For the final episode of the 15-Minute Matrix (sad, but true!) I finalize our deep dive into the topic of satiety, continuing the conversation from my first episode, linked below. As a bonus, I answer questions I received regarding the what, why and how of satiety.  Click here to learn more about Andrea and the […]
Published 02/03/23
Published 02/03/23
Can there be growth within suffering? If you know me and my story, you know that Posttraumatic Growth is an important way that I frame my experience. And in this episode I have the pleasure of speaking to Dushyanthi Satchi about this very topic. Dushyanthi walks us through a beautiful journey of suffering and healing […]
Published 02/01/23
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is commonly looked at as the “end point” in a client or patient’s diagnosis. But Dr. Diane Mueller helps us to flip the script and challenges practitioners to ask “WHY” someone may be experiencing chronic fatigue. (Hint: It’s multifactorial!) Click here to learn more about Dr. Diane Mueller and her work  Related […]
Published 01/27/23
Bioindividuality matters. We know this in health and nutrition. Yet increased protein consumption is a hot topic in today’s health space and it can be easy to lose sight of where individuality may play a role in our recommendations — even when it comes to protein intake. Dr. Lamming joins me on this episode to […]
Published 01/20/23
Dr. Warren Bishop joins me on this episode to discuss the important topic of heart attacks and heart disease. We explore how to assess risk factors for coronary artery disease, turn cholesterol risk factors upside down, and put our understanding of what we do and don’t know about heart attacks through a more functional lens. […]
Published 01/17/23
Registered Dietician, Maya Feller, joins me for a delightful conversation around cultures, the foods we eat, and her upcoming cookbook “Eating From Our Roots”. I love so much about this discussion — particularly the ways in which we can unlearn wellness dogma and embrace the messages and traditions of our ancestors as a key part […]
Published 01/13/23
We’re all aware of the impact of pollution on our health, but how often do we concern ourselves with the quality of the air within our daily environments? In this episode, Michael Rubino, mold and air quality expert, enlightens us on why home air quality can be the missing puzzle piece in health and health […]
Published 01/11/23
Julie Reisler, founder of the Life Designer® Coach Academy, joins me on this episode to discuss the heart, and how tuning in to our heart, our “heartset”, and our inner needs can be transformative to our own healing, as well as those we serve. Healing cannot happen when we bypass this important connection. Tune-in to […]
Published 01/06/23
Dr. Frederic Luskin, Director of the Stanford Forgiveness Projects, joins me today to talk about forgiveness. While we hear “easier said than done”, forgiveness is a lifelong habit. Dr. Luskin provides insight and direction on ways to create this healthy habit, and he reminds us that forgiveness is a teachable skill.  Click here to learn […]
Published 01/04/23
Dr. Gregory Eckel, co-founder of the Nature Cures Clinic, shares his unique take on longevity, which was born of his own loss. Instead of asking how long we can live, he discusses how the focus can shift to what gifts we possess, and the legacy we may wish to leave behind. This is a perspective […]
Published 12/21/22
On this podcast episode we’re going to get political, as Courtney Swan shares her passion about food quality, specifically fake meats, and the role our governments and food industry play in promoting these highly inflammatory foods. Courntey does a great job of breaking down the dysfunction in today’s food supply and outlining the steps we […]
Published 12/16/22
In this delicious bite-sized episode, Andrea Gentl takes us on a delightful journey into the world of culinary mushrooms, highlighting the benefits and varied ways we can all introduce mushrooms into our daily routines. Be sure to check out the show notes for a link to Andrea’s beautiful book on the topic! Click here to […]
Published 12/14/22
Magdalena Wszelaki returns to the 15MM to discuss fibrocystic breasts — a topic that is more common than we think, yet is not always taken seriously among medical practitioners. As usual, Magdalena does a beautiful job of speaking into fibrocystic breasts, the root causes and remedies we can consider to help manage both discomfort and […]
Published 12/09/22
In the world of Functional Nutrition, we’re well aware there are root causes to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and that IBS is a catch-all that doesn’t often lead to many next steps in care. Addressing symptoms will likely take more than just dietary changes, and certainly more than an IBS diagnosis alone. Sarah Kay Hoffman, […]
Published 12/07/22
In this episode I welcome board-certified physician, researcher, and educator, Dr. Sara Gottfried back to the podcast to help us take a deep dive into ketamine and ketamine therapy. Ketamine has shown potential in helping patients with chronic ailments, and Dr. Sara helps us to understand its significant promise for those with therapy resistant depression. […]
Published 12/02/22
On this episode of the 15-Minute Matrix podcast we’ll focus on polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS. Dr. Shala Salem’s approach to addressing PCOS in her clinic and with fertility patients is both refreshing and “outside the box.” She combines physiological understanding, bioindividuality, and compassion with practical next steps in working with her patients suffering with […]
Published 11/30/22
In this episode I welcome Dr. Terry Whals back to the podcast to discuss what she’s best known for, her work and understanding (both personal and professional) of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Dr. Wahls takes us through the matrix, mapping the intricacies of MS and how we can best bring true Functional thinking to the support […]
Published 11/23/22
This episode is deep and resonant, centering around the topic of light. Join me and my guest, Dr. Jacob Liberman, for a fascinating conversation on the power of light and its function in guiding every single step we take and every single cell in our body.  Click here to learn more about Dr. Liberman and […]
Published 11/18/22
Joe Cohen, founder and CEO of SelfDecode joins me to discuss genomics, but more specifically our polygenic risk score. Joe, flips the script from focusing on one gene (or SNP), and instead shines a lens on how we consider a multitude of genes, along with presenting signs and symptoms, to determine what’s true for the […]
Published 11/16/22
Jennifer Fugo, Clinical Nutritionist and founder of Skinterrupt discusses all things H.pylori in this episode. This is a true mini “masterclass”, where Jen takes us on a deep dive into causes, symptoms and next steps in working with clients through their myriad H.pylori signs and symptoms. Don’t miss this one! Click here to learn more […]
Published 11/11/22
Kim Vopni, a pelvic floor specialist (also known as The Vagina Coach), joins me on this episode of the podcast to discuss the world of kegels. Our exploration takes us to conversations about incontinence, movement, breathwork, sexual pleasure, and more, and why kegel exercises and the pelvic floor matter. Click here to learn more about […]
Published 11/09/22
On this episode, Dr. Loretta G. Breuning joins me to discuss the mammal brain with a focus on dopamine and the dopamine pathways. Dr. Breuning talks into the common belief that we may be lacking in dopamine vs. the reality that human’s dopamine is wired by past experiences. It’s something we can befriend, cultivate, and […]
Published 11/04/22
When the topic of the pelvic floor comes to mind, we tend to think of women’s pelvic floor issues. Dr. Domenic Fraboni helps to shift our perspective and dispel the misconception that the male pelvic floor does not need our attention as well. In this episode we discuss why the male pelvic floor matters for […]
Published 11/02/22
What’s your calling? What matters most to you? Joy Chudacoff joins me on this poignant episode to discuss alignment in life and work. Through intentional habits and awareness, we can align ourselves with what’s most important in all areas of our lives.  Click here to learn more about Joy Chudacoff and her work  Related Episodes:Episode […]
Published 10/28/22