Welcome back familia!! This week we discuss some changes that are being made in our lives and also on the show. We have a lot of new ideas brewing and we want to keep you guys in the loop as much as possible. We also discuss the new adult purchase Dali recently made that has all of us feeling like we've finally made it in life. It's funny how one basic Amazon buy as an adult can change our whole mood and outlook on life. It's the little things that mean the most sometimes.  Also, we are...
Published 05/10/22
Published 05/10/22
Welcome back familia! This week we dive deep into the topic of coparenting. The struggles, the patience needed, the communication. There are so many different aspects that come into play when two people decide not to be together but still have to come together to help raise a child. Unfortunately, coparenting has a bad reputation (for good reason), but the older we get, the more we have to learn to grow and make unwanted situations work to better our kids future.  Also, we are currently...
Published 04/26/22
Welcome back familia! It's your two favorite girls, Dali and JQ. This week we dive deep into the topic of parenting, but not just any type of parenting. We discuss the pros and cons of reverse parenting. Reverse parenting occurs when the normal parent-child roles are reversed. the The parent looks to the child for nurture, protection and affirmation, and the child, either consciously or unconsciously, sacrifices his or her needs to provide for the needs of the parent. During our grown folk...
Published 04/19/22
Welcome back familia to another episode! This week we dive deep into the conversation of social media and how easy it is to over share nowadays. It’s easy to find a community online and want to connect and share with others, but how much is too much? It can easily become difficult to find a balance between vulnerability and privacy, and a lot of us realize that after it’s too late. There is beauty in mystery but also in sharing. How can we find the balance between the two? For our grown...
Published 04/12/22
Welcome back AWAY family! This week we dive into the topic of celibacy. We've been hearing more and more of our single adult friends choosing to stay celibate and honestly, it doesn't seem like a bad idea.  We are grown now, and sometimes we have to force ourselves to make grown decisions on and what kind of energy we allow into our lives. Celibacy can be a healthy way to determine that for us. Even though this seems like a very difficult lifestyle to lead, it can be very rewarding. For most...
Published 04/05/22
Welcome back adult family! Thank you for joining us on another episode Are We Adulting Yet. This week we dive deep into marriage. However, this isn't your average marriage talk. Instead of discussing a relationship with another person, we decided to ask each other if we would marry ourselves. It's so easy to grow up and form relationships with others to see if they are marriage material. But do we ever ask ourselves if we would be a good person to marry? Do we believe we possess the...
Published 03/28/22
Welcome back AWAY family! This week we dive deep into a few different conversations. The main topic though is if we believe the world is getting better or worse. Or could it just be that because we are getting older, the more life we are experiencing and that is making it seem as if our surroundings are worsening.  Could the media play a role into our perspective of the way the world is? Throughout the episode, we also touch on deep interesting topics such as homelessness, drug addiction,...
Published 03/21/22
Welcome back fam! This week we dive deep into the topic of appearance and how important it is for us as adults to look good in our society. By now, it's pretty known that if you look good then you probably feel good (to an extent). However, it seems like the older we get the more we begin to, unknowingly, over obsess with our appearance. It becomes the forefront of our society and it's easy to get lost in trying to look good for other people. This is not to say that it's bad to want to...
Published 03/14/22
Welcome back fam! This week we dive deep into a topic that we're sure many of us have had to deal with. It seems like the older we get, the societal pressures of finding a mate, getting married, and having kids becomes greater and greater. Especially the having kids part. And if you're a women, the pressure is instantly doubled. The is instantly a stigma around adults who choose not to have kids. We are told we are allowed to make our own decisions when we become older, however, when it...
Published 02/28/22
Welcome back fam! This week we dive deep with a very special guest on a topic that, we believe, is not talked about enough. We have Jose,  host of the You Mean Now Podcast and our brother, join us to discuss the difficulties with men expressing their vulnerability in today's society. It seems like the older we get, the more closed off we become to our emotions. Why is it so difficult to become so exposed? Are women ready for men to be more vulnerable? Is society ready for it? It's...
Published 02/20/22
Welcome back to an all new episode! This week we dive deep into why adults love porn, sex, and being pleasured. It comes to no surprise that the the older we get, the more we begin to realize the massive influence sex has on our culture. With the rise and growth of the Internet we've also experienced a significant rise in the porn and sex work industry. Why is it such a succesful technique to use to grab our attention? Sex sells and we all grow up and become consumers to it, whether we...
