As we usher in the holiday season, the glittering decorations and festive get-togethers can trigger the temptation to take a sip or two. Posing a provocative question, "How do you remain firmly grounded on your sobriety journey through the holiday season?" we offer you an episode packed with practical tips and strategies to stay clear of drugs and alcohol. Drawing from our experiences and those of our recovery community, we delve into the significance of navigating libations and social...
Published 11/20/23
Ready to reframe your perspective and tap into the power of gratitude? This episode peels back layers of meaning on the word 'gratitude', its Latin roots, and its potential as a potent, natural antidepressant. We dissect the critical distinction between happiness and pleasure, illuminating how gratitude can foster a serene balance of acceptance and humility. We deliver fascinating insights that underscore how chronic unhappiness can wreak havoc on our physical health, with a striking 65 out...
Published 11/13/23
How do we walk the tightrope between parental guidance and giving our children the freedom to explore, make mistakes and learn? This is the question we grapple with in our discussion, drawing inspiration from the age-old wisdom about accepting things we cannot change and knowing the difference. As we navigate this intricate balance, we unearth insights that aren't just beneficial for parents but also speak to our personal, spiritual, and developmental journeys. This episode shines a...
Published 11/06/23
Ever wondered how fear can both alert us to danger and, paradoxically, create unnecessary alarm in mind and our modern world? Prepare to delve into fear and its effect on our body, mind, and overall well-being. Explore how fear can physically manifest as anxiety and stress, and learn how to pinpoint its root causes. We'll also share valuable strategies to manage and lessen its impact. The journey doesn't stop there, as we also discuss the Buddhist perspective on fear as a part of a healthy...
Published 10/30/23
Are you looking for a journey into the heart of spirituality? Let's explore 'Tidavata' Burmese Buddhism and its role in modern American life through the eyes of Zaw, a Burmese Buddhist residing in the US. Zaw brings us into his personal journey, demonstrating how his faith has brought a rich tapestry of tradition into his daily life. From discussing the significant role of monks and pagodas to the practice of Dharma talks, chanting, and giving, we uncover the critical elements of Zaw's...
Published 10/23/23
Can the ancient Buddhist concept of Sangha, a community of like-minded individuals, offer a transformative force for personal growth and well-being in our modern digital age? This episode explores the power of Sangha and its potential to impact mental health and foster spiritual growth. We discuss Sangha's evolution as a community of spiritual seekers guided by Buddha and its adaptation to the digital era. We touch upon its significant role in our holistic health and wellness journey,...
Published 10/16/23
Can a 5-minute procedure be a game-changer for PTSD and anxiety? Join us as we unravel this question with our esteemed guest, Dr. James Lynch, a distinguished physician and former senior US Army medical officer. With his vast expertise, Dr. Lynch introduces us to the world of the Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) treatment and explains its potential to alleviate symptoms of PTSD and anxiety. Our conversation begins by shedding light on the anatomy of the sympathetic nervous system and its role...
Published 10/09/23
Are you ready to unlock the profound insights of Buddhist wisdom, or Panna, for personal growth and self-awareness? We guide you through ancient principles that, surprisingly, align seamlessly with modern therapeutic approaches. We promise to equip you with practical tools and insights to help you navigate the complexities of your mind and emotions in your everyday life and foster resilience, emotional intelligence, and inner peace. As we dive deeper, we'll explore how the principles of...
Published 10/02/23
Have you ever wondered what navigating the complex journey from addiction to recovery truly means? Join us as we sit down with Sam Bierman, the CEO of Maryland Addiction Recovery Center & Innovo Detox. A respected leader and veteran in the field, Sam takes us through his experience battling addiction and transformation into a beacon of hope in the recovery community. This episode is an enlightening exploration of addiction, packed with practical insights and resources. We dive deeper...
Published 09/25/23
"Can family support ignite addiction recovery? Join us as we talk with Jill Prevas and Lisa McDonald, distinguished BALM family recovery coaches. Jill uncovers family dynamics and their monumental role in the recovery journey, shedding light on denial, awareness, and entrenched patterns. Lisa explores how addiction amplifies pre-existing family issues, emphasizing the importance of a supportive family in long-term recovery. Discover the BALM Recovery Program's transformative potential,...
Published 09/18/23
Have you ever wondered about the power of transformation in the face of unimaginable grief? We are about to take you through the inspiring journey of Bob Swanson, a father who, after losing his son to suicide, found a new purpose as a passionate advocate for mental health awareness and suicide prevention. Bob's story embodies the resilience that can emerge from immense grief and adversity, giving hope and inspiration to others. Through his journey, Bob has gained a deep understanding of the...
Published 09/11/23
When Newton Gentry and Sam Alston, founders of the Recovery Awareness Foundation, joined us for a conversation, we were captivated by their compelling addiction journey and inspiring efforts to transform lives. These remarkable individuals opened up about their struggles with addiction and the hurdles they encountered while seeking assistance. Their profound experiences birthed the Recovery Awareness Foundation (R.A.F), an organization committed to bridging the gaps in addiction recovery,...
