What if adapting to nature's unpredictability could redefine our sense of resilience and beauty? Kinship. Join Anna Borgman and I as we share this raw, visceral journey of blood and harvests to fire and culinary arts. We explore how embracing the honesty of natural forces can lead to a deeper appreciation for the unique trials and unparalleled beauty the land in and around us.Join our online community to discuss this episode with us and more!Anna also delves into the complex relationshi...
Published 09/16/24
Have you ever felt a profound sense of grief for "the environment" and wondered how this heart-sense may ties into our kinship and ancient stories? Join our online community to discuss these ideas! In this episode, Sophie Strand and I explore this complex interplay, highlighting how symbiosis and mutual aid have played pivotal roles in evolutionary advancements and how consuming food, metabolism, is an act of metamorphosis. From the intimate dance between plants and fungi that reshaped our wo...
Published 09/09/24
Published 09/09/24
What if the history you thought you knew was wrong? Like, actually and so very wrong... Join us for a powerful conversation with Taylor Keen, a Cherokee Nation citizen, carrier of the name, “Bison Mane” of the Earthen Bison Clan of the Omaha Tribe, The People Who Move Against the Current. He is the author of the book, "Rediscovering Turtle Island: A First People's Account of the Sacred Geography of America." Taylor brings to life the ancient creation myths of his people, indigenous cosmology,...
Published 09/02/24
What if humanity's quest to control nature has led us to a precipice of both technological triumph and ecological disaster? Join us on a journey from the ancient practices of foraging and controlled burning to the modern complexities of mechanized agriculture. We uncover how early agricultural methods created both stability and fragility, and how our evolving belief in dominating nature has woven itself into the fabric of modern society and historical texts.As we navigate the tangled web of m...
Published 08/26/24
Picture this: a serene waterfall cascading over rocks, a herd of buffalo roaming freely, and the profound beauty settling in the simple acts of giving without expectation. That's where Harmony begins our journey in this conversation, using these powerful symbols to set the stage for a deep exploration of connection, identity, and reciprocity. Join our online community here to discuss this episode with us and so much more!Harmony Cronin, our animalistic friend, shares her profound insights on ...
Published 08/19/24
If Earth asked you to stop forcing her to regenerate, would you? If you cows asked to be let go, would you? We often find that animism is fun to believe in. But it is hard to listen to. Join us as we recount our transformative journey to Lockhart, Texas, where Morgan and I led a sacred ecoliteracy course for 30 passionate participants. Through serene forest meditations and profound dialogues, we challenge the colonial mindset of "fixing" nature and advocate for a symbiotic relationship with o...
Published 08/13/24
How can the indigenous or pre-colonial worldview reshape our understanding of our world? How can it reconnect us as humans, as mammals once again? Is her power accessible to everyone? Should it be....?Join Unshod Today!In today's episode, we are joined by my dear friend and mentor, Wahinkpe Topa, or Four Arrows, navigating the intersections of indigenous wisdom, its non-binary worldview, and the transformative power of becoming fully human: a relation, a kin with nature and not her dominator....
Published 08/06/24
What if the tools and stories of our ancestors could teach us more about life and community than the latest tech gadget? Join us for an enriching conversation with Brian Kaller, a prolific writer and deep thinker, as he shares insights from his article "The World Made by Hand." We explore the time-honored significance of inherited tools, wisdom, and story and the dying art of hands-on creation in our disposable society. Brian takes us on a journey through his 20-year experience in rural Irela...
Published 07/30/24
Let's not get this confused. This episode is not about the colonizer becoming less colonizing. The dominator becoming less dominating. The "knower of everything" becoming more powerful. This is about humanity becoming human, together, but through the gift of those already human and already living. About some taking large steps, others small but important ones. In this episode, Chelita Kahutianui-o-te-Rangi Zainey, Māori Healer and my dear and joyous friend, shines a deep light into her ancien...
Published 07/22/24
Ever wondered how hunting and agriculture intersect? Explore this complex relationship with our guest, Mike Costello, a newly awakened hunter, entrepreneur, habitat restorer, wildlife and conservation advocate.We share our personal aspirations and the broader implications of living and relational food systems, offering a glimpse into the growing (and declining) interest in hunting and its ties to agriculture, ranching, and ecosystem health.Curious about the "hunter husbandman" concept? This e...
Published 07/16/24
What if the names matter? What if our acknowledgement of life's oneness matters? Matters to what? You may ask. Yes! But really, how?Cari takes us on a journey through The One Living System, a profoundly simply interconnectedness of life that emphasizes our connection and not our roles in Earth. We share personal stories about pets and the meaningful names they bear, as well as the idea of renaming within families to better reflect individual identities. These anecdotes weave a rich tapestry o...
Published 07/09/24
What if the drive for digital and agricultural perfection one and the same? What if the industrial complex, the "machine," is more than the technology that surrounds us but the technological identity working, slithering, oozing, its way out of us? In this episode, Joe and Daniel examine the complexities of recycling, sustainability, and regenerative agriculture. Hear our (Joe's!) candid reflections on the tension between immediate health concerns and the long-term environmental goals of the "...