Published 02/13/22
Welcome back fam! This week we dive deep into a topic that a lot of us are familiar with. Cheating within a relationship. Whether you have cheated or have been cheated on, we all grow up and realize that infidelity is a lot more common than we thought it was when we were younger. There is an extremely high percentage of us that find ourselves in these types of situations and it's difficult to accept at times. As children we were all, in some way, served this fantasy that relationships and...
Published 02/07/22
Welcome back, fam! This week we're talking all about technology. As millennials, we have been fortunate enough to really grow with technology and the boom of the internet, but we also experienced life before all of that. Because of this, we are considered to be a rare breed of adults, but how do we continue to grow and keep up with the rapid, fast-paced expansion of technology? It feels like the older we get, the easier it is to not accept or want change, however, is that a good choice to...
Published 01/30/22
We are back with an all new episode of Are We Adulting Yet! This week, we covered a topic that we're sure a lot of us adults face as we get older. Exploring our inner child is not only beneficial for the relationships we create with others, It's most beneficial for the relationship we have with ourselves. Our inner child is an expression of not just your child self, but your lived experience of all life stages. You may channel your inner child through play or by doing something you've...
Published 01/24/22
Welcome back everyone to another episode of Are We Adulting Yet! The show that discusses all of the adult obstacles, drama, and struggles we all face in our day to day lives. This week we start off with our Grown Folk Business. The segment where we vent about all of the adult tasks that have consumed our lives lately. We all need a moment to decompress and let it all out. We then came together to discuss the juicy story that we're sure has been flooding everybody's timeline. Drake and his...
Published 01/17/22
Welcome back everyone to another episode of Are We Adulting Yet! The learning to grow podcast that we all need to navigate life in our own way all while doing it alongside the ones we love. We're happy to announce that after a much needed break, we are finally back and bringing you more stories, tips, and laughs. This week we are playing a much needed game of catch up. We've been absent for a while and we want you guys to know why. A lot has happened! Adulting tip of the week: Sometimes we...
Published 01/10/22
Welcome back to a brand new episode of Are We Adulting Yet Podcast! If you don’t know,  your two favorite girls are switching it up! We are introducing series to the show. Each series will be based on a specific topic, and each episode within the series will be used to go a bit more in depth of that topic. We are excited to announce that our second season will be dedicated to culty adults! That’s right...CULTS! Each episode will be focused on a specific cult that we just have to talk...
Published 06/16/21
Welcome back to a brand new episode of Are We Adulting Yet Podcast! If you don’t know,  your two favorite girls are switching it up! We are introducing series to the show. Each series will be based on a specific topic, and each episode within the series will be used to go a bit more in depth of that topic. We are excited to announce that our second season will be dedicated to culty adults! That’s right...CULTS! Each episode will be focused on a specific cult that we just have to talk...
Published 05/24/21
Welcome back to a brand new episode of Are We Adulting Yet Podcast! If you don’t know,  your two favorite girls are switching it up! We are introducing series to the show. Each series will be based on a specific topic, and each episode within the series will be used to go a bit more in depth of that topic. We are excited to announce that our second season will be dedicated to culty adults! That’s right...CULTS! Each episode will be focused on a specific cult that we just have to talk...
Published 05/17/21
Welcome back to a brand new episode of Are We Adulting Yet Podcast! If you don’t know,  your two favorite girls are switching it up! We are introducing series to the show. Each series will be based on a specific topic, and each episode within the series will be used to go a bit more in depth of that topic. We are excited to announce that our second season will be dedicated to culty adults! That’s right...CULTS! Each episode will be focused on a specific cult that we just have to talk about....
Published 05/10/21
Welcome back to a brand new episode of Are We Adulting Yet Podcast! If you don’t know,  your two favorite girls are switching it up! We are introducing series to the show. Each series will be based on a specific topic, and each episode within the series will be used to go a bit more in depth of that topic. We are excited to announce that our first season will be dedicated to self care! Each episode will be focused on a specific form of self care and ways we can incorporate each form into our...
Published 04/26/21
Welcome back to a brand new episode of Are We Adulting Yet Podcast! If you don’t know,  your two favorite girls are switching it up! We are introducing series to the show. Each series will be based on a specific topic, and each episode within the series will be used to go a bit more in depth of that topic. We are excited to announce that our first season will be dedicated to self care! Each episode will be focused on a specific form of self care and ways we can incorporate each form into our...
Published 04/19/21
Welcome back to a brand new episode of Are We Adulting Yet Podcast! If you don’t know,  your two favorite girls are switching it up! We are introducing series to the show. Each series will be based on a specific topic, and each episode within the series...
Published 04/05/21