college graduates have a lot of questions. It stems from not receiving the proper education from our school system and their parents on how to handle money, debt, and investing on their own. Many have questions such as: How much do I need to save for in an emergency fund? Should I invest in my employer's 401k...
Published 08/26/13
College graduates and their parents are faced with a daunting challenge of managing their finances on their own, often for the very first time. But, many recent high school and college graduates have a lot of questions. It stems from not receiving the proper education from our school system and their parents on how to […] The post Your Money: Your Choices – What Young Adults Need To Know About Money When They Are Just Starting Out appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 08/26/13
Most parents are terrified of the costs of college tuition and room and board fees that they will have to help pay for their children's education. Every year for decades, the cost of college tuition and fees has increased faster than the rate of inflation in America. To make matters worse, colleges have enjoyed endowments that have posted gains in their investments that have outpaced the stock market indexes. For a 10 year span from 1998-2008, Yale saw its endowment earn over a 17% annual...
Published 08/19/13
Most parents are terrified of the costs of college tuition and room and board fees that they will have to help pay for their children’s education. Every year for decades, the cost of college tuition and fees has increased faster than the rate of inflation in America. To make matters worse, colleges have enjoyed endowments […] The post Your Money: Your Choices – How To Make Money Investing Like Harvard And Yale’s Endowments appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 08/19/13
College students are graduating with an alarming amount of debt. They are being saddled with note only student loans but loans from family members and credit cards. Part of the trouble stems from our inability as parents to prepare our children for the financial realities that they will face as college freshmen. We are simply not having the open and honest communication early enough about our expectations and their expectations as well. Who will pay for what expenses? Will your child have to...
Published 08/13/13
College students are graduating with an alarming amount of debt. They are being saddled with note only student loans but loans from family members and credit cards. Part of the trouble stems from our inability as parents to prepare our children for the financial realities that they will face as college freshmen. We are simply […] The post Your Money: Your Choices – Money Conversations Parents Must Have With Their College Freshmen appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 08/13/13
The NY TImes has reported that 75% of Americans have less than $30,000 saved in their retirement accounts. Hewitt Associates says that 4 out of 5 American workers haven’t saved enough for all of their financial needs in retirement. A recent survey from the Employee Benefit Research Institute found that only 42% of Americans have tried to calculate the amount of money that they will need to have set aside for retirement. We are hiding our heads in the sand when it comes to retirement planning....
Published 08/05/13
The NY TImes has reported that 75% of Americans have less than $30,000 saved in their retirement accounts. Hewitt Associates says that 4 out of 5 American workers haven’t saved enough for all of their financial needs in retirement. A recent survey from the Employee Benefit Research Institute found that only 42% of Americans have […] The post Your Money: Your Choices – Don’t Hide Your Head In The Sand When Planning For Retirement appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 08/05/13
Did you know that you could own gold bullion, gold coins, and other precious metals directly in your retirement accounts? In this episode of Your Money Your Choices, I'll show you exactly how to invest in gold in your retirement accounts when I interview Kirill Zagalsky, a senior account executive at American Bullion (http://moneyqanda.com/book-giveaway-the-next-wave/). Kirill discusses the options that surround investing in physical gold, silver, and other precious metals in your...
Published 07/29/13
Did you know that you could own gold bullion, gold coins, and other precious metals directly in your retirement accounts? In this episode of Your Money Your Choices, I’ll show you exactly how to invest in gold in your retirement accounts when I interview Kirill Zagalsky, a senior account executive at American Bullion. Kirill discusses […] The post Your Money: Your Choices – Investing In Gold For Your Retirement and Weathering The Financial Storms appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 07/29/13
In this episode of Your Money Your Choices, I interview Gary Vaynerchuk (http://www.garyvaynerchuk.com/)who is one of the preeminent entrepreneurs, authors, video bloggers, and business owners in America. Gary discusses what it takes to get through burning out and how to break through the preverbal wall when you hit it. Join us as we talk about why it is still important to hustle today, the social media platforms that you should be on, and why 7pm to 2am can be the most productive time of...
