Published 09/03/24
Welcome to Episode 3 of Series 2 of the Adult Acne Podcast! I'm your host, Leigh Brandon, and in today's episode, we're diving deep into a critical yet often overlooked aspect of skin health—the gut microbiome. I'll be explaining why the gut microbiome plays such a pivotal role in acne and overall skin health, and I'll share practical tips on how you can optimize your gut to achieve and maintain clear skin for life. This episode originally aired on my other podcast, The Radical Health Rebel,...
Published 09/03/24
Welcome to the latest episode! I'm excited to dive into answering your burning questions on a range of issues, from hormonal acne and dermatology insights to choosing the right professional to help you on your skincare journey. I'll tackle the tough subjects like cystic chest and back acne, effective strategies to stop breakouts, and the pros and cons of Accutane. Additionally, I'll discuss the impact of stopping oral contraception on your skin and how to manage those stubborn jawline and...
Published 08/06/24
Welcome to another episode of The Adult Acne Podcast, where we dive deep into topics that matter to you. Today, we're tackling a subject that's been widely debated both online and offline: acne. Is it a natural skin imperfection or an unacceptable flaw? This question has been brought to the forefront by numerous social media influencers who assert that acne is normal, beautiful, and not indicative of poor health. In this episode, inspired by these influencers, I will explore and critique...
Published 07/23/24
Welcome to another edition of the Adult Acne Podcast. In this episode, I thought I would share with you my favourite 3 acne self-help books to help you overcome your acne. As someone who suffered with severe acne for 18-years, I only wished there would have been such resources around to help me overcome my acne. These books are great, especially if you are on a budget and aren't able to afford to work with someone like myself.  So, the 3 books I am going to discuss today are: Unmasking Acne,...
Published 07/09/24
In this episode, I share with you why it is that you feel you have tried everything to overcome acne and yet, nothing has worked. I hear many people exasperated that they have tried so many things, spent so much money, invested so much time and their acne just isn't getting any better. Finally, you will find answers to your questions. Find out more about how Leigh helps people overcome acne: https://eliminateadultacne.com  Download the first 2 Chapters of Leigh...
Published 06/25/24
In this episode, I discuss the second part of the Acne Elimination Diet that I use to help people overcome acne and improve their health at the same time. I discuss food sensitivities, food sensitivity testing, acne causing foods, plus I’ll highlight what to replace them with. Find out more about how Leigh helps people overcome acne: https://eliminateadultacne.com  Download the first 2 Chapters of Leigh book: https://eliminateadultacne.com/free-chapters/ Social...
Published 06/11/24
In this episode, I discuss the first part of Acne Elimination Diet and in particular the importance of individualised eating, meal planning, grocery shopping, macronutrient ratios, food quality and supplementation for overcoming acne. Find out more about how Leigh helps people overcome acne: https://eliminateadultacne.com  Download the first 2 Chapters of Leigh book: https://eliminateadultacne.com/free-chapters/ Social...
Published 05/28/24
In this episode, I share with you a discussion I originally gave on The Radical Health Rebel podcast, where I explained how the skin's pH levels affect acne and what you can do to optimise your skin's pH. Find out more about how Leigh helps people overcome acne: https://eliminateadultacne.com  Download the first 2 Chapters of Leigh book: https://eliminateadultacne.com/free-chapters/ Social...
Published 05/14/24
In this episode I answer your acne questions on inflammatory acne foods, Spironolactone, Doxycycline, celery juice and Maca Root. Find out more about how Leigh helps people overcome acne: https://eliminateadultacne.com  Download the first 2 Chapters of Leigh book: https://eliminateadultacne.com/free-chapters/ Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/adultacnepod/ https://twitter.com/AdultAcnePod https://www.facebook.com/eliminateadultacne/
Published 04/30/24
In this episode, I explain the best method for cleansing your skin, including how not to clean your skin.I also explain why the medical community have such a poor record when it comes to helping people suffering with acne. Research: Leading Lobbying industries in the United States in 2022, by total lobbying spending(in million U.S. dollars). (2023). Statista. https://www.statista.com/statistics/257364/top-lobbying-industries-in-the-us/ Demasi, M. (2022, June 29). From FDHA to MHRA: are...
Published 04/16/24
In this episode,  I discuss the benefits that acne pharmaceutical treatments can bring. I also discuss the known and published side-effects of acne medications in an attempt to give you all the information you need to make an informed choice. The information in this episode will help you to make the best decision for you to overcome your acne for good and help prevent further chronic illnesses in the future.  Hear Leigh speak about how he helps people overcome...
Published 04/02/24
In this episode, I answer your acne questions:Face Washing Teenage Male Acne Acne & Birth Control Teenage Male Acne Again Birth Control & BacneHear Leigh speak about how he helps people overcome acne:https://skinwebinar.com  Download the first 2 Chapters of Leigh book:https://bit.ly/AcneFreeChapters Social Media:https://www.instagram.com/adultacnepod/https://twitter.com/AdultAcnePodhttps://www.facebook.com/eliminateadultacne/ 
Published 03/19/24
In this first episode, Leigh discusses his own acne journey, how he was prescibed medications and topical creams by his doctor which not only didn't work, but made his acne and his health worse.Leigh also discusses the psychological affects acne had on him and how that affected his quality of life as well as the financial cost of using products for 18-years that didn't work. Hear Leigh speak about how he helps people overcome acne:https://skinwebinar.com  Download the first 2 Chapters of...
Published 03/05/24
Embark on a transformative journey as Leigh Brandon shares his personal experience with severe acne and his struggle to find a permanent solution. After years of failed treatments and products, he discovered the underlying causes of acne and successfully eradicated them. By understanding the impact of hormones, food sensitivities, gut health, and toxins on the skin, Leigh helps others achieve long-term clear skin. With his guidance, many acne sufferers have regained their confidence and...
Published 02/13/24