Welcome to the fifth and final part of the Screwtape Letters Series! In this episode, we cover Letter #23. This letter is where C.S. Lewis explains the concept of a “historical Jesus”. Join us as we break down what C.S. Lewis is talking about and then apply it to our current world. We explain what exactly we mean by “woke Catholicism”, how it is the “historical Jesus” of our times, why it is completely incompatible with Orthodox Christianity and why it is so dangerously deceptive.   The...
Published 06/08/21
Published 06/08/21
Today in Part Four of the Screwtape Letters we dive into Letters #22, 25, 27, and 29. The devil ultimately wants us to believe that we can’t trust God completely and that we must take things into our own hands and have something else to fall back on. This is the lie from the beginning of time. As we take a closer look at these four letters, we’ll uncover some of the practical ways the Devil tries to convince us of this lie and distract us from the true presence of God in our life. A few of...
Published 06/02/21
Today in Part Three of the Screwtape Letters we cover Letter #15. This letter is all about time and how we can touch eternity while staying in the confines of time. We gave this letter its own episode because it is foundational to understanding how the devil attempts to pull us away from God by distracting us from the present (where time touches eternity).   God is asking for our trust in his divine providence so we rely on Him alone in the present moment and as we will discuss in this...
Published 05/25/21
Today in Part Two the Screwtape Letters we dive into Letters #9, 12, and 13. These letters all discuss pleasure and how all pleasure has been created by God and is good in and of itself. All the devil can do is take what is already good and pervert it and he does this with pleasure to separate us from ourselves and from God.   We end with some practical ways to watch out for the devil’s tricks and a challenge to do something you enjoy for the simple sake of that activity. The only caveat is...
Published 05/19/21
Today we are SO excited to kick off our Screwtape Letters book series. In Part One, we dive into Letters #1, 4, and 6. These three letters all focus on how the demons desire to hide from us the part that is most like God: our will and intellect, in other words, our ability to discern and CHOSE between what is true and false, good and evil. We talk about how the devil tries to do this, how we can learn to recognize his tricks, and how we can best guard against his attacks.  // Next week we...
Published 05/11/21
“Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” - Matthew 7:13-14 Arise, Beloved invites you to join us in season three as we journey closer to Jesus on The Narrow Way. As Kateri and I prayed about which direction the Lord wanted to take Arise, Beloved in 2021, we knew that we were to continue to provide a place...
Published 04/27/21
On today’s episode we talk with Taylor Schrock, a high school special education teacher with a passion for her students, art, and the pro-life movement. Taylor shares with us the beautiful story of her unexpected teenage pregnancy and that path that led her to chose to place her son in an open adoption. Taylor talks to us all about the immense beauty in open adoptions as well as the difficulties that this sacrifice entailed. We end our conversation discussing how we can be a better pro-life...
Published 03/23/21
On today’s episode we talk with Marissa Ramsey and hear how she has learned to chose joy in the midst of the heavy cross of depression & anxiety. Marissa Ramsey is a special education teacher in New Orleans with a zeal for life and deep love for her job and her Catholic faith. She talks with us today about how she finds hope in the resurrection and how she has learned to trust that the Lord is still healing her even when it doesn’t look the way she wants it to. Ultimately it comes down to...
Published 02/23/21
What do Saints Anne and Joachim, Our Lady of La Leche and Creighton fertility all have to do with each other? They all play a beautiful role in Melissa and her husband’s journey with infertility and pregnancy.Today we welcome back Melissa Tablada, a marriage & family therapist, an NFP instructor, a soul core leader, and a first-time expectant mama. Melissa was first on our podcast in Season One, Episode Nine talking all about mental health, and today we have brought her on to share her...
Published 11/24/20
Today we are joined by Faith Mosher, an incredibly strong woman who has spent years battling an eating disorder and has learned to find God through it all along the way. Faith shares how her healing journey has been a roller coaster of ups and downs and how hard it has been to find God while in the midst of treatment. Faith also breaks down the dangerous misconception that all women who struggle with eating disorders look the same way and that someone must fall under a certain weight to have...
Published 11/10/20
This week we welcome Laura Tremblay, a Catholic Life Coach for young women and the founder of the Beloved Collective, to share her story with us on Arise, Beloved. Laura has had a deep love for a theology of the body and specifically, the role of women in the Church since she was young. After graduating from Franciscan University in 2018, Laura decided to pursue her love for Theology of the Body further by attending the International Theological Institute in Austria. While living in Austria,...
Published 10/27/20
In today’s episode, we welcome our first guest of season two! Annie is an amazing young woman who unexpectedly found herself pregnant earlier this year. Despite her fear and anger, Annie chose life and came onto our podcast today to share how God has used her baby boy to save her life and give her hope and purpose again. As well as listening to Annie’s beautiful story, we also talk with her about the practical side of being pro-life and we discuss how we can be better serve and love women who...