Published 07/02/24
Welcome to Unshod (previously called Denusion)! This episode is a solocast with D. Firth Griffith on the nature of being, his paradigm shift away from "saving the world," why he wrote his latest book (Stagtine), and why all of this leads to the new name: Unshod. Conversate with us and become a member of our community for FREE! Join The Wildland Chronicles here!Buy the latest book, Stagtine, here!Stay tuned for some exciting episodes...
Published 06/28/24
In this episode, D. Firth Griffith and Manda Scott discuss the power of "dreaming the future" into being, of story, and the wonderful soul found when we simply inhabit the stories in and around us. Buy Stagtine, my latest book here!About Manda:Born in Scotland at 318ppm CO2, Manda Scott was once a veterinary surgeon and is now a novelist, smallholder, renegade economist and host of the Accidental Gods podcast. Best known for the Boudica: Dreaming series, she’s co-creator of the Thrutopia Mast...
Published 06/12/24
In this episode, D. Firth Griffith and Jeremy Dumphy discuss the misrepresentation of conventional agriculture and the reductionist and binary perspective of regenerative agriculture. They explore the impact of modern accessibility on agriculture and the lack of nuance in the regenerative movement. They also emphasize the importance of context, community, and balance, calling us homeward and not into globalism. The conversation explores the tension between balance and capitalism in the contex...
Published 06/06/24
In this episode, D. Firth Griffith and Jeremy Dumphy discuss the misrepresentation of conventional agriculture and the reductionist and binary perspective of regenerative agriculture. They explore the impact of modern accessibility on agriculture and the lack of nuance in the regenerative movement. They also emphasize the importance of context, community, and balance, calling us homeward and not into globalism. The conversation explores the tension between balance and capitalism in the contex...
Published 05/25/24
In this conversation, Dugald Hine of the Dark Mountain Project and A School Called HOME and the author of the book, At Work In The Ruins, discusses the limitations of science in addressing climate change and the need to question and reevaluate our understanding of the issue. He emphasizes the importance of embracing vernacular knowledge and ways of knowing, as well as living in hope and embracing the home, the community. Hine also explores the need for a new narrative that goes beyond the...
Published 01/26/24
In this conversation, Daniel Firth Griffith and Hadden Turner of Over The Field explores the themes of agrarianism, localism, and the challenges of dismantling the consumeristic system in the face of a climate emergency. We cover topics such as the refuge of authenticity, the concept of the machine, the tension between industrialism and agrarianism, the challenge of time and scale, the delusion of modernity and consumerism, resilience in the face of a climate emergency, and the need for...
Published 01/20/24
In this conversation, Rupert shares his journey of growing heritage grains and the importance of cross-pollination and adaptation in the field. He emphasizes the relationship between wheat fields and forests, highlighting the need for biodiversity and relationship. Rupert and Daniel also discuss the impact of capitalism on farming and the search for meaning in the face of challenges. They explore the connection between death and capitalism, and the need for emergence and relationship in...
Published 01/16/24
In this conversation, Daniel Firth Griffith and Rob Lewis discuss the climate crisis from a holistic and poetic perspective. They explore the role of poetry in understanding the climate crisis and the need for a shift in language and perspective. They also examine the influence of capitalism on climate science and solutions, as well as the importance of taking the time to address the crisis. The conversation highlights the complexity and unifying nature of the climate crisis and emphasizes...
Published 01/10/24
In this episode, Daniel Griffith and Rupert Dunn discuss the inspiration of peasant baking and wilding and the impact both of these paradigms have on their lives. They explore Rupert's background and journey, including his move to Lithuania with his family. The conversation delves into the tension between wild and agricultural food production and the importance of the alchemy and transformation, the basis of relationship and food. Daniel and Rupert also discuss the heart of the harvest and...
Published 01/07/24
In this episode: Hilda Labrada Gore of Holistic Hilda and The Wise Traditions Podcast. We discuss the importance of unity and diversity in agriculture and how curiosity and asking questions can lead to personal and professional growth. We also touch on the importance of dialogue and community, emphasizing the value of listening to different viewpoints and being open to learning from others. Alongside these larger conversation, we dive into the limitations of social media and the need for more...
Published 12/01/23
Join Clara and Daniel as they discuss the linguistics behinds the "regenerative agricultural" movement. When we say "regeneration," do we mean it as a verb or an adjective? Dive in with us as we explore the ridiculously potent ramifications of your answer. Join Denuding The illusion's Substack here!
Published 07/23/23
Join Clara and Daniel as they discuss all things holistic management and the role of roots to ground us in place. We also discuss the difference between inputs and community. That is, while resilient systems require the workings of community, they may not require external and consumable inputs. Maybe. Join Denuding The illusion's Substack here!
Published 06/16/23