Published 07/15/13
In this episode of Your Money Your Choices, I interview Gary Vaynerchuk who is one of the preeminent entrepreneurs, authors, video bloggers, and business owners in America. Gary discusses what it takes to get through burning out and how to break through the preverbal wall when you hit it. Join us as we talk about […] The post Your Money: Your Choices – Interview With Gary Vaynerchuk – What It Takes To Get Through Burning Out appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 07/15/13
According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, only 42% of Americans have tried to calculate how much money they will need to save for retirement. Most of us have no idea what our retirement number that we need to save during our working life even is. It could be $1 million, $2 million, even much more. To make matters worse, only 14% of Americans feel confident that they will have enough saved by the time they reach retirement age for all of their needs in their Golden Years. Join us...
Published 06/24/13
According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, only 42% of Americans have tried to calculate how much money they will need to save for retirement. Most of us have no idea what our retirement number that we need to save during our working life even is. It could be $1 million, $2 million, even much […] The post Your Money: Your Choices – What Is Your Magic Retirement Number That You Need To Save? appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 06/24/13
Very few people understand the true reason for buying life insurance policies. Many people have life insurance questions (http://moneyqanda.com/insurance/life-insurance-questions-and-answers/)about their policies and do not know where to turn for the answers. There are so many planners and agents selling life insurance products that most people simply do not need. They often mistakenly buy life insurance as an investment, to pay taxes, build a nest egg, or even to leave a legacy. Most people...
Published 06/10/13
Very few people understand the true reason for buying life insurance policies. Many people have life insurance questions about their policies and do not know where to turn for the answers. There are so many planners and agents selling life insurance products that most people simply do not need. They often mistakenly buy life insurance […] The post Your Money: Your Choices – The Types Of Life Insurance Plans You Don’t Need To Buy appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 06/10/13
Over half of all young parents in America do not have a last will and testament. They often think they don't need an estate plan, that it's too expensive, or they just want to hide their heads in the sand and pretend they aren't going to die. Baby Boomers are even worse about estate planning with over 40% of the generation neglecting to have a will. This is just one critical tool in estate planning that everyone should have. Join us as we talk to Rob Aeschbach (http://www.robaeschbach.com),...
Published 05/20/13
Are you sick and tired of earning less than 1% on your savings accounts or money market funds? Government bonds are not offering much better in the way of rates of return either. But, peer-to-peer lending is allowing investors to act like a bank and invest in individual loans with people looking to repay debt, consolidate loans, pay for weddings, buy new cars, and much more. Peer-to-peer lending offers investors a larger rate of return than many other investment options. Join us as we talk to...
Published 05/06/13
Do you have a bucket list? Do you have a list of goals that you want to complete before you die? I sure do. I have talked a lot about my 100 Goals Before I Die (http://moneyqanda.com/100-goals/)and trying to complete them. The problem is that most of us simply write out a bucket list and then make excuses as to why we haven't check many items off it or any items at all for that matter. It doesn't have to be that way though. Join us as we talk to Adam Shepard who is the author of "One Year...
Published 04/22/13
There are so many aspects that go into your financial planning and making money decisions. It is more than just doing the math behind which tax strategy is better, whether to invest in a Roth IRA or a 401k, or which debts to pay off first. Your values play a large part in every aspect of your finances. How do you and you spouse interact with your money? How do you teach your children about properly handling money and financial responsibility? Join us as we talk to Bruce Helmer, a financial...
Published 04/08/13
It is hard to get ahead in today's busy world and break out of living paycheck to paycheck by simply working at your 9-5 day job. You've got to increase your income. Far too many people simply focus on squeezing costs out of their family's monthly budget, but if you really want to get ahead, break out of the cycle, and get rich, you need to increase your income. And, a side hustle is the best way to do that. Join us as we talk to Jay Money one of the most popular personal finance bloggers...
Published 03/18/13
The most dreaded finance topic behind budgeting is debt. It's because we have so much of it whether it is credit card debt, student loans, mortgages, car notes, and a host of other types of debt weighing us down. Join us as we talk to Jeff Rose (http://www.goodfinancialcents.com), Certified Financial Planner, author, popular personal finance blogger, and leader of the Debt Movement (http://debtmovement.com)which strives to help people through a sense of community and education to pay off $10...
Published 03/04/13
Financial riches aren't unfortunately aren't always made from diligent savings, matching 401k contributions, or increasing your Roth IRA investment every year. Riches are made by making something, building something, starting a business, and the like. There are very few things that help people reach their financial dreams like starting their own business. Join us as we talk to Mary Kelly (http://productiveleaders.com/), an author of several books, professional speaker, college professor, and...
Published 02/18/13