Published 10/13/20
In today’s episode, we continue with our “Stories in the Middle” series with listening to our founder, Mary Kate Anthony’s, journey of finding freedom and healing from sexual addiction. Mary Kate shares how she believes that when it comes to sexual sins and wounds, women need self-compassion and community more than anything else and that is only through starting to bring these issues to light that widespread healing can begin to take place. Resources Mary Kate mentions:“I Believe in Love” by...
Published 09/29/20
In today’s episode, we kick off our season two theme of “stories in the middle” with listening to our very own Kateri Leonard’s beautiful story of redemption, the power of Confession, and the continual process of healing. If you relate to Kateri’s story and want to reach out to her directly you can always send her a DM at her personal instagram @katericlaire or send us a DM @arisebelovedwm. Please leave us a rating and review on iTunes and be sure to share this with your friends and on social...
Published 09/15/20
Hello dear friends and welcome back to SEASON TWO!!! Kateri and I are so excited to get this season going and to see what the Lord is going to do over the next few months! While this introductory episode does not explicitly introduce the theme that the rest of the season will be following (we'll share more of that in Episode Two), we felt we couldn't start the podcast back up without addressing this issue that has been weighing heavily on our hearts for the past six months: the disheartening...
Published 09/01/20
In today’s episode we wrap up season one by going back to the root of our mission: to be a vulnerable, safe place where we can share the stories and hearts of our fellow sisters so all women know they are not alone or too far gone. Shame and isolation are two of the devil’s most dangerous weapons against women, and our desire is to knock that power out of the devil’s hand. We break down why it is necessary to experience healing with and through other people, and we each share some practical...
Published 06/30/20
In today’s episode, we interview Melissa Tablada, a marriage & family therapist, an NFP instructor, and a soul core leader. She helps us debunk some of the common myths surrounding therapy as well as address the stigma surrounding therapy. Melissa reminds us that mental health struggles are NOT a reflection of our spiritual health and that you can still be a saint and struggle with your mental health. In the second half of the podcast we talk about how to recognize the lies of the enemy...
Published 06/16/20
In honor of Pentecost, today’s podcast episode is all about the Holy Spirit. We interview Mary Dufresne who recently graduated from Ave Maria University with her masters in theology and we chat with her about her own personal experiences with the Holy Spirit as well as what it means that we entering a “New Pentecost”. We talk about how to learn to see the Holy Spirit all around us, how to live in the joyful expectancy that He does and will show up, and how to allow the Holy Spirit to...
Published 06/02/20
In this episode, we talk about what it looks like to stay rooted in the Lord, particularly in times of transition. We interview, Rebecca Zamora, who has been a missionary with St. Paul’s Outreach (SPO) for the past five years. Rebecca shares how she became open to missionary life and how she fell deeper in love with the Lord along the way. She also shares how she has found her roots in the Lord through the constant change of the past several years of her life. Books We Mention: You Are the...
Published 05/19/20
This week we decided to talk about all things Covid-19. We felt it was important to address the reality we are all currently living through and honestly share about the individual struggles we have experienced because of the coronavirus. But we also thought it was equally important (if not more) to share the unexpected blessings and graces that have come out of the past couple months because we do truly believe that God brings good out of everything. We ended our conversation by sharing...
Published 05/05/20
// Please help us welcome our third co-host: Kateri Leonard! Kateri was our sweet guest in the last episode and she will now be joining us for all future episodes! We are super stoked to have her with us and blown away by how God continues to build our team and bring us together. //In today's episode, we interview Michaela Rodgers, a Focus missionary with a heart on fire for our Lord and passion to serve Him. We hear all about how God gently called Michaela into a deeper relationship with Him...
Published 04/21/20
In today's interview, I talk to one of my dear friends from my time at Franciscan University, Kateri Leonard. Kateri is a southern lady, a social worker and an incredible woman of God. We talk about how she has come to view her job as her vocation and how working with the older generation has taught her to love more fully. We also talk all about self-care, what is it, how to implement it in a balanced and healthy way, and ultimately we talk about how we are called to embrace our humanity as...
Published 04/07/20
In today’s episode, we talk with stay-at-home mom and beach body coach, Elizabeth Aldrich, all about how we can honor our body through fitness, healthy and community. She shares how she has learned to have a balanced approach when it comes to fitness and taking care of her body. Elizabeth also shares about how her fitness journey has actually taught her to have a more child-like dependency on God and how her community of sisters hold her accountable to her fitness goals while also giving her...
Published 03/24/20
In today’s episode, we interview our very first guest: Clare McCallan. Clare is a spoken word poet and artist who is passionate about speaking truth into young people’s lives especially regarding the reality of sin and living in this broken world. She is not afraid to talk about hard topics and often uses her poetry to address chastity, alcohol, materialism, and all forms of brokenness. She is currently on her second poetry tour sharing her show titled “A Saturday Night Alone” at...
Published 03/10/20