In this episode of Affirmations for Black Girls Podcast, our Guest Host, Phoenyx, a Jersey-born visual artist and set designer, steps in to share her reflections and experiences as she navigates her mid-20s. Reflecting on her journey since turning 25, Phoenyx delves into the life changes that have shaped her current path, from career shifts to personal growth and evolving relationships. Join Phoenyx as she explores the importance of staying grounded and adaptable in the face of new...
Published 07/15/24
Published 07/15/24
Has anybody else been seeing a lot of marriages and babies on their timeline? In today’s episode our guest host Sabrina is sharing her journey when it comes to Black Love and the importance of self love first. Join us as we unpack some of the heaviness that comes with Black Love, Femininity for Black women, and the beauty of Black Love.  This week’s Affirmation is “I will attract the partner I deserve ” Key Takeaways: 1. In Order To Pour Love Into Others We Need To Pour Love Into...
Published 07/08/24
In this episode, our guest host, De'Sia, discusses the significance of nurturing a supportive community for mental health and the cultivation of sisterhood. De'Sia shares her journey and insights on building genuine, reciprocal relationships, emphasizing that not every woman will become a sister at first meet. She highlights the importance of allowing relationships to develop organically and gradually, rather than expecting instant connections. Through her personal experiences, De'Sia hopes...
Published 07/02/24
This summer, we are switching things up. Welcome to Summer Stories: Celebrating Our Narratives. In this episode, guest host Malaika “Laika” Williams opens up about her childhood experiences with love, from family, friends, and romantic interests. She shares insights into what effects each kind of love has on each other and reflects on the lessons she’s learned that helped her find the healthy relationship she has today. This week’s Affirmation is “ I am the love of my life.” Key...
Published 06/24/24
In this episode, guest host Yasmyne explores the importance of curating authentic relationships with women and understanding that not every woman will become your sister at first meet. Embracing the notion that cultivating relationships organically and gradually, rather than instantaneously, is key to building a long-lasting sisterhood. Yasmyne shares her personal journey of forming meaningful relationships in her early twenties post-undergrad, and how she finally reached a place where her...
Published 06/17/24
Are you considering reconnecting with a family member? Are you ready to finally give your inner child a voice in order to heal? This summer, we are switching things up. Welcome to Summer Stories: Celebrating Our Narratives. In this episode, guest host Karijah “KP” Pinkney takes us on her personal journey on how she made the decision to confront the past and allow space to reunite with a parent in adulthood.  This week’s Affirmation is “I choose to make space for people in my life,...
Published 06/10/24
In this episode, Tyra dives deep into the journey of prioritizing passions and finding purpose amidst a world of endless possibilities. Sharing her personal struggles of navigating a multitude of interests while striving to focus on what truly fills her up. Drawing inspiration from the Japanese concept of ikigai, she explores the importance of aligning passion, mission, vocation, and profession to discover one's true purpose. This week’s Affirmation is  “I trust my intuition to guide me...
Published 06/03/24
Breakups happen. And, they are important! They teach us about ourselves. They show us what we want and what we don’t want. They allow us to move away from what is NOT for us, and closer to what IS. They even show us the parts of ourselves we need to break up with. Today, Tyra plays the game “We’re Not Really Strangers, Break Up Edition” So, grab a journal and pen and write down these refectory questions and answer them along with her! Here are today’s questions: What has helped you heal from...
Published 05/29/24
In this episode, Tyra, dives deep into the powerful theme of "Choosing Happy." Drawing inspiration from her personal experiences, including her mother’s recent remarriage, she explores what it means to actively choose happiness in our everyday lives. Listen as Tyra shares practical steps on how to prioritize joy and make decisions that align with your well-being. From breaking old habits to embracing new opportunities, this episode offers insightful advice on navigating life's challenges...
Published 05/20/24
In this episode, Tyra opens up about her recent hiatus from the podcast, discussing the challenges of balancing responsibilities and navigating creative blocks. She shares insights into the pressures of podcasting as a solo creator and reflects on the need for self-care and authenticity.  This week’s Affirmation is “ I am allowing what is for me to flow into my life, and what is not for me to drift away.” SUMMER STORIES’ SERIES SUBMISSION LINK: https://forms.gle/QqYhTU9q71sGzEmTA  Wanna...
Published 05/15/24
In this episode, Tyra delves into the intricacies of managing schedules and finding balance in the chaos of daily life. From redefining daily routines to incorporating new activities and embracing the concept of rest as a divine gift, we encourage you to approach their schedules with intentionality and grace. This week’s Affirmation is “I make space for me.” Key Takeaways: Embracing Flexibility: By acknowledging the fluid nature of schedules and reframing routines as guidelines rather than...
Published 04/01/24
Let's throw it back with this Rewind episode: Tyra gets candid today! She opens up about how she’s feeling about getting older and how her life is different today than she thought it would have been when she was younger. Let's dive into some Age Related Pressure. This week’s Affirmation is “I honor where I am in my journey.” Hey! Have you heard of ClassPass? They’re giving an exclusive free trial (with 20 bonus credits!) only available to friends of...
