Published 06/16/24
Published 10/02/23
Published 09/08/23
Published 04/08/23
The restoration of Davidic rule under Joash gets off to a strong start thanks to Judah’s high priest and regent, Jehoiada. But things go awry after Jehoiada’s death, leading to a deadly confrontation between Joash and Jehoiada’s son—the first prophet Zechariah. Ian and Caleb dive into controversy with an unapologetic discussion of Old Testament polygyny. They explore ancient supercentenarians, whether Jesus refers to Zechariah ben Jehoiada in Matthew, and Aram’s growing empire under Hazael....
Published 04/07/22
The ultimate Old Testament power couple, the priest-statesman Jehoiada and the princess Yehosheba, bring the Jehuide Revolution to Judah and deliver the finishing blow to the international Omride elite. Ian and Caleb discuss the founding of Carthage by a relative of Jezebel, the camel-riding queens regnant of Kedarite Arabia, and whether the First Temple may have been guarded by Homeric Anatolian mercenaries. Music by Kevin MacLeod.
Published 02/16/22
Israel’s sovereignty is formally surrendered as Jehu bows down before the Assyrian king Shalmaneser III—an event immortalized on the famous Black Obelisk. In Judah, the heroic princess Yehosheba rescues the last male heir of David from a second palace massacre by Athaliah.
Published 11/25/21
The dramatic Jehuide Revolution reaches its fulfillment as reactionary Yahwists uproot and replace the political and cultural structure of Israel. Contains spoilers for Fight Club. 
Published 09/21/21
In 841 BC, a single flask of oil set the entire Levant on fire. Ian and Caleb narrate the dramatic beginning of the Jehuide Revolution, reflect on Jezebel’s legacy, and discuss how old Jezebel was when she died.
Published 06/07/21
To pave the way for the downfall of the Omrides, Elisha triggers a coup in Damascus. Ian and Caleb do an in-depth examination of Hazael of Aram.
Published 04/24/21
Boxed in by a joint Hebrew counterattack, Mesha doubles down on the Moabite practice of human sacrifice. The Omride regime decays to its nadir as monotheistic revolution approaches.
Published 03/01/21
Through his miraculous personal ministry, the stern prophet Elisha prepared the way for the political agenda of the Sons of the Prophets. Also, Ian and Caleb break down the apologetic debate surrounding the infamous story of Elisha killing 42 young boys on the road to Bethel.
Published 12/20/20
During the brief reign of Ahaziah of Israel, the Moabites rebelled and launched a genocidal invasion of both Israel and Judah. Elijah condemns Ahaziah for his cosmopolitan polytheism, and Jehoshaphat is delivered by God from a Moabite-led coalition.
Published 11/01/20
In 852 BC, Micaiah brought his satirical brand of prophecy to Samaria, and Ahab was killed by the forces of Ben-hadad at the Battle of Ramoth-Gilead. His reign had been nothing if not consistent. Music by Kevin MacLeod.
Published 08/31/20
We dive into the Battle of Qarqar of 853 BC and discuss the major players arrayed on the Levantine side, including the Aramaeans, Israelites, Arabs, and Egyptians. We have a good laugh about the mental somersaults that some 19th century scholars used to dance around the Kurkh Monolith of Shalmaneser III—our principal source for the battle. Also, how did the Germanic-looking ancient Libyans end up in North Africa? Music by Kevin MacLeod.
Published 07/20/20
The Deir 'Alla Inscription, discovered in 1967, is a knockdown demonstration that the Pentateuch contains genuine historical information, preserved in significant detail for centuries before the Pentateuch was compiled.   Music by Kevin MacLeod.
Published 06/07/20
The Battle of Qarqar was fought between a Levant-Egypt alliance, including Ahab and Ben-Hadad, and the rising Assyrian Empire. To set the stage for the battle, we review the bloody conquests of Ashurnasirpal II and Shalmaneser III recorded on the Kurkh Monoliths. Music by Kevin MacLeod.
Published 05/17/20
Ian and Caleb break down National Geographic's excellent single-issue edition "Kings of the Bible." Music by Kevin MacLeod.
Published 04/05/20
Ian and Caleb discuss ground-breaking new archaeological evidence for the story of Naboth’s vineyard at Jezreel. Also, why is Jesus so fond of wine-making metaphors? They also review the archaeological and extrabiblical textual evidence for Ahab and the Omrides.
Published 03/22/20
Despite being given a spectacular victory by God, Ahab continues to model the opposite of godly manhood, demonstrating the contempt of the biblical authors for cowardice.
Published 03/01/20
What begins as an introduction to the wars of Ahab and Ben-hadad becomes a wide-ranging discussion of Christian pacifism, godly masculinity, and the biblical view of enmity. Music by Kevin MacLeod.
Published 01/19/20
Through the well-known contest on Mount Carmel, Elijah attempted to kickstart a reactionary monotheistic revolt against the Omride regime. Music by Kevin MacLeod.
Published 12/01/19
In which Ian and Caleb discuss Hillary Clinton’s recent reference to Ahab and Jezebel, and Caleb explains to Ian how to analyze Kanye West lyrics. Music by Kevin MacLeod.
Published 11/12/19
Who was the historical Elijah the Tishbite, and how do we know that the Bible reliably describes his ministry? Music by Kevin MacLeod.
Published 10/13/19