Published 09/04/23
Embrace the constant winds of change and navigate life's unpredictable waters to survive and thrive. Join us in this transformative episode, where we blend psychological and Buddhist wisdom to reveal practical strategies for resilience and stability. Discover the power of meditation as an anchor, explore the significance of embracing emotions, and challenge your perspective on acceptance and change. Unveil the art of creating healthy comforts, planning, and adopting the practices of gratitude...
Published 08/28/23
Prepare for an enlightening conversation with the renowned chiropractor Dr. Eric Korzen. Shattering the stereotype of chiropractors as 'back crackers,' he shares insights into the holistic perspective of functional medicine within chiropractic care. Let go of preconceived notions and discuss how these practitioners approach neuromuscular skeletal conditions, the significance of super specialists, and the enlightening mind-body connection to back pain. Ready to take charge of your health...
Published 08/21/23
What if the happiness we've been chasing differs from the lasting joy Buddhism suggests? Join us as we journey from fleeting happiness to enduring joy, guided by the teachings of Buddhism. We'll debunk societal norms that favor temporary fixes and dig deeper into impermanence, exploring how understanding this concept can be the key to finding lasting happiness. We also appreciate the power of human connections in fostering true joy, as exemplified by Moe Gaba, a young boy whose zest for life...
Published 08/14/23
Have you ever wrestled with the emotional whirlwind that is guilt? That's so human of you! What if we told you that this complex emotion, often making you squirm uncomfortably, could be turned into the most potent tool for personal growth and self-improvement? From learning to recognize when you've caused harm or breached your values to healthily navigating those feelings, join us as we dismantle 'unhealthy guilt' and its impacts on our lives. We promise to take you on an enlightening...
Published 08/07/23
Ever felt stuck or bogged down by a problem that seems impossible to resolve, no matter what action or attempt to find a solution? What if we told you that every predicament has a resolution waiting to be discovered? We navigate through Deepak Chopra's three phases of awareness, starting with the concept of 'contracted awareness.' We uncover how this state can trigger feelings of being confined in our problems, manifesting as physical and emotional symptoms. This episode encourages us to turn...
Published 07/31/23
Are you ready to unlock the secrets of the breath and its path to self-discovery? Prepare to be captivated as we navigate the potent power of breath awareness and its profound impact on mental well-being; we delve into the enigma of mindfulness and stillness, unraveling the oft-used phrase 'letting go'. As we attune to the subtle dance of inhaling and exhaling, we begin to understand what 'letting go' truly means. We further traverse the paradox of control and participation in relation to...
Published 07/24/23
Join us for an intriguing episode as Brock Anderson, founder of Club 164, delves into the controversial topics surrounding its inception and placement in the Annapolis recovery community. Discover how Club 164 aims to change societal norms around sobriety, making it a mainstream lifestyle choice. Explore the concerns raised by the recovery community and the misconceptions about the club's relationship with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and other 12-Step programs. Uncover the innovative strategies...
Published 07/17/23
Are you struggling with the early stages of recovery? Curious about how to cope with Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) can last up to two years? Join us as we shed light on these challenges, diving into the intricacies of PAWS, the impact of addiction on the central nervous system, and how the severity of your addiction can influence the duration of PAWS. We'll go beyond the physical symptoms, venturing into the cognitive challenges of early recovery. Luke & Zaw share their personal...
Published 07/10/23
What if Buddhism holds the key to our relationship with artificial intelligence? That's one of the compelling questions we grapple with in this thought-provoking episode. Settle in as we dissect a fascinating piece from The Atlantic that explores a monk's prediction about AI, the world's end, and how Buddhist teachings could provide an answer. As we delve deeper, we look at the intricacies of Theravada Buddhism and discuss how it may intersect with AI's capabilities.  The second half of our...
Published 07/03/23
Discover how the power of the 12-Step Program principles can transform lives and guide individuals toward a path of health, happiness, and personal fulfillment in our enlightening conversation with Harold Greene.  We can apply these principles even if we don't struggle with addiction. Their wisdom can guide us on a transformative journey, helping us uncover our true potential, connect with others on a deeper level, and ultimately live a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life. Harold shares...
Published 06/26/23
Can you imagine a world where everyone practices Metta, cultivating unconditional love, kindness, and goodwill towards themselves and others? Join us on this enlightening journey with Zaw Maw, a Buddhist practitioner, as we dive deep into the concept of Metta and its profound impact on our lives. From its roots in Pali and Burmese languages to its powerful effect on shifting our focus from negativity to love, Zaw guides us through Metta's mental, physical, and verbal aspects, sharing a...
Published 06/19/23
Have you ever wondered about the journey of becoming a Buddhist monk and its impact on one's life? Join us as we uncover the experience of our co-host, Zaw Maw, and the valuable tools he gained through his monkhood journey in Myanmar as an adolescent. We'll share these tools and insights with you and show how exploring past experiences can help us better understand our present selves. In this episode, we dive into a Buddhist monk's daily life, from the monastery's structure to the practice...
Published 06/12/23
What if you could unlock the power of healing and self-discovery through a unique relationship with one of nature's most majestic creatures? That's exactly what we reveal in this conversation with Courtney Jones, an experienced mental health and trauma-informed therapist who passionately advocates for the incredible benefits of equine therapy. Together, we delve into the world of equine therapy, unearthing the profound connection between these sensitive animals and individuals who have...
Published 06/05/23