Published 03/19/24
Ever felt like you're carrying around emotional baggage that's weighing you down? In today's Pep Talk Wednesday episode, Tyra dives deep into the concept of emotional baggage—what it is, why we don't need it, and how to get rid of it. It's time to let go of what no longer serves you and step into a future filled with joy, peace, and authenticity. Pep Talk Challenge: Your challenge this week is to identify one piece of emotional baggage you're ready to release and take steps towards letting...
Published 03/06/24
In today's episode of the Affirmations for Black Girls Podcast, join host Tyra The Creative as we embark on a journey of self-discovery and reflection. With March's theme of "A Soul Refresh," we're diving into emotional and mental spring cleaning by exploring our childhoods and embracing discomfort as a pathway to learning. Through thought-provoking questions, we'll gain a better understanding of our perspective and inner workings. This week’s Affirmation is “I am an open book, ready to...
Published 03/05/24
Unlearning old, played out beliefs is a good thing. If your “ways” no longer serve you, its time to retrain your brain to think of life in a new, fresh, and more forward thinking way! Today, Tyra is diving into some rules she USED to live by that she is now unlearning and she also shares what she has done mentally to categorize these played out “rules” as beliefs that no longer serve her! This week’s Affirmation is “Unlearning old habits and ways of being that no longer serve me gives way to...
Published 02/26/24
In today's episode, Tyra explores the profound question: "What is worth?" And, do we believe ourselves to be ‘Worthy’?  We discuss the importance of setting boundaries to uphold our worth and the transformative power of self-compassion through self-care practices. You are enough, just as you are, and that’s just that.  Pep Talk Challenge:  Think of one boundary you need to set to honor your worth. Write it down, and commit to it for a week, revisit it, change it up if necessary, and take...
Published 02/21/24
How do you find peace in the aftermath of a breakup? In today's episode, Tyra, along with special guest Noell Webber, dives deep into the intricate journey of navigating breakups. From forgiveness and self-care to setting boundaries and finding joy in healing, join us as we unpack the raw emotions and empowering insights that arise from heartache. Tune in for personal anecdotes, expert advice, and affirmations to guide you through the healing process. And remember, you are not alone. This...
Published 02/19/24
In today’s episode, Tyra is sharing some mindset shifts she has made around certain words. Because our definitions are everything. Even if a word is in the dictionary, it often has a different meaning from person to person. Sometimes an emotional difference and sometimes an intellectual difference. But, the important thing is to remember, you decide what words truly mean to you, and this simple mindset shift can be a game changer in your daily life. This week’s Affirmation is “Happiness is a...
Published 02/05/24
How are you navigating relationships these days? In today's episode, Tyra explores the art of building strong connections mindfully and the magic that happens when you take a beat. Join us in a thoughtful journey as we slow things down, taking a beat with the extraordinary Chrisette Michele, Grammy Award-Winning Recording Artist and host of the brand new podcast "Come Back Sis."  This week’s Affirmation is “ Everything unfolds as it should in God’s perfect timing.” Key Takeaways: Opting...
Published 01/29/24
How strong is your Self Worth? In today's episode, our host Tyra, breaks down the societal expectations that link success to productivity and shares powerful insights on reclaiming your self-worth beyond the corporate or societal checkboxes imposed on us. Share your ‘Worthwhile Moments’ using the hashtag #AFBGWorthwhileMoments   Resources Listen to the For Life’s Rainy Day Playlist  Wanna give therapy a try? Use BetterHelp: https://rebrand.ly/6ulm6zk  Try The Calm App...
Published 01/24/24
What do you remember about the fearless dreams of your childhood? In today's episode, our host Tyra takes us on a journey to rediscover the bold and limitless spirit of our inner child through the art of Dream Books. Join us as we explore the power of dreaming without boundaries and learn how to cultivate a vision that is truly bold, free, and limitless. This week’s Affirmation is “ I dream Boldly, freely, and limitlessly.” Key Takeaways: Revive Fearless Dreaming: Reignite the fearless...
Published 01/24/24
What do you like to do for fun? In this episode, Tyra invites you to explore the power of ‘Slow Living’. She delves into the mindset of slow living, emphasizing its profound impact on crafting a more meaningful and conscious lifestyle aligned with your values. As she reflects on her own journey, Tyra shares insights on achieving a healthy work-life balance and the joy that hobbies (& Side Quests) can bring into your life, especially during National Hobby Month (January). This week’s...
Published 01/15/24
Ever felt guilty for taking a break? In this episode, Tyra challenges the narrative around rest, highlighting its crucial role in well-being and productivity. Drawing from personal struggles and societal pressures, Tyra gets to the root of guilt and offers actionable steps to prioritize rest without compromising success. Tune in for a refreshing perspective on embracing rest as an essential component of a fulfilling life.   Resources Listen to the For Life’s Rainy Day Playlist  Wanna give...
Published 01/10/24
2024 marks the beginning of Season 3 of the Affirmations For Black Girls Podcast. Tyra shares her intention for the 2024 year. “To move boldly”. Boldly in her faith, boldly in her relationships, boldly in her career, boldly in her adventures.. all of it! We are coming for all that is ours in 2024 because we then messed up and found the audacity to live fervently. Watch out sis!  Subscribe to the pod so you don’t miss an upload.  Resources Listen to the⁠ For Life’s Rainy Day Playlist...
Published 01